
Advanced urologic surgery

edited by Rudolf Hohenfellner, John Fitzpatrick, Jack McAninch

Blackwell Pub., c2005

3rd ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10



Rev. ed. of: Innovations in urologic surgery, 1997

Includes bibliographical references

HTTP:URL=http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/ecip057/2005002630.html Information=Table of contents


  • The posterior lumbotomy / V. Pansadoro
  • Laparoscopic pyeloplasty / J.U. Stolzenburg
  • Double systems / M. Fisch, J. Leissner
  • Crossed pyelo-pyelostomy / R. Stein
  • Surgical therapy for retrocaval ureter / G. DÉlia
  • Extraperitoneal laparoscopic radical nephrectomy and nephro-ureterectomy / A. Hoznek, L. Salomon, C.C. Abbou
  • Laparoscopic transperitoneal radical nephrectomy and laparoscopic live donor nephrectomy / C. Varol, H. Lau
  • Lap. adrenalectomy / J.U. Stolzenburg/ Zacharias
  • Totally extraperitoneal endoscopic hernia repair (TEP) with synthetic mesh / J.U. Stolzenburg
  • Partial nephrectomy in cold ischemia / J. Steffens, U. Humke
  • Minimal access approach for cardiopulmonary bypass and circulatory arrest for renal cell carcinoma with IVC involvement / A. Sorcini, L. Svensson and J.A. Libertino
  • Reconstructive renovascular surgery / U. Humke, M. Ziegler
  • Horse shoe kidney / J. Fichtner, S.W. Melchior
  • Psoas hitch / M. Fisch
  • Megaureter / M. Fisch
  • Lich gregoir / M. Fisch
  • Surgical therapy of M. Ormond / M. Fisch, R. Wammack
  • Surgical correction of ureteral complications after kidney transplantation / A. Pycha, D. Latal, G. Managadze
  • Traumatic ureteral injuries / N.F. Alsikafi, S.P. Elliott, J.W. McAninch
  • Ureteral hernia / R. Homberg, A. Kollias
  • En bloc transurethral resection of bladder tumors : use and limits / M. Lodde, A. Pycha
  • Laparoscopic bladder diverticulectomy / V. Pansadoro
  • Abnormalities of the urachus / P.J. Bastian, P. Albers
  • Ureterocystoplasty / R. Stein
  • Sigma diverticulitis : bladder fistulas / M. Fisch
  • Millin retropubic prostatectomy / J.M. Fitzpatrick
  • Radical perineal prostatectomy / J. Fichtner, A. Pycha, W. Stackl
  • The use of "intraoperative methylene blue staining" (IMBS) in nerve sparing perineal radical prostatectomy / M. Lodde, A. Pycha
  • Endoscopic extraperitoneal radical prostatectomy (EERPE) / J.U. Stolzenburg
  • Laparascopic radical prostatectomy : technique / A.P. Steinberg, I.S. Gill
  • Anterior urethral repair and reconstruction of hypospadia cripples / F. Schreiter, Schönberger, M. Fisch
  • Organ sparing surgery of penile carcinoma / A. Bracka
  • Meshed unexpanded split thickness skin grafting for reconstruction of penile skin loss / P.C. Black, L.H. Engrav, H.B. Wessells
  • Epispadias repair : complete penile disassembly / M.E. Mitchell, P.C. Black, R.W. Grady
  • Penoscrotal transposition / S.V. Perovic
  • Autotransplantation of intraabdominal testis by microvascular technique / J. Zumbé ... et al.
  • Reconstruction of the bulbar and membranous urethra / F. Schreiter, B. Schönberger, R. Olianas
  • Two-stage meshgraft urethroplasty / F. Schreiter
  • Artificial sphinkter implantation / F. Schreiter
  • Burch colposuspension / U. Witzsch ... et al.
  • Fascial sling plasty for female urinary stress incontinence : I conventional sling : II laparoscopically assisted pubovaginal sling procedure [LAPS]
  • U. Witzsch ... et al.
  • Transvaginal tension-free sling operations for the treatment of female stress incontinence (TVS operations) / A. Fischer
  • Transopturator tension-free sling operations for the treatment of female stress incontinence (TOS operations) / A. Fischer
  • Urethrolysis for retention and obstruction after incontinence surgery / H.M. Scarpero, V.W. Nitti
  • Prolaps repair : I. anterior repair : II. posterior repair / A. Fischer
  • Laparoscopic colpopromontofixation / A. Mottrie ... et. al.
  • Diverticula of the female urethra : urethral reconstruction / J. Steffens ... et al.
  • Vesicovaginal fistulas : vaginal approach / R. Hohenfellner
  • Surgical strategy of urinary tract deviation in complicated cases (a case report) : conversion of a colon-conduit to a Mainz-pouch II with formation of a neovagina at the same / J. Leissner ... et al.
  • Surgical managament of the congenital adrenal hyperplasia syndrome / D. Filipas
  • Laterally extended endopelvic resection (LEER) / M. Höckel
  • Cutaneous ureterostomy / A. Pycha, M. Lodde
  • Continent catheterizable ileum-based reservoir / A. Macedo Jr., M. Srougi
  • Basic principles in large bowel surgery / R. Hohenfellner
  • Segment selection and large bowel anastomosis : the use of large bowel only in reconstructive urology, ureter implantation
  • The greater omentum
  • Bladder substitution with sigmoid segments ("the Mannheim experience") / M.S. Michel and P. Alken
  • Colon pouch (Mainz pouch III) / J. Leissner, M. Fisch, R. Hohenfellner
  • Sigma conduit / M. Fisch
  • Transverse conduit / M. Fisch, R. Hohenfellner
  • Uretersubstitution / M. Fichtner
  • Reconstruction of the umbilicus/cutaneous stoma / R. Stein, B. Bräutigam
  • Stomata in urology, continent stomata (complications) / M. Fisch
  • Complications of incontinent stomata in urology / A. Pycha, M. Lodde
  • Splenectomy for iatrogenic splenic injury / U. Humke, T. Lindenmeir, M. Ziegler
  • Mobilization of the liver / C.G. Stief, W.F.A. Hiller
  • Neuromodulation : laminektomie
  • P.M. Braun ... et al.
  • The "GMF" procedure for complex pelvic reconstruction in bladder exstrophy : The Giessen Mainz Frankfurt multidisciplinary approach / R. Stein ... et al.
  • Primary reconstruction of cloacal exstrophy / P.C. Black, R.W. Grady, M.E. Mitchell
  • Surgical treatment of prune belly syndrome / F.T. Denes
  • Anterior transanorectal approach for repair of urethro-vaginal fistula / J. Franc-Guimond, R. González
  • Secondary malignancies following intestinal urinary diversion / T. Kälble, M. Austen
  • Postoperative abdominal complications in urologic surgery / R. Tal
  • Surgical repair of large vessel injuries during retroperitoneal surgery / W. Schmiedt, M. Fisch, R. Wammack
  • Nerve injuries in urologic surgery / M. Eicke, R. Hohenfellner
  • The pelvic plexus : topographical considerations and clinical consequences / J. Leissner



Advanced Urologic Surgery is a stimulating operative atlas which includes the latest innovations, modifications, and improvements in the field, edited by a distinguished international team. The text is divided into sections; kidney and ureter bladder prostate external genitalia female urology urinary diversion special techniques It is further divided into sub-sections, each devoted to a specific urologic operative procedure, graded according to its standardisation and acceptance by the wider surgical community. The text is descriptive and is complimented by over 800 clear operative line illustrations providing a step-by-step approach. The end result is an exciting survey of the practical applications of the latest techniques. Joining Professor Hohenfellner as Editor is Professor John Fitzpatrick, one of the most prominent figures on the world urology scene and the editor of leading urology journal, BJU International. In addition to John Fitzpatrick, the book will feature Professor Jack McAninch from the USA as an editor. Jack McAninch based at San Francisco General Hospital, is one the true giants of American urology, current President of the Societe Internationale d'Urologie, and past President of the American Urological Association. All chapters include a list of key references explaining the practical application of the latest techniques in urologic surgery - essential reading for urologists in both practice and training.


Preface to Third Edition ix Preface to Second Edition xi Contributors xiii Section 1 Kidney and Ureter Part 1.1 Kidney and Upper Ureter 3 1 Posterior Lumbotomy 5 V. Pansadoro 2 Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty 9 J.-U. Stolzenburg 3 Division of the Horseshoe Kidney and Pyeloplasty 13 J. Fichtner and S.W.Melchior 4 Double Systems 16 M.Fisch and J. Leissner 5 Crossed Pyelopyelostomy 23 R. Stein 6 Surgical Therapy for Retrocaval Ureter 27 G.D'Elia 7 Extraperitoneal Laparoscopic Radical Nephrectomy and Nephroureterectomy 30 A.Hoznek, L. Salomon, and C.-C.Abbou 8 Laparoscopic Transperitoneal Radical Nephrectomy and Laparoscopic Live Donor Nephrectomy 37 C.Varol, H. Lau, and J.-U. Stolzenburg 9 Transperitoneal Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy 42 M.Zacharias, P. Fornara, and J.-U. Stolzenburg 10 Partial Nephrectomy in Cold Ischemia 48 J. Steffens and U.Humke 11 Minimal Access Approach for Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Circulatory Arrest for Renal Cell Carcinoma with IVC Involvement 53 J. Libertino, A. Sorcini, and L. Svensson 12 Reconstructive Renovascular Surgery 63 U.Humke and M. Ziegler Part 1.2 Mid and Lower Ureter 71 13 Psoas Hitch 73 M.Fisch 14 Megaureter Surgery 76 M.Fisch 15 Cross-Over Technique 82 M.Fisch 16 Lich-Gregoir Procedure 85 M.Fisch Part 1.3 Special Techniques 87 17 Surgical Therapy of Ormond's Disease 89 M.Fisch and R.Wammack 18 Surgical Correction ofUreteral Complications after Kidney Transplantation 93 A. Pycha,D. Latal, and L.Managadze 19 Surgical Treatment for Traumatic Ureteral Injury 101 N. F.Alsikafi, S. P. Elliott, and J.W.McAninch 20 Surgical Repair ofUreteral Hernia 109 R.Homberg and A.Kollias Section 2 Bladder 21 En Bloc Transuretheral Resection of Bladder Tumors 115 M.Lodde and A. Pycha 22 Laparoscopic Bladder Diverticulectomy 119 V. Pansadoro 23 Treatment of Abnormalities of the Urachus 122 P. J.Bastian and P. Albers 24 Ureterocystoplasty 128 R. Stein and R. Hohenfellner 25 Sigma Diverticulitis with Bladder Fistula: Sigma Resection and Resection of the Fistula 132 M.Fisch Section 3 Prostate 26 Millin Retropubic Prostatectomy 139 J.M.Fitzpatrick 27 Radical Perineal Prostatectomy 142 J. Fichtner and W. Stackl 28 Use of Intraoperative Methylene Blue Staining (IMBS) in Nerve-Sparing Perineal Radical Prostatectomy 156 M.Lodde and A. Pycha 29 Nerve-Sparing Endoscopic Extraperitoneal Radical Prostatectomy 158 J.-U. Stolzenburg 30 Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy Technique 167 A. P. Steinberg and I. S. Gill Section 4 Genitalia 31 Anterior Urethral Stricture Repair and Reconstruction of Hypospadia 175 F. Schreiter and B. Schoenberger 32 Organ-Sparing Surgery of Penile Carcinoma 186 A. Bracka 33 Meshed Unexpanded Split-Thickness Skin Grafting for the Reconstruction of Penile Skin Loss 190 P. C. Black, L. H. Engrav, and H.Wessells 34 Epispadias Repair:Complete Penile Disassembly 194 M.E. Mitchell, P. C. Black, and R.W.Grady 35 Penoscrotal Transposition 199 S.V. Perovic 36 Autotransplantation of Intra-abdominal Testis by Microvascular Techniques 212 J.Zumbe, R. A. Burger, M.Braun, and U. Engelmann Section 5 Urethra 37 Reconstruction of the Bulbar and Membranous Urethra 217 F. Schreiter, B. Schoenberger, and R. Olianas 38 Two-Stage Mesh Graft Urethroplasty 232 F. Schreiter 39 Artificial Urinary Sphincter: Bladder Neck Bulbar Membranous and Double Cuff Implantation 247 F. Schreiter Section 6 Female Urology Introduction 261 A. Fischer Part 6.1 Female Urinary Stress Incontinence 263 Introduction to the Surgical Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence 265 A. Fischer 40 Burch Colposuspension 275 U. H. Fr.Witzsch, R. A. Burger, S.C. Muller, and R.Hohenfellner 41 Fascial Sling Plasty for Female Urinary Stress Incontinence 279 U. H. Fr.Witzsch, R. A. Burger, S.C. Muller, M. Hoeckel, and R. Hohenfellner 42 Transvaginal Tension-Free Sling Operations for the Treatment of Female Stress Incontinence (TVS Operations) 284 A. Fischer 43 Transobturator Tension-Free Sling Operations for the Treatment of Female Stress Incontinence (TOS Operations) 291 A. Fischer 44 Urethrolysis for Retention and Obstruction after Incontinence Surgery 295 H.M. Scarpero and V.W. Nitti Part 6.2 Other Procedures in Female Urology 301 45 Prolapse Repair 303 A. Fischer 46 Laparoscopic Colpopromontofixation 319 A. Mottrie, P. Martens, R. Bollens, P. Dekuyper, Chr. Assenmacher, M. Fillet, R.Van Velthoven, and H. Nicolas 47 Diverticula of the Female Urethra:Urethral Reconstruction 323 J. Steffens, P. H. Langen, and R. Hohenfellner 48 Vesicovaginal Fistulas:Vaginal Approach 330 R. Hohenfellner 49 Urinary Diversion in Complicated Cases: Conversion of a Colon Conduit to a Mainz Pouch II with Simultaneous Formation of a Neovagina 334 J. Leissner, G. D'Elia, M. Fisch, and R. Hohenfellner 50 Surgical Management of the Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Syndrome338 D. Filipas Section 7 Radical Pelvic Surgery 51 Laterally Extended Endopelvic Resection 345 M. Hoeckel and R. Hohenfellner Section 8 Urinary Diversion 52 Uretero-Ureterocutaneostomy (Wrapped by Omentum)355 A. Pycha and M. Lodde 53 Continent Catheterizable Ileum-based Reservoir 360 A. Macedo Jr and E.M. Srougi Part 8.1 Use of the Large Bowel 365 54 Use of the Large Bowel in Urinary Tract Reconstruction 367 R. Hohenfellner, M. Fisch, and J. Leissner 55 Use of the Greater Omentum in Urinary Tract Reconstruction 376 R. Hohenfellner, M. Fisch, and J. Leissner 56 Bladder Substitution with Sigmoid Segments (the Mannheim Experience) 380 M.S. Michel and P. Alken 57 Colon Pouch (Mainz Pouch III) for Continent Urinary Diversion 384 J. Leissner, M. Fisch, and R.Hohenfellner 58 Sigma Conduit 388 M. Fisch 59 Transverse Conduit 392 M. Fisch and R. Hohenfellner 60 Ureter Substitution 399 J. Fichtner Part 8.2 Stomata in Urology 403 61 Reconstruction of the Umbilicus/Cutaneous Stoma405 R. Stein and B. Brautigam 62 Complications of Continent Stomata in Urology 409 M.Fisch 63 Complications of Incontinent Stomata in Urology 414 A. Pycha and M. Lodde Section 9 Special Techniques 64 Splenectomy for Iatrogenic Splenic Injury 423 U. Humke, T. Lindenmeir, and M. Ziegler 65 Mobilization of the Liver 429 C. G. Stief and W. F. A. Hiller 66 Surgical Repair of Large Vessel Injuries during Retroperitoneal Surgery 433 W. Schmiedt, M.Fisch, and R.Wammack 67 Chronic Sacral Neuromodulation 442 C. Seif, K.-P. Junemann, and P.-M. Braun 68 GMF Procedure for Complex Pelvic Reconstruction in Bladder Exstrophy: the Giessen-Mainz-Frankfurt Multidisciplinary Approach 446 R. Stein, T. H. Junger, F. Kerschbaumer, H.-P. Howaldt, and R. Hohenfellner 69 Primary Reconstruction of Cloacal Exstrophy 451 P. C. Black, R.W. Grady, and M. E. Mitchell 70 Surgical Treatment of Prune Belly Syndrome 458 F.T. Denes 71 Anterior Transanorectal Approach for the Repair of Urethrovaginal Fistulas 465 J. Franc-Guimond and R. Gonzalez 72 Totally Extraperitoneal Endoscopic Hernia Repair with Synthetic Mesh 474 J.-U. Stolzenburg Section 10 Miscellaneous 73 Secondary Malignancies following Intestinal Urinary Diversion 481 T. Kalble and M. Austen 74 Abdominal Compartment Syndrome:Urologic Aspects 484 Raanan Tal 75 Nerve Injuries in Urologic Surgery 488 M. Eicke, R. Hohenfellner, and J. Leissner 76 Pelvic Plexus:Topographical Considerations and Clinical Consequences 494 J. Leissner Index 501 Color plate section between pp. 112 and 113

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