Pastoral care in late Anglo-Saxon England


    • Pestell, Tim


Pastoral care in late Anglo-Saxon England

edited by Francesca Tinti

(Anglo-Saxon studies, 6)

Boydell Press, 2005

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references and index

Summary: "The role of pastoral care reconsidered in the context of major changes within the Anglo-Saxon church"--Provided by publisher

HTTP:URL= Information=Table of contents



The role of pastoral care reconsidered in the context of major changes within the Anglo-Saxon church. The tenth and eleventh centuries saw a number of very significant developments in the history of the English Church, perhaps the most important being the proliferation of local churches, which were to be the basis of the modern parochial system. Using evidence from homilies, canon law, saints' lives, and liturgical and penitential sources, the articles collected in this volume focus on the ways in which such developments were reflected in pastoral care, considering what it consisted of at this time, how it was provided and by whom. Starting with an investigation of the secular clergy, their recruitment and patronage, the papers move on to examine a variety of aspects of late Anglo-Saxon pastoral care, including church due payments, preaching, baptism, penance, confession, visitation of the sick and archaeological evidence of burial practice. Special attention is paid to the few surviving manuscripts which are likely to have been used in the field and the evidence they provide for the context, the actions and the verbal exchanges which characterised pastoral provisions.


Introduction - Francesca Tinti The clergy in English dioceses c.900-c.1066 - Julia Barrow The `costs' of pastoral care: church dues in late Anglo-Saxon England - Francesca Tinti AElfric in Dorset and the landscape of pastoral care - Jonathan Wilcox Is there any evidence for the liturgy of parish churches in late Anglo-Saxon England? The Red Book of Darley and the Status of Old EnglishEnglish - Helen Gittos Remedies for `great transgressions': penance and excommunication in late Anglo-Saxon England - Sarah Hamilton The pastoral contract in late Anglo-Saxon England: priest and parishoner in Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Laud Miscellaneous 482 - Caring for the dead in late Anglo-Saxon England [with Jo Buckberry] - Dawn M. Hadley Caring for the dead in late Anglo-Saxon England [with Dawn M Hadley] - Jo Buckberry

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