Concise anthology of American literature



Concise anthology of American literature

George McMichael, James S. Leonard

Pearson Prentice Hall, c2006

6th ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Includes bibliographical references (p. 2278-2282) and index



For courses in American Literature that use a concise American Literature Anthology. Message: For nearly three decades, students and instructors have complemented their introductory American Literature studies with Anthology of American Literature, in both its two-volume and concise editions. Carefully selected works introduce readers to America's literary heritage, from the colonial times of William Bradford and Anne Bradstreet to the contemporary era of Saul Bellow and Toni Morrison. It provides a wealth of additional contextual information surrounding the readings as well as the authors themselves. An expanded chronological chart and interactive time line help readers associate literary works with historical, political, technological, and cultural developments. Other coverage includes a continued emphasis on cultural plurality, including the contributions to the American literary canon made by women and minority authors, and a reflection of the changing nature of the canon of American Literature. Story: This anthology, first published in 1974, has been successful based on five major principles: choosing selections primarily for their literary value, including as many complete works as possible, providing the very best available scholarly texts and annotating them fully, keeping headnotes and period introductions informative but short, and avoiding literary fads. While making these judgments, the editors recognized that anthologies must always adapt, meet the changing needs and interests of teachers and students. The decisions were not based solely on the editors' tastes, and they never have been. In preparing the first edition George McMichael gathered class syllabuses from over one hundred American literature teachers around the country, to see what was being taught. From that information he drew up a proposed table of contents and submitted it to the advisory editors and to the editor, who also discussed it with field representatives. That first TOC was dominated, as the results from the syllabuses suggested it should be, by authors whose works constitute the canon of American literature, Franklin, Jefferson, Emerson, Poe, Hawthorne, Melville, Thoreau, Whitman, Dickinson, and so on. The same process has been followed in subsequent editions, with additional information gained from surveys sent largely, but not solely, to those who use the anthology. So, the TOCs for the various editions have been a collective effort. They are not the product of the editors' prejudices or those of any other single person. That collective effort has produced an anthology that is not radical but centrist, as it was intended to be.


THE LITERATURE OF COLONIAL AMERICA. Christopher Columbus (1451-1506). Columbus's Letter Describing His First Voyage. FROM The Diario of Christopher Columbus's First Voyage to America: Thursday 11 October 1492. Sunday 14 October 1492. Captain John Smith (1580-1631). FROM The General History of Virginia The Third Book. Powhatan's Discourse of Peace and War. Native American Voices I. Myths and Tales. How the World Began. How the World Was Made. The Beginning of Summer and Winter. The Gift of the Sacred Pipe. Thunder, Dizzying Liquid, and Cups That Do Not Grow. William Bradford (1590-1657). FROM Of Plymouth Plantation. FROM Bradford on the Rise of Protestantism FROM Chapter III, Of Their Settling in Holland, and Their Manner of Living. . . FROM Chapter IV, Showing the Reasons and Causes of Their Removal. FROM Chapter VII, Of Their Departure from Leyden. . . FROM Chapter IX, Of Their Voyage. . . FROM Chapter X, Showing How They Sought Out a Place of Habitation. . FROM Chapter XI [The Mayflower Contract]. FROM Chapter XII [Narragansett Threat]. FROM Chapter XIV [Ending of the 'Common Course . . . ] FROM Chapter XXVIII [War with the Pequots]. FROM Chapter XXXVI [Winslow Abandons the Plymouth Colony]. John Winthrop (1588-1649). FROM The Journal of John Winthrop. The Bay Psalm Book (1640). FROM The Bay Psalm Book. The New EnglandPrimer (c. 1683). FROM The New England Primer. Anne Bradstreet (1612-1672). The Prologue. Contemplations. The Flesh and the Spirit. The Author to Her Book. Before the Birth of One of Her Children. To My Dear and Loving Husband. A Letter to Her Husband Absent Upon Public Employment In Reference to Her Children, 23 June, 1659 In Memory of My Dear Grandchild Elizabeth Bradstreet On My Dear Grandchild Simon Bradstreet. . . [On Deliverance] from Another Sore Fit. Upon the Burning of our House, July 10, 1666 As Weary Pilgrim. FROM Meditations Divine and Moral. Edward Taylor (c. 1642-1729). Prologue. FROM Preparatory Meditations. The Reflexion. Meditation 6 (First Series). Meditation 8 (First Series). Meditation 38 (First Series). Meditation 39 (First Series). Meditation 150 (Second Series). FROM God's Determinations. The Preface. The Joy of Church Fellowship Rightly Attended. Upon a Spider Catching a Fly. Huswifery. The Ebb and Flow. A Fig for Thee Oh! Death. Samuel Sewall (1652-1730). FROM The Diary of Samuel Sewall. Mary Rowlandson (c 1637-1711). FROM A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson. William Byrd II (1674-1744). FROM The Secret Diary of William Byrd of Westover, 1709-1712. Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758). Sarah Pierrepont. Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God. FROM Images or Shadows of Divine Things. THE LITERATURE OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790). FROM The Autobiography. Michel-Guillaume-Jean de Crevecoeur (1735-1813). FROM Letters from an American Farmer. Letter III (What Is an American?). Letter IX (Description of Charleston . . .). Thomas Paine (1737-1809). FROM Common Sense. FROM The American Crisis. Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826). The Declaration of Independence. FROM Notes on the State of Virginia. FROM Query V: Cascades. FROM Query VI: Productions Mineral, Vegetable and Animal. FROM Query XVII: Religion. FROM Query XVIII: Manners. FROM Query XIX: Manufactures. To James Madison. To John Adams. The Federalist (1787-1788). The Federalist No.10. The Federalist No.51. Phillis Wheatley (1754?-1784). On Virtue. To the University of Cambridge, in New England. On Being Brought from Africa to America. On Imagination. To S.M. A Young African Painter, On Seeing His Works. Recollection. To His Excellency General Washington. Philip Freneau (1752-1832). The Power of Fancy. The Hurricane. To Sir Toby. The Wild Honey Suckle. The Indian Burying Ground. On On the Universality and Other Attributes of the God of Nature. Hannah Webster Foster (1758-1840) FROM The Coquette, "Letters LXV-LXXIV [the seduction, decline, and death of Eliza Wharton]" William Bartram (1739-1823) FROM Travels through North and South Carolina. . . Native American Voices II. FROM A Son of the Forest. FROM Crashing Thunder. . . FROM Story of the Indian. FROM Pawnee Hero Stories. Legend of the Snake Order.... When the Coyote Married the Maiden. The Creation of the Horse. Poems. Orations. THE AGE OF ROMANTICICSM WashingtonIrving(1783-1859). FROM A History of New York, by Diedrich Knickerbocker. FROM The Sketch-Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. The Author's Account of Himself. Rip Van Winkle. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851). Preface to the Leather-Stocking Tales. FROM The Deerslayer. FROM The Pioneers. William Cullen Bryant (1794-1878). Thanatopsis. To a Waterfowl. To Cole, the Painter, Departing for Europe. To the Fringed Gentian. The Prairies. Abraham Lincoln. Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849). Sonnet-To Science. To Helen. The City in the Sea. Sonnet-Silence. Lenore. The Raven. Annabel Lee Ligeia. The Fall of the House of Usher. The Purloined Letter. FROM "Twice-Told Tales, by Nathaniel Hawthorne" [A Review]. The Philosophy of Composition. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882). Nature. The American Scholar. Self-Reliance. The Rhodora. Each and All. Concord Hymn. The Problem. Ode. Hamatreya. Give All to Love. Days. Brahma. Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864). Young Goodman Brown. The Minister's Black Veil. The Birth-Mark. Herman Melville (1819-1891). Bartleby, the Scrivener. Benito Cereno. The Paradise of Bachelors and the Tartarus of Maids. The Portent. Shiloh. Malvern Hill. The College Colonel. The AEolian Harp. The Tuft of Kelp. The Maldive Shark. The Berg. Art. Greek Architecture. Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862). Civil Disobedience. FROM Walden. Henry WadsworthLongfellow (1807-1882). A Psalm of Life. The Arsenal at Springfield. The Jewish Cemetery at Newport. My Lost Youth. Aftermath. The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls. James Russell Lowell (1819-1891). To the Dandelion. FROM The Biglow Papers, First Series. FROM A Fable for Critics. Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811-1896). FROM Uncle Tom's Cabin. Frederick Douglass (1817?-1895). FROM The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass. Harriet Ann Jacobs (1813-1897). FROM Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865). To Horace Greeley. Gettysburg Address. Second Inaugural Address. Walt Whitman (1819-1892). Preface to the 1855 Edition of Leaves of Grass. FROM Inscriptions. One's-Self I Sing. When I read the book. Song of Myself. FROM Children of Adam. Out of the rolling ocean the crowd. Once I pass'd through a populous city. Facing west from California's shores. FROM Calamus. In I saw in Louisiana a live-oak growing. I hear it was charged against me. Crossing Brooklyn Ferry. FROM Sea-Drift. Out of the cradle endlessly rocking. FROM By the Roadside. When I heard the learn'd astronomer. The Dalliance of the Eagles. FROM Drum-Taps. Beat! Beat! Drums! Cavalry Crossing a Ford. Bivouac on a Mountain Side. Vigil strange I kept on the field one night. A march in the ranks hard-prest, and the road unknown. A sight in camp in the daybreak gray and dim. The Wound-Dresser. FROM Memories of President Lincoln. When lilacs last in the dooryard bloom'd. FROM Autumn Rivulets. There was a child went forth. Passage to India. The Sleepers. FROM Whispers of Heavenly Death. A noiseless patient spider. FROM Noon to Starry Night. To a Locomotive in Winter. FROM Goody-Bye My Fancy. L. of G.'s Purport. Emily Dickinson (1830-1886). I never lost as much but twice. Success is counted sweetest. For each ecstatic instant. These are the days when Birds come back. A Wounded Deer-leaps highest. "Faith" is a fine invention. The thought beneath so slight a film. I taste a liquor never brewed. Safe in their Alabaster Chambers. I like a look of Agony. Wild Nights-Wild Nights! There's a certain Slant of light. I felt a Funeral, in my Brain. I reason, Earth is short The Soul selects her own Society. A Bird came down the Walk. I know that He exists. What Soft-Cherubic Creatures. Much Madness is divinest Sense. This is my letter to the World. I died for Beauty -but was scarce. I heard a Fly buzz-when I died. It was not Death, for I stood up. The Heart asks Pleasure First I like to see it lap the Miles. I cannot live with You. Pain-has an Element of Blank. One need not be a Chamber - to be Haunted. Essential Oils-are wrung Because I could not stop for Death. Presentiment - is that long Shadow- on the Lawn. Death is a Dialogue between. A narrow Fellow in the Grass. I never saw a Moor. The Bustle in a House. Tell He preached upon "Breadth" till it argued him narrow. A Route of Evanescence. Apparently with no surprise. My life closed twice before its close. To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee. THE AGE OF REALISM. Mark Twain (Samuael L. Clemens) (1835-1910). The Dandy Frightening the Squatter. The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County. Whittier Birthday Dinner Speech. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Mary E. Wilkins Freeman (1852-1930). A New England Nun. Bret Harte. Tennessee's Partner. Charles Waddell Chesnutt (1858-1932). The Goophered Grapevine. William Dean Howells (1837-1920). Editha Henry James (1843-1916). Daisy Miller: A Study. The Real Thing. Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914). An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge. Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860-1935). The Yellow Wall-Paper. Kate Chopin (1851-1904). Neg Creol. Stephen Crane (1871-1900). Black riders came from the sea. In the desert. A God in wrath. I saw a man pursuing the horizon. "Do not weep, maiden, for war is kind. A man said to the universe. A man adrift on a slim spar. The Open Boat. Frank Norris (1870-1902). A Deal in Wheat. Jack London (1876-1916). The Law of Life. Edith Wharton (1862-1937). The Other Two. Theodore Dreiser (1871-1945). The Lost Phoebe THE MODERNIST ERA (1900-1945) W.E.B. Du Bois (1868-1963). FROM The Souls of Black Folk. Edwin ArlingtonRobinson (1869-1935). Richard Cory. Cliff Klingenhagen. Miniver Cheevy. How Annandale Went Out. Eros Turannos. Mr. Flood's Party. Robert Frost (1874-1963). The Tuft of Flowers Mending Wall. Home Burial. The Black Cottage. After Apple-Picking. The Wood-Pile The Road Not Taken. An Old Man's Winter Night. Birches. The Oven Bird. For Once, Then, Something. Fire and Ice. Design. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening. Willa Cather (1873-1947). Paul's Case Gertrude Stein (1874-1946). FROM Three Lives. The Gentle Lena. Susie Asado. Picasso. Sherwood Anderson (1876-1941). I Want to Know Why John Dos Passos (1896-1970). FROM U.S.A. Preface. FROM The 42nd Parallel. Proteus. FROM 1919. Newsreel The XLIII.", The Body of an American. FROM The Big Money. Newsreel LXVI. The Camera Eye (50). Newsreel LXVIII" Vag. Eugene O'Neill (1888-1953). The Hairy Ape. Ezra Pound (1885-1972). Portrait d'une Femme. Salutation. A Pact. In a Station of the Metro. The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter. FROM Hugh Selwyn Mauberley. I E. P. Ode pour I'Election de son Sepulchre. II The age demanded an image. III The tea-rose tea-grown, etc.. IV These fought in any case. V There died a myriad. FROM The Cantos. I And then went down to the ship. II Hang it all, Robert Browning. XLV With Usura. LXXXI What thou lovest well remains. T. S. Eliot (1888-1965). The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. Preludes. Gerontion. The Waste Land. Notes on `The Waste Land'. Journey of the Magi. E. E. Cummings (1894-1962). [all in green my love went riding] [when god lets my body be] [in Just-] [O sweet spontaneous] [Buffalo Bill's defunct] [the Cambridge ladies who live in furnished souls] [Poem, or beauty hurts, Mr. Vinal] [my sweet old etcetera] [anyone lived in a pretty how town] Hart Crane (1899-1932). Black Tambourine Chaplinesque. At Melville's Tomb. Voyages. FROM The Bridge. To Brooklyn Bridge. Powhatan's Daughter. The Harbor Dawn. Van Winkle. The River. The Tunnel. Atlantis. Wallace Stevens (1879-1955). Peter Quince at the Clavier. Disillusionment of Ten O'Clock. Sunday Morning. Bantams in Pine-woods Anecdote of the Jar. To the One of Fictive Music. A High-Toned Old Christian Woman. The Emperor of Ice-Cream. Of Modern Poetry. No Possum, No Sop, No Taters. Final Soliloquy of the Interior Paramour. The Plain Sense of Things. William Carlos Williams (1883-1963). Con Brio. The Young Housewife. Pastoral. Tract. Danse Russe. Queen-Ann's-Lace. Spring and All. To Elsie. The Red Wheelbarrow. At the Ball Game. Between Walls. This Is Just to Say. The Yachts. These. Seafarer. Landscape with the Fall of Icarus." Marianne Moore (1887-1972). To a Steam Roller. The Fish. Poetry. No Swan So Fine. The Student. The Pangolin. The Mind Is an Enchanting Thing. In Distrust of Merits. Countee Cullen (1903-1946). Yet Do I Marvel. For a Lady I Know. Incident. From the Dark Tower. A Brown Girl Dead. Heritage. Jean Toomer (1894-1967). Blood-Burning Moon. Zora Neale Hurston (1891-1960). John Redding Goes to Sea Thomas Wolfe (1900-1938). Only the Dead Know Brooklyn. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940). Winter Dreams. Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961). The Killers William Faulkner (1897-1962). The Evening Sun Langston Hughes (1902-1967). The Negro Speaks of Rivers. The Weary Blues. Young Gal's Blues. I, Too. Note on Commercial Theatre. Dream Boogie. Harlem. Theme for English B. On the Road. John Steinbeck (1902-1968). Flight Katherine Anne Porter (1890-1980). Maria Concepcion POSTMODERN ERA (1945 TO PRESENT). Eudora Welty (1909-). Death of a Traveling Salesman. Richard Wright (1908-1960). FROM Eight Men. The Man Who Was Almost a Man. Ralph Ellison (1914-1994). FROM Invisible Man. "Chapter I." TennesseeWilliams (1911-1983). The Glass Menagerie. Theodore Roethke (1908-1963). Open House. Cuttings. Cuttings (Later). Root Cellar. My Papa's Waltz. I Knew a Woman. In a Dark Time. Elizabeth Bishop (1911-1979). A Miracle for Breakfast. Over 2,000 Illustrations and a Complete Concordance. Visits to St. Elizabeths. Sestina. Brazil, January 1, 1502. In the Waiting Room. Robert Lowell (1917-1977). The Quaker Graveyard in Nantucket. Mr. Edwards and the Spider. Memories of West Street and Lepke. Skunk Hour. For the Union Dead. Waking Early Sunday Morning. Will Not Come Back. Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997). Howl. A Supermarket in California. America. To Aunt Rose. Mugging Anne Sexton (1928-1974). The Farmer's Wife. Ringing the Bells. All My Pretty Ones. And One for My Dame. The Addict. Us. Rowing. Sylvia Plath (1932-1963). All the Dead Dears. Two Views of a Cadaver Room. The Bee Meeting. Lady Lazarus. Ariel. The Applicant. Daddy. Fever 103 Degrees James Dickey (1923-1997). The Lifeguard. Reincarnation (I). In the Mountain Tent. Cherrylog Road. The Shark's Parlor. W. S. Merwin (1927-). Grandfather in the Old Men's Home. The Drunk in the Furnace. Separation Noah's Raven. The Dry Stone Mason. Fly. Strawberries. Direction. Thanks. The Morning Train. Before the Flood Remembering Signs Youth of Animals To the Consolations of Philosophy Louise Gluck (1943-). Hesitate to Call. The Chicago Train. The Edge. My Neighbor in the Mirror. Thanksgiving. Mock Orange. The Reproach. Celestial Music. Vespers. Field Flowers. James Baldwin (1924-1987). Sonny's Blues. Flannery O'Connor (1925-1964). Good Country People. John Updike (1932-). Flight. Bernard Malamud (1914-1986). The Magic Barrel. Amiri Baraka (LeRoi Jones) (1934-). In Memory of Radio. The Bridge. Notes for a Speech. An Agony, As Now. A Poem for Democrats. A Poem for Speculative Hipsters. A Poem Some People Will Have to Understand. Poem for Half-White College Students. Biography. Sonia Sanchez (1934-). the final solution/ To blk/record/buyers. FROM right on: wite america 3. young/black/girl. womanhood. Masks. Just Don't Never Give Up on Love. June Jordan (1936-2002) FROM Things That I Do in the Dark. All the World Moved. In Memoriam: Martin Luther King, Jr. Meta-Rhetoric. FROM Naming Our Own Destiny. Poem about My Rights. Rita Dove (1952-). Adolescence - I. Adolescence - II. Adolescence - III. Banneker. Jiving. The Zeppelin Factory. Under the Viaduct, 1932. Roast Possum. Weathering Out. Daystar. Edward Albee (1928-). The Zoo Story. Saul Bellow (1915-). A Silver Dish. Kurt Vonnegut (1922-). Welcome to the Monkey House. Joyce Carol Oates (1938-). The Knife Alice Walker (1944-). Everyday Use. Amy Tan (1952-). FROM The Joy Luck Club. Half and Half. Donald Barthelme (1931-1989). The School. Bobbie Ann Mason (1940-). Shiloh. Gloria Naylor (1950-). FROM The Women of Brewster Place. Lucielia Louise Turner. Leslie Marmon Silko (1948-). The Man to Send Rain Clouds Coyote Holds a Full House in His Hand. Raymond Carver (1938-1988). Cathedral. Don DeLillo (1936-). FROM White Noise. Sandra Cisneros (1954-). FROM Woman Hollering Creek. Mericans. Louise Erdrich (1954-). FROM Love Medicine. The Red Convertible (1974). Tina Howe (1937-). Painting Churches. Toni Morrison (1931-). FROM Sula 1922. David Mamet (1947-) House of Games Judy Budnitz (1973-) Where We come from REFERENCE WORKS, BIBLIOGRAPHIES CRITICISM, LITERARY AND CULTURAL HISTORY ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS INDEX TO AUTHORS, TITLES AND FIRST LINES

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