Indigenous peoples, ethnic groups, and the state

Bibliographic Information

Indigenous peoples, ethnic groups, and the state

David Maybury-Lewis

(Cultural survival studies in ethnicity and change)

Allyn and Bacon, c2002

2nd ed

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Bibliography: p. 137-142

Includes index

Description and Table of Contents


Indigenous Peoples, Ethnic Groups, and the State provides a concise introduction to the process of modernization and its effect on tribalism and ethnic parochialism. Part of the Cultural Survival Studies in Ethnicity and Change series, this text focuses on key issues affecting indigenous and ethnic groups worldwide. Ethnic conflicts proliferate throughout the world as indigenous peoples are becoming increasingly vocal in demanding their rights, including the right to be different. Readers are invited to reexamine their ideas about the state, the role of ethnicity in it, and the peculiar situation of indigenous peoples, who are ethnic minorities alien to the states in which they live.

Table of Contents

1. Indigenous Peoples. Genocide in the Americas. Indigenous Peoples: Subordinated and Marginalized. Imperialism and Evolutionary Theory. Ethnocide and Its Justifications. Ethnocide: The Counter-Arguments. India: Where Indigenous Is Scheduled. Southeast Asia and Indonesia: Indigenous Peoples and Ethnic Minorities. Africa and the Politics of Tribalism. Conclusion. 2. Ethnic Groups. Uncertain Ethnicity. Large Multiethnic States. Ethnicity within the System. 3. Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing. Rwanda. The Former Yugoslavia. Conclusion. 4. The State. State and Nation. Ideal State and Real States. Ethnicity and the State Reconsidered. Tribalism as Marginality and Metaphor. 5. Different States, Different World. References.

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