Psychology is social : readings and conversations in social psychology


Psychology is social : readings and conversations in social psychology

[edited by] Edward Krupat

Longman, c1999

4th ed


Includes bibliographies and index



This anthology exposes students to readings by authors who embrace a variety of perspectives in the field of social psychology. It is also unique in that it contains interviews with each of the authors of the readings.


Introduction: Social Psychology as a Perspective on Behavior. I. SOCIAL COGNITION: MAKING SENSE OF THE WORLD. A CONVERSATION WITH SUSAN FISKE, University of Massachusetts/Amherst. Social Cognition: Introduction, Susan Fiske and Shelley Taylor. On Cognitive Busyness: When Person Perceivers Meet Persons Perceived, Daniel Gilbert, Brett Pelham, and Douglass Krull. Can We All be Better Than Average?, David Myers and Jack Ridl. II. THE SELF: WHO AM I? A CONVERSATION WITH JENNIFER CROCKER, State University at Buffalo. Embracing the Bitter "Truth": Negative Self-Concepts and Marital Commitment, William B. Swann, Jr., J. Gregory Hixon, and Chris De La Ronde. Race and the Schooling of Black Americans, Claude M. Steele. William James, the Self, and the Selective Industry of the Mind, Jerry Suis and Christine Marco. To BIRG or to CORF, That is the Question, David Gelman. III. SOCIAL INFLUENCE: FOLLOWING AND RESISTING. A CONVERSATION WITH ROBERT CIALDINI, Arizona State University. If Hitler Asked You to Electrocute a Stranger, Would You? Philip Meyer. Social Proof: Monkey Me, Monkey Do, Robert Cialdini. The Role of Source Legitimacy in Sequential Request Strategies of Compliance, Michael E. Patch. IV. ATTITUDES: FEEDING, BELIEVING, AND BEHAVING. A CONVERSATION WITH RICHARD PETTY, Ohio State University. The Fear Appeal, Anthony Pratkanis and Elliot Aronson. Attitudes and Opinion, Stuart Oskamp. Central and Peripheral Routes and Advertising Effectiveness: The Moderating of Role Involvement, Richard E. Petty, John Cacioppo, and Davis Schumann. Cognitive Dissonance Theory Alive and Well, Tori DeAngeleis. V. GROUPS: WORKING WITH OTHERS. A CONVERSATION WITH JAMES DAVIS, University of Illinois at Champagne/Urbana. The Question of Quality Circles, Mitchell Lee Marks. The Role of Evaluation in Eliminating Social Loafing, Stephen G. Harkins and Jeffrey M. Jackson. Group Decision Fiascoes Continue: Space Shuttle Challenger and Revised Group Think Framework, Gregory Moorhead, Richard Ference, and Chris P. Neck. VI. ATTRACTION: LIKING AND LOVING OTHERS. A CONVERSATION WITH ELLEN BERSCHEID, University of Minnesota. Impact of Couple Patterns of Problem Solving on Distress and Work Stress in Dating Relationships, Caryl E. Rusbutt, Dennis J. Johnson, and Gregory D. Morrow. Near and Dear: Friendship and Love Compared, Keith E. Davis. "Playing Hard to Get": Understanding an Elusive Phenomenon, Elaine (Walster) Hatfield, G. William Walster, Jane Piliavin, and Lynn Schmidt. VII. HELPING: WHETHER AND WHEN TO OFFER AID. A CONVERSATION WITH DANIEL BATSON, University of Kansas. When Bystanders Just Stand By, R. Lance Shotland. The Altruistic Personality: Concern Into Action, Samuel P. Olivier and Pearl Olivier. Effect of Feeling Good on Helping: Cookies and Kindness, Alice M. Isen and Paula F. Levin. VIII. AGGRESSION: THE NATURE AND SOURCES OF HARM. A CONVERSATION WITH EDWARD DONNERSTEIN, University of California at Santa Barbara. Temper and Temperature on the Diamond: The Heat-Aggression Relationship in Major League Baseball, Alan S. Reifman, Richard P. Larrick, and Stephen Fein. The Question of Pornography, Edward I. Donnerstein and Daniel G. Linz. Interventions to Mitigate the Psychological Effects of Media Violence on Aggressive Behavior, Leonard. IX. STEREOTYPES AND PREJUDICE: DEVALUING OTHERS. A CONVERSATION WITH PATRICIA DEVINE, University of Wisconsin at Madison. The Devaluation of Women's Competence, Bernice Lott. The Nature of Prejudice: What is the Problem?, Gordon Allport. Prejudice With and Without Compunction, Patricia Devine, Margo Monteith, Julia Zuwerink, and Andrew Elliot. X. APPLIED SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY: HEALTH AND THE LAW. A CONVERSATION WITH ANDREW BAUM, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. Psychological Research and the Prevention, Etiology, and Treatment of AIDS, Andrew Baum and Sarah E. A. Nesselhof. The Patient-Practitioner Relationship, Larry C. Bernard and Edward Krupat. The American Jury on Trial: Inside the Jury Room, Saul M. Kassin and Lawrence S. Wrightsman. Reconstruction of Automobile Destruction: An Example of the Interaction Between Language and Memory, Elizabeth Loftus and John Palmer.

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