The couple and family therapist's notebook : homework, handouts, and activities for use in marital and family therapy

    • Hertlein, Katherine A. Milewski
    • Viers, Dawn

The couple and family therapist's notebook : homework, handouts, and activities for use in marital and family therapy

[edited by] Katherine A. Milewski Hertlein, Dawn Viers, and associates

(Haworth practical practice in mental health)

Haworth Clinical Practice Press, c2005

  • : soft : alk. paper


Includes bibliographical references and index

  • The aesthetics of communication / Wan-Juo Cheng ... [et al.]
  • Money talks / Margaret Shapiro
  • How does your garden grow? / Lisa Jameyfield, Cezanne Elias, Lee Williams
  • The coming clean ritual / Jon L. Winek, Patricia A. Craven
  • Needful things: fostering communication in couples
  • Altering the abyss : externalizing negative interaction cycles
  • Negotiating couple boundaries : the metaphor of gardens
  • Creating rituals for couples coping with early pregnancy loss / R. Valorie Thomas
  • The four Cs of parenting / Lee Williams, Erin Cushing
  • Identifying family rules / Devon J. Palmanteer
  • "Jump, jump, king me" : the systemic Kvebaek technique / Katherine M. Hertlein
  • Beginning body dialogue: an introduction to physical acting techniques in family counseling / Kevin A. Harris, Paul W. Wilson II, Z. Vance Jackson
  • Communicating with children : feelings game / Shari Sias, Glenn W. Lambie
  • Name your true colors : a card game for engaging families in problem-solving processes / Marta M. Miranda, Pam Black
  • Royal flush / Katherine M. Hertlein
  • Put on a happy face / Dawn Viers
  • Speak softly and carry a big stick / Katherine M. Hertlein
  • Family stress balls / Dawn Viers
  • Up, up, and away in my beautiful balloon / Katherine M. Hertlein
  • Drawing the family system / Christina Dust
  • Family drawings with abused children : allowing room for expression / Lenore McWey
  • Chicken little reconstructed: trauma resiliency / Wendy Danto Ellis, Muriel McClellan
  • Parting is such sweet sorrow : the good-bye book / Katherine M. Hertlein
  • The pen is mightier than the sword : writing to combat adolescent silence in family therapy / Katherine M. Hertlein, Liddy B. Hope
  • Communicating with teens : movie exchange / Glenn W. Lambie, Shari Sias
  • The "puppet reflecting team" technique / Darryl R. Haslam
  • "Eyes on the prize" : incorporating cultural knowledge into goal development for the African-American family with a child with serious emotional disturbance / Nicole Lynn Lee
  • Toward a culturally and spiritually consonant treatment of native Hawaiians :
  • An integration of family therapy and ho'oponopono / Bill Forisha, Carol Wright, Margaret Tucker
  • The healing journey : celebrating the past and envisioning the future / Chunhong Zhang, Abigail Tolhurst Christiansen
  • If you work with families, get to school : family based school interventions / Laurie L.Williamson
  • Loss of a client to suicide : suggestions for before and after a client suicide / Charles F. Vorkoper, Judy Meade


Get a sneak peek at clinical vignettes that demonstrate the power of creative interventions! Couples and families present unique challenges in therapy, and other books rarely illustrate the effectiveness of particular types of interventions on actual cases. The Couple and Family Therapist's Notebook provides clinicians with a wide range of practical field-tested therapy activities and homework that are solidly grounded to each intervention's theoretical underpinning, then explores their effectiveness by briefly relating real-life cases. Continuing The Haworth Press Therapist's Notebook series, respected experts detail how to perform several creative interventions and then follow with insightful clinical vignettes to illustrate under what specific circumstances each particular approach is effective. Each chapter of The Couple and Family Therapist's Notebook: Homework, Handouts, and Activities for Use in Marital and Family Therapy has an objective statement to orient the reader to the homework, handout, or activity, followed by a rationale. Instructions explain how to perform the activity, followed by clinical case vignette, a section of contraindications, and a list of useful resources for both the practitioner and the client. Illustrations and appendixes also provide helpful guides for the therapist. The Couple and Family Therapist's Notebook: Homework, Handouts, and Activities for Use in Marital and Family Therapy gives you the tools for approaches such as: emotionally focused therapy symbolic-experiential therapy transgenerational theory solution-focused therapy experiential therapy and many others And some of the intervention techniques that are illustrated: the Metaphor of Gardens the Coming Clean Ritual creating rituals for couples coping with early pregnancy loss the Four C's of Parenting identifying family rules the Systemic Kvebaek Technique physical acting techniques the Feelings Game writing to combat adolescent silence in family therapy Family Stress Balls the Goodbye Book the Puppet Reflecting Team Technique family-based school interventions and many more The Couple and Family Therapist's Notebook: Homework, Handouts, and Activities for Use in Marital and Family Therapy provides invaluable insight and vital clinical tools for creative couple and family intervention, perfect for adaptation by counselors, psychotherapists, practitioners in private practice, school systems, hospitals, government settings, homeless shelters, and not-for-profit agencies and counseling centers.


Section I: Interventions for CouplesCheng, Buckman, The Aesthetics of Communication. Murphy, Needful Things: Fostering Communication in Couples. Brimhall, Gardner,Altering the Abyss: Externalizing Negative Interaction Cycles. Shapiro,Money Talks. Jameyfield, Elias, How Does Your Garden Grow? Williams, Negotiating Couple Boundaries: The Metaphor of Gardens. Winek, Craven, The Coming-Clean Ritual. Thomas, Creating Rituals for Couples Coping with Early Pregnancy Loss. Section II: Interventions for Families.Williams, Cushing, The Four Cs of Parenting. Palmanteer, Identifying Family Rules. Hertlein, "Jump, Jump, King Me": The Systemic Kvebaek Technique. Harris, Wilson, Jackson, Beginning Body Dialogue: An Introduction to Physical Acting Techniques in Family Counseling. Sias, Lambie, Communicating with Children: Feelings Game. Miranda, Black, Name Your True Colors: A Card Game for Engaging Families in Problem-Solving Processes. Hertlein, Royal Flush. Viers, Put on a Happy Face. Hertlein, Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick. Viers, Family Stress Balls. Hertlein, Up, Up, and Away in My Beautiful Balloon. Dust, Drawing the Family System. McWey, Family Drawings with Abused Children: Allowing Room for Expression. Ellis, McClellan, Chicken Little Reconstructed: Trauma Resiliency. Hertlein, Parting Is Such Sweet Sorrow: The Good-Bye Book. Hertlein, Hope, The Pen Is Mightier Than the Sword: Writing to Combat Adolescent Silence in Family Therapy. Lambie, Sias, Communicating with Teens: Movie Exchange. Haslam, The "Puppet Reflecting Team" Technique. Lee, "Eyes on the Prize": Incorporating Cultural Knowledge into Goal Development for the African-American Family with a Child with Serious Emotional Disturbance. Forisha, Wright, Tucker, Toward a Culturally and Spiritually Consonant Treatment of Native Hawaiians: An Integration of Family Therapy and Ho'oponopono. Section III: Interventions Including Larger Systems. Zhang, Christiansen, The Healing Journey: Celebrating the Past and Envisioning the Future. Williamson, If You Work with Families, Get to School! Family-Based School Interventions. Vorkoper, Meade, Loss of a Client to Suicide: Suggestions for Before and After a Client Suicide.

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