
Anselm Kiefer : heaven and earth

organized by Michael Auping

Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, in association with Prestel, 2005

  • Prestel : Cloth


Heaven and earth

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 14



Catalogue of the exhibition held at the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Sept. 25, 2005-Jan. 8, 2006, and three other locations

Includes bibliographical references (p. 183-185)



A retrospective volume of Anselm Kiefer's work, this catalogue addresses the artist's entire career through the lens of one compelling theme. From his earliest sculptures to his recent highly textured paintings, Anselm Kiefer has woven themes of heaven and earth into his work, exploring the polarities of these ideas while struggling to define the transcendent quality that places art squarely in between. Destruction and rebirth, glory and shame, sin and redemption all figure prominently in Kiefer's often controversial depictions of Germany's physical and cultural landscape. This catalogue of more than sixty reproductions includes Kiefer's first work, "Heaven", as well as numerous other rare early works. It features brand new, previously unpublished watercolours produced specifically for the publication as well as an interview with the artist.

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