The late and terminal Christian phases


The late and terminal Christian phases

William Y. Adams

(BAR international series, 1072 . Sudan Archaeological Research Society publication ; no. 9 . Meinarti ; 3)

Archaeopress : Available from Hadrian Books, 2002


Meinarti III

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



9 folded sheets in pocket

Includes bibliographical references (p. 125-126)



This is the keenly awaited third of a projected five volumes, presenting the results of excavations carried out at the Nubian site of Meinarti in 1963 and 1964. (Before its inundation, Meinarti was a low-lying alluvial island situated at the foot of the Second Nile Cataract, about 10km to the south of the town of The present volume carries the story forward through Late and Terminal Christian periods (Phases 5 and 6), and up to the final abandonment of the site around AD 1600. This accomplished series of reports is designed very much as a work of reference, and is consequently highly user-friendly, with each section presented as a self-contained study.

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  • BAR international series

    B.A.R. , Tempvs Reparatvm , John and Erica Hedges : Archaeopress : British Archaeological Reports , BAR

