Cities of the hot zone : a Southeast Asian adventure


    • Sheridan, Greg


Cities of the hot zone : a Southeast Asian adventure

Greg Sheridan

Allen & Unwin, 2003

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1




Greg Sheridan has loved Southeast Asia for a long time. But he had no idea of what he was letting himself in for when he decided to journey to the hidden depths of some of his favourite cities with his Malaysian-born wife Jessie and their three sons.From palaces to poverty, from high tech to high tradition, from mosque to market place, Greg Sheridan takes us on a kaleidoscopic journey through six dramatic and compelling cities - Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Hanoi, Saigon, Singapore and Hong Kong.In Jakarta he finds himself in a disconcerting conversation with a Borneo face mask. He attends the only communist life drawing class in Hanoi and spends an evening under the stars with a Cantonese movie star in Hong Kong's Disco Bay. He also shares intimate conversations with the region's big men - Dr Mahathir of Malaysia, Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew, Abdurrahman Wahid in Jakarta - finds himself the guest of a friendly, if extreme, Islamic fundamentalist and spends one chilling morning with the leader of a terrorist group in Jakarta. From radical feminists to young politicians on the make, Greg Sheridan shows us an Asia that is disturbing, charming, intriguing and always surprising.Told with wit, passion and humour Cities of the Hot Zone is a story about both the mysterious consolations of family and an enduring love of these incomparable cities.


Prologue ixKuala Lumpur: The Enigma of Arrival,or Someone Lost My Horse 1In Search of KL: The Days of Walking Dangerously 12Desperately Seeking Islamic Fundamentalists 33White Christmas in a Hot Climate 43Cecil Trelawney and the Deadly Durian 47Fellow Travelling with the Fundamentalists 55I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar: The Sisters Don' t Agree 68Terror Targets in the Golden Triangle 79Desperately Seeking Moderate Muslims 88The Manic Moderate: An Appointment with the Doctor 95Sadness, Children and Jihad 108Lunch, Breakfast and Dinner 113Long Blacks, Idola and Friends 118Singapore: Feeli' Funky in the Lion City 128Hano' s Ho, Miss Saigon and three Vietnams 163Getting Canto Kicks at the Hong Kong Flicks 209Jakarta is Not a Bit Insane 230The Heart Divided: KL and Sydney 257Thanks 260

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