Dangerous encounters : genealogy & ethnography
Dangerous encounters : genealogy & ethnography
(Eruptions : new thinking across the disciplines, v. 17)
P. Lang, c2003
- : pbk
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全2件
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Includes bibliographical references
New York, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt/M., Oxford, Wien. Dangerous Encounters: Genealogy and Ethnography explores the methodological and theoretical relationships between the epistemology and practices of ethnographic research and the epistemology and practices of Michel Foucault's genealogical method. Using examples from a number of disciplines, researchers who have attempted the demanding interface between ethnography and genealogy discuss their methods and ontological assumptions and rehearse their doubts and problems. This collection provides a grounded and useful introduction for those who would follow this dangerous research path. Contents: Maria Tamboukou/Stephen J. Ball: Genealogy and Ethnography: Fruitful Encounters or Dangerous Liaisons? - Sue Middleton: Top of Their Class? On the Subject of 'Education' Doctorates - Erica McWilliam: Writing Up, Writing Down: Authenticity and Irony in Educational Research - Stephanie Brown: Desire in Ethnography: Discovering Meaning in the Social Sciences - Debra N. A. Hayes: Getting Rid of the Subject: A Technique for Understanding how Gendered Subjectivities Form and Function in Educational Discourses - Susan Peters/Lynn Fendler: Disability, Flanerie, and the Spectacle of Normalcy - Kari Dehli: 'Making' the Parent and the Researcher: Genealogy Meets Ethnography in Research on Contemporary School Reforms - Wayne Martino: Masculinities: The Implications and Uses of Foucauldian Analyses in Undertaking Ethnographic Investigations into Adolescent Boys' Lives at School - Erica Southgate: Liquid Handcuffs: A Tale of Power, Subjectivity, Risk, and the Drug Treatment Clinic - Maria Tamboukou: Genealogy/Ethnography: Finding the Rhythm.
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