The foundations of medieval English ecclesiastical history : studies presented to David Smith


The foundations of medieval English ecclesiastical history : studies presented to David Smith

edited by Philippa Hoskin, Christopher Brooke, Rarrie Dobson

(Studies in the history of medieval religion, v. 27)

Boydell, 2005

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 7



Includes bibliographical references (p. [211]-215) and index



Contributions on fundamental aspects of medieval ecclesiastical history, demonstrating the importance of primary documents. The work of historians in providing new editions of primary documents, and other aids to research, has tended to go largely unsung, yet is crucial to scholarship, as providing the very foundations on which further enquiry can be based. The essays in this volume, conversely, celebrate the achievements in this field by a whole generation of medievalists, of whom the honoree, David Smith, is one of the most distinguished. They demonstrate the importance of such editions to a proper understanding and elucidation of a number of problems in medieval ecclesiastical history, ranging from thirteenth-century forgery to diocesan administration, from the church courts to the cloisters, and from the English parish clergy to the papacy. Contributors: CHRISTOPHER BROOKE, C.C. WEBB, JULIA BARROW, NICHOLAS BENNETT, JANET BURTON, CHARLES FONGE, CHRISTOPHER HARPER-BILL, R.H. HELMHOLZ, PHILIPPA HOSKIN, BRIAN KEMP, F. DONALD LOGAN, ALISON MCHARDY


David Smith: the Scholar - Christopher N L Brooke `The archivist is not and ought not to be a historian.': David Smith and the Borthwick Institute - Christopher C Webb Why forge episcopal acta? Preliminary observations on the forged characters in the English Episcopal Acta series - Julia Barrow Pastors and Masters: The Beneficed Clergy of North-East Lincolnshire, 1290-1340 - Nicholas Bennett The Convent and the Community: cause papers as a source for monastic history - Janet Burton Patriarchy and Patrimony: investing in the Medieval College - Charles Fonge `Above all these Charity': the career of Walter Suffield, Bishop of Norwich, 1244-57 - Christopher Harper-Bill The Law of Charity and the English Ecclesiastical Courts - R.H. Helmholz Continuing service: the episcopal households of thirteenth- century Durham - Philippa M. Hoskin The acta of English rural deans in the later twelfth and early thirteenth centuries - B R Kemp The Court of Arches and the Bishop of Salisbury - F. Donald Logan Bishops' Registers and Political History: a neglected resource - The Vatican Archives, the Papal Registers and Great Britain and Ireland: the foundations of historical research - Jane Sayers

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  • ISBN
    • 1843831694
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    xi, 235 p.
  • 大きさ
    25 cm
  • 親書誌ID