Public policy and law in Russia : in search of a unified legal and political space : essays in honor of Donald D. Barry


Public policy and law in Russia : in search of a unified legal and political space : essays in honor of Donald D. Barry

edited by Robert Sharlet and Ferdinand Feldbrugge

(Law in Eastern Europe, no. 55)

M. Nijhoff, c2005


Includes bibliographical references and index



This work traces the attempt to complete the creation of a unified legal and political system in contemporary Russia. Multiple political and legal aspects of the problem are examined by both political scientists and legal scholars. The volume focuses on post-Soviet developments in Russia, especially during the Putin administration. The contributors' perspectives include constitutional law, judicial development, law reform, human rights, federalism, and international law. The collective study finds that much progress has been made toward the unification of political and legal space in Russia, although significant problems remain to be addressed in order for the process to continue to move forward.

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関連文献: 1件中  1-1を表示
  • Law in Eastern Europe

    A.W. Sijthoff , Distributors for the United States and Canada, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1958-

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