Major problems in American history : documents and essays

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Major problems in American history : documents and essays

edited by Elizabeth Cobbs Hoffman, Jon Gjerde

(Major problems in American history series)

Houghton Mifflin, c2002

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Vol. 1: To 1877 -- v. 2: Since 1865

Description and Table of Contents

v. 1 ISBN 9780618061334


Designed to encourage critical thinking about history, the Major Problems in American History Series introduces students to both primary sources and analytical essays. This volume presents a carefully selected group of readings that requires students to evaluate primary sources, test the interpretations of distinguished historians, and draw their own conclusions.

Table of Contents

Introduction to Students: How to Read Primary and Secondary Sources 1. Conquest and Colliding Empires DOCUMENTS 1. Christopher Columbus Recounts His First Encounters with Native People, 1493 2. Fray Bernardino de Sahagun Relates an Aztec Chronicler's Account of the Spanish Conquest of the Aztecs, 1519 3. Father Bartolome de Las Casas Disparages the Treatment of the Indians, 1542 4. Reverend John Heckewelder Records a Native Oral Tradition of the First Arrival of Europeans on Manhattan Island (1610), Printed in 1818 5. Father Paul Le Jeune Reports on His Encounters with the Indians, 1634 6. William Wood Describes Indian Responses to the English, 1634 7. John Mason Gives a Puritan Account of the Pequot War, 1637 ESSAYS James H. Merrell, The Indians' New World Neal Salisbury, The Indians' Old World 2. The Southern Colonies in British America DOCUMENTS 1. Richard Frethorne, an Indentured Servant, Laments His Condition in Virginia, 1623 2. George Alsop Argues That Servants in Maryland Profit from Life in the Colonies, 1666 3. Nathaniel Bacon Recounts the Misdeeds of the Virginia Governor, 1676 4. Virginia's Statutes Illustrate the Declining Status of African American Slaves, 1660-1705 5. William Byrd Describes His Views Toward Learning and His Slaves, 1709-1710 6. Olaudah Equiano, an African, Depicts the Horrors of Enslavement, 1757 7. Reverand Charles Woodmason Complains About Life in the Carolina Backcountry, 1768 ESSAYS Kathleen M. Brown, The Anxious World of the Slaveowning Patriarch Philip D. Morgan, The Effects of Paternalism Among Whites and Blacks 3. Colonial New England and the Middle Colonies in British America DOCUMENTS 1. Governor John Winthrop Provides a Model of Christian Charity, 1630 2. Governor William Bradford Mourns a Wickedness That Breaks Forth, 1642 3. William Penn Promotes His Colony, 1681 4. Massachusetts Officials Describe the Outbreak of Witchcraft in Salem, 1692 5. Jonathan Edwards Pictures Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, 1741 6. Benjamin Franklin Celebrates a Life of Thrift and Industry (c. 1730-1750), 1793 7. Dr. Alexander Hamilton Depicts the Material Acquisitions of Northern Colonists, 1744 8. Gottlieb Mittelberger, a German, Portrays the Difficulties of Immigration, 1750 9. Mary Jemison Recounts Her Experience of Capture and Becoming Seneca, 1755 ESSAYS James A. Henretta, The Northern Colonies as a Family-Centered Society T.H. Breen, The Northern Colonies as an Empire of Goods 4. The American Revolution DOCUMENTS 1. Congress Condemns the Stamp Act, 1765 2. The Town of Boston Denounces the "Boston Massacre," 1770 3. Thomas Jefferson Specifies the Rights of British Americans, 1774 4. Patrick Henry Warns the British to Maintain American Liberties, 1775 5. Thomas Paine Advocates the "Common Sense" of Independence, 1776 6. German Americans Support the American Revolution, 1776 7. Abigail Adams Asks Her Husband to "Remember the Ladies," 1776 8. African Americans Petition for Freedom, 1777 9. Mohawk Leader Joseph Brant Commits the Loyalty of His People to Britain, 1776 10. Loyalists Plead Their Cause to the King, 1782 ESSAYS Bernard Bailyn, The American Revolution as a Response to British Corruption Gordon S. Wood, The American Revolution as a Radical Departure 5. The Making of the Constitution DOCUMENTS 1. Cato, an African American, Pleads for the Abolition of Slavery in Pennsylvania, 1781 2. Hector St. John Crevecoeur Compares the Freedom in the North with Slavery in the South, 1782 3. Slaveholders in Virginia Argue Against the Abolition of Slavery, 1784-1785 4. Thomas Jefferson Proposes the Protection of Religious Freedom in Virginia, 1786 5. The Northwest Ordinance Lays Out the Method for New States Joining the Union, 1787 6. General William Shepard and Benjamin Lincoln Regret the Disorder That Characterized Shays's Rebellion, 1787 7. The Federalist Papers Illustrate the Advantages of Ratification of the Constitution, 1787-1788 8. Richard Henry Lee Opposes the Ratification of the Constitution, 1787 9. Patrick Henry Condemns the Centralization of Government if the Constitution Is Ratified, 1788 10. George Washington Declares Freedom of Religion for Jewish People, 1790 ESSAYS Alfred F. Young, The Pressure of the People on the Framers of the Constitution Jack N. Rakove, The Concern of the Framers to Recruit Citizens to Enter Public Life 6. Competing Visions of Empire in the Early National Period DOCUMENTS 1. Thomas Jefferson Celebrates the Virtue of the Yeoman Farmer, 1785 2. Congress Establishes Its First Policy for Naturalization, 1790 3. Alexander Hamilton Envisions a Developed American Economy, 1791 4. Thomas Jefferson Berates the Federalists, 1796 5. C. William Manning, a Republican, Fears for the Future of the Nation, 1798 6. Thomas Jefferson Advances the Power of the States, 1798 7. John Marshall Argues for the Primacy of the Federal Government, 1803 8. Parson Weems Romanticizes the Life of George Washington, 1808 ESSAYS Linda K. Kerber, The Fears of the Federalists Drew R. McCoy, The Fears of the Jeffersonian Republicans 7. Westward Movement, the Market Revolution, and Indian Removal DOCUMENTS 1. Joseph Brant Compares Indian and White Civilizations, 1789 2. Iroquois Chief Red Jacket Decries the Day When Whites Arrived, 1805 3. William Clark Enters into Diplomacy with Native People, 1806 4. Shawnee Chief Tecumseh Recounts the Misdeeds of Whites and Calls for Indian Unity, 1810 5. Tenskwatawa (the Shawnee Prophet) Relates His Journey to the World Above, 1810 6. Congressman Felix Grundy Advocates War with Britain, 1811 7. John Marshall Advances a Broad Construction of the Constitution, 1819 8. James Monroe Declares That European Powers May Not Interfere in the Americas, 1823 9. John Quincy Adams Urges Internal Improvements, 1825 10. The Cherokee Nation Pleads to Remain "on the Land of Our Fathers," 1830 ESSAYS Gregory Evans Dowd, Indians Utilizing a Strategy of Armed Resistance Theda Perdue, Indians Utilizing a Strategy of Accommodation 8. Nationalism, Sectionalism, and Expansionism in the Age of Jackson DOCUMENTS 1. John C. Calhoun Argues for Rights of States, 1828 2. Daniel Webster Lays Out His Nationalist Vision, 1830 3. Andrew Jackson Condemns the Rights of "Nullification" and Secession, 1832 4. Historian George Bancroft Asserts His Faith in the Wisdom of the People, 1835 5. Lieutenant-Colonel Jose Enrique de la Penna Defends Mexico's Actions Against the Texans, 1836 6. John L. O'Sullivan, a Democratic Newspaperman, Venerates Democracy and the "Democratic Principle," 1837 7. Michel Chevelier, a French Visitor, Marvels at the Pageantry of Politics, 1839 8. John L. O'Sullivan Defines "Manifest Destiny," 1845 9. Senator Thomas Hart Benton Justifies White Supremacy, 1846 10. Senator John Dix Advocates Expansion into Mexico, 1848 11. Walter Colton, a Californian, Describes the Excitement of the Gold Rush, 1848 ESSAYS Mary P. Ryan, Antebellum Politics as Raucous Democracy Glenn C. Altschuler and Stuart M. Blumin, Antebellum Politics as Political Manipulation 9. Reform and the Great Awakening in the Early Nineteenth Century DOCUMENTS 1. Peter Cartwritht, a Methodist Itinerant Preacher, Marvels at the Power of Religious Revivals, 1801 2. Frances Trollope, an Englishwoman, Views a Religious Meeting in Indiana, 1829 3. African American Abolitionist David Walker Castigates the United States for Its Slave System, 1829 4. William Loyd Garrison Calls for Immediate Abolition, 1831 5. Thomas Grimke, a Southerner, Advocates Temperance as a Form of Patriotism, 1833 6. Ralph Waldo Emerson Considers the United States as a Center of Reform, 1841 7. Elizabeth Peabody Explains the Benefits of Brook Farm, 1843 8. Dorthea Dix Depicts the Horrible Conditions Endured by the Mentally Ill, 1843 9. Horace Mann Explains the Significance of the Public School, 1849 ESSAYS Paul E. Johnson, Religious Reform as a Form of Social Control Nathan O. Hatch, Religious Revivalism as a Form of Democratization 10. Women, Men, and the Family at Midcentury DOCUMENTS 1. Alexis de Tocqueville Considers the Influence of Democracy on the Family, 1831 2. Harriet Martineau Remarks on Marriage and "True Love" in America, 1837 3. Catherine Beecher Sees Linkages Between Democracy and Women's Rights, 1841 4. A Guidebook Instructs Women on the Role of Mother, 1845 5. Elizabeth Cady Stanton Demands Women's Right To Vote, 1848 6. The Seneca Falls Convention Declares Women's Rights, 1848 7. Lydia Sigourney Sentimentalizes Women in the Home, 1850 8. Sojourner Truth Links Women's Rights to Antislavery, 1851, 1853 9. A Marriage Contract Protests the Contemporary Laws Relating to Marriage, 1855 ESSAYS Nancy F. Cott, Feminism and the Private World of Women Ellen Carol Dubois, Feminism and the Public Demands for Suffrage 11. Commercial Development and Immigration in the North at Midcentury DOCUMENTS 1. Harriet Hanson Robinson, "Lowell Girl," Describes Her Labor in a Textile Mill, 1831 2. Alexis de Tocqueville Considers the Mobile Northern Society, 1831 3. Orestes Brownson Condemns the Plight of "Wage Slaves," 1840 4. The United States Democratic Review Argues That "White Slavery" Threatens the Urban North, 1842 5. Gustof Unonius, a Swedish Immigrant, Reflects on Life in the United States, 1841-1842 6. Frederick Douglass Encounters Racist Animosity in a Northern City, 1845 7. George Templeton Strong Berates the Immigrants in His Midst, 1838-1857 8. James Bowlin, Congressman, Marvels at the Possibilities of Western Lands, 1846 ESSAYS David R. Roediger, White Slaves, Wage Slaves, and Free White Labor in the North John Ashworth, Free Labor and Wage Labor in the North 12. Agricultural Development and Slavery in the South at Midcentury DOCUMENTS 1. A North Carolina Law Prohibits Teaching Slaves to Read or Write, 1831 2. John Pendleton Kennedy, a Southern Man, Romanticizes Slavery and the Life of Slaves, 1832 3. A Southerner Observes the Life of Poor Whites in Georgia, 1849 4. Dr. Cartwright, a Southern Doctor, Theorizes About the Peculiar Diseases of Slaves, 1851 5. George Fitzhugh Argues That Slavery Is a Positive Good That Improves Society, 1854 6. Josiah Henson Portrays the Violence and Fears in Slave Life, 1858 7. Former Slaves Recall Their Lives in Slavery, 1850s 8. Harriet Jacobs Deplores Her Risks in Being a Female Slave, 1861 9. Mary Chestnut Describes Her Hatred of Slavery from a White Woman's View, 1861 10. Frederick Law Olmsted Depicts the Economic Costs of Slavery, 1861 ESSAYS Eugene D. Genovese, The Paternalist World of the Slave South James Oakes, The Liberal World of the Slave South 13. Careening Toward Civil War DOCUMENTS 1. Henry David Thoreau Protests Against Slavery and the Mexican War, 1846 2. Senator John C. Calhoun Proposes Ways to Preserve the Union, 1850 3. Frederick Douglass Asks How a Slave Can Celebrate the Fourth of July, 1852 4. Axalla John Hoole, a Southerner, Depicts the Situation in "Bleeding Kansas," 1856 5. Senator Charles Sumner Addresses the "Crime Against Kansas," 1856 6. Chief Justice Roger Taney Determines the Legal Status of Slaves, 1857 7. Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas Debate Their Positions on Slavery, 1858 8. William Seward Warns of an Irrepressible Conflict, 1858 9. John Brown Makes His Last Statement to the Court Before Execution, 1859 10. The Charleston Mercury Argues That Slavery Must Be Protected, 1860 ESSAYS David M. Potter, The Sectional Divisions That Led to Civil War Michael F. Holt, The Political Divisions That Contributed to Civil War 14. The Civil War DOCUMENTS 1. Senator Robert Toombs Compares Secession with the American Revolution, 1860 2. Frederick Douglass Calls for the Abolition of Slavery, 1862 3. Debow's Review, a Southern Journal, Condemns the Government and Army of the Union, 1862 4. James Henry Gooding, an African American Soldier, Pleads for Equal Treatment, 1863 5. Tally Simpson, a Confederate Soldier, Recounts the Battle of Gettysburg, 1863 6. Mary A. Livermore, a Northern Woman, Recalls Her Role in the Sanitary Commission, 1863 7. Abraham Lincoln Speaks About the Meaning of the War, 1863 8. Congressman Clement Vallandigham Denounces the Union War Effort, 1863 9. Sidney Andrews, a Northern Journalist, Reports on the Devastation of Georgia, 1866 ESSAYS James M. McPherson, The Role of Abraham Lincoln in the Abolition of Slavery Ira Berlin et al., The Role of African Americans in the Abolition of Slavery 15. Reconstruction, 1865-1877 DOCUMENTS 1. African Americans Talk About Their Personal Experiences of Newfound Freedom, c. 1865 2. Louisiana Black Codes Reinstate Provisions of the Slave Era, 1865 3. President Andrew Johnson Denounces Changes in His Program of Reconstruction, 1868 4. Congressman Thaddeus Stevens Demands a Radical Reconstruction, 1867 5. Elizabeth Cady Stanton Questions Abolitionist Support for Female Enfranchisement, 1868 6. The Fourteenth Amendment Grants Citizenship and Due Process of Law to African Americans, 1868 7. Elias Hill, an African American Man, Recounts a Nighttime Visit from the Ku Klux Klan, 1871 8. Missouri Senator Carl Schurz Admits the Failures of Reconstruction, 1872 9. Mississippi Congressman L.Q.C. Lamar Denounces Reconstruction, 1874 ESSAYS Thomas Holt, Social Class Divides Negro State Legislators in South Carolina, Impeding Reconstruction Eric Foner, The Odds Against the Success of Reconstruction Were Great

v. 2 ISBN 9780618061341


Designed to encourage critical thinking about history, the Major Problems in American History Series introduces students to both primary sources and analytical essays. This volume presents a carefully selected group of readings that requires students to evaluate primary sources, test the interpretations of distinguished historians, and draw their own conclusions.

Table of Contents

Introduction to Students: How to Read Primary and Secondary Sources 1. Reconstruction, 1865-1877 DOCUMENTS 1. African Americans Talk About Their Personal Experiences of Newfound Freedom, c. 1865 2. Louisiana Black Codes Reinstate Provisions of the Slave Era, 1865 3. President Andrew Johnson Denounces Changes in His Program of Reconstruction, 1868 4. Congressman Thaddeus Stevens Demands a Radical Reconstruction, 1867 5. Elizabeth Cady Stanton Questions Abolitionist Support for Female Enfranchisement, 1868 6. The Fourteenth Amendment Grants Citizenship and Due Process of Law to African Americans, 1868 7. Elias Hill, an African American Man, Recounts a Nighttime Visit from the Ku Klux Klan, 1871 8. Missouri Senator Carl Schurz Admits the Failures of Reconstruction, 1872 9. Mississippi Congressman L.Q.C. Lamar Denounces Reconstruction, 1874 ESSAYS Thomas Holt, Social Class Divides Negro State Legislators in South Carolina, Impeding Reconstruction Eric Foner, The Odds Against the Success of Reconstruction Were Great 2. Western Settlement and the Frontier in American History DOCUMENTS 1. The Homestead Act Provides Free Land to Settlers, 1862 2. Pioneer Mary Barnard Aguirre Marries into the Spanish West, 1863 3. The Federal Government Punishes Confederate Indians, 1865 4. Katie Bighead (Cheyenne) Remembers Custer and the Battle of Little Big Horn, 1876 5. Chief Joseph (Nez Perce) Surrenders, 1877 6. The Dawes Severalty Act Further Reduces Indian Landholdings, 1887 7. Wyoming Gunfight: An Attack on Chinatown, 1885 8. Southern Freedmen Resolve to Move West, 1879 9. The Jorgensens Long for Other Danes, 1906 10. Frederick Jackson Turner Articulates the Frontier Thesis, 1893 ESSAYS Ray Allen Billington, Frontier Democracy Patricia Nelson Limerick, The Legacy of Conquest: America"s Conflicted Frontier 3. Industrialization, Workers, and the New Immigration DOCUMENTS 1. Poet Emma Lazurus Praises the New Colossus, 1883 2. A Slovenian Boy Remembers Tales of the Golden Country, 1909 3. Immigrant Thomas O"Donnell Laments the Plight of the Worker, 1883 4. The Knights of Labor Demand Reform, 1878 5. Unionist Samuel Gompers Asks "What Does the Working Man Want?" 1890 6. Steel Magnate Andrew Carnegie Preaches a Gospel of Wealth, 1889 7. Engineer Frederick Winslow Taylor Fashions the Ideal Worker, 1910 8. Jurgis Rudkus Discovers the Saloon in The Jungle, 1905 ESSAYS: Oscar Handlin, The Uprooted Roy Rosenzweig, Ethnic Enclaves and The Workers" Saloon 4. Imperialism and World Power DOCUMENTS 1. Governor Theodore Roosevelt Praises the Strenuous Life, 1899 2. Filipino Leader Emilio Aguinaldo Rallies His People to Arms, 1899 3. The American Anti-Imperialist League Denounces U.S. Policy, 1899 4. Mark Twain Satirizes the Battle Hymn of the Republic, 1900 5. A Soldier Criticizes American Racism in the Philippines, 1902 6 The Platt Amendment Limits Cuban Independence, 1903 7. The Roosevelt Corollary Makes the United States the Police of Latin America, 1904 8. President Woodrow Wilson Disavows Territorial Conquest, 1913 ESSAY Gail Bederman, Gendering Imperialism: Theodore Roosevelt"s Quest for Manhood and Empire Emily S. Rosenberg, Spreading the American Dream: American Economic and Cultural Expansion, 1890-1945 5. The Progressive Movement DOCUMENTS 1. Journalist Lincoln Steffens Exposes the Shame of Corruption, 1904 2. Political Boss George Washington Plunkitt Defends "Honest" Graft, 1905 3. Social Worker Jane Addams Advocates Civic Housekeeping, 1906 4. President Theodore Roosevelt Preaches Conservation and Efficiency, 1908 5. Prohibition Poem Castigates the Tyranny of Alcohol, 1910 6. Industrialist Henry Ford Lectures Against Cigarettes, 1914 7. Sociologist William Graham Sumner Denounces Reformers" Fanaticism, 1913 8. Rewriting the Constitution: Amendments on Income Tax, Election of Senators, Prohibition, and the Vote for Women, 1913-1920 9. Black Leader Booker T. Washington Advocates Compromise, 1895 10. NAACP Founder W.E.B. DuBois Counters Booker T. Washington, 1903 ESSAYS: Richard Hofstadter, The Status Revolution and Progressive Leaders Gerald Woods, Fighting the Good Fight (Against the Disreputable Pleasures) in San Francisco and Los Angeles 6. America in World War I DOCUMENTS 1. President Woodrow Wilson Asks Congress to Declare War, 1917 2. Senator Robert M. La Follette Voices His Dissent, 1917 3. A Union Organizer Testifies to Vigilante Attack, 1917 4. The U.S. Government Punishes War Protestors: The Espionage Act, 1918 5. Wilson Proposes a New World Order in the "Fourteen Points," 1918 6. George M. Cohan Sings About Patriotism in "Over There," 1918 7. Novelist John Dos Passos: "Remembering the Gray Crooked Fingers," 1919 8. George Creel Recalls Selling the War, 1920 9. Cartoons for and Against the League of Nations, 1920 ESSAYS: Jan Wilhelm Schulte-Nordholt, Wilson as a Peace Advocate Out of Touch with Reality Tony Smith, Wilson as Father and Foreteller of a New World Order 7. Crossing a Cultural Divide: The Twenties DOCUMENTS: 1. The Governor of California Tells of the "Oriental Problem," 1920 2. The Ku Klux Klan Defines Americanism, 1926 3. Author Richard Wright Recalls "Living Jim Crow" in the Twenties, 1937 4. Langston Hughes: Poet of the 1920s Harlem Renaissance 5. Clarence Darrow Interrogates William Jennings Bryan in the Monkey Trial, 1925 6. Bruce Barton Sees Jesus as an Advertising Man, 1925 7. The Automobile Comes to Middletown, U.S.A, 1929 8. A Survey Examines the Morals of High School Students, 1924 9. F. Scott Fitzgerald Reveals Attitudes About Gender and Race in The Great Gatsby, 1925 ESSAYS Paula S. Fass, Sex and Youth in the Jazz Age Edward J. Larson, Fundamentalists vs. Modernists in the Scopes Monkey Trial 8. The Depression, the New Deal, and Franklin D. Roosevelt DOCUMENTS 1. President Herbert Hoover Applauds Limited Government, 1931 2. The Nation Asks "Is It to Be Murder, Mr. Hoover?" 1932 3. Business Leader Henry Ford Advocates Self-Help, 1932 4. John Steinbeck Portrays the Outcast Poor in The Grapes of Wrath, 1939 5. Woody Guthrie Sings "This Land Is Your Land," 1940 6. President Franklin Roosevelt Seeks Justice for "One-Third of a Nation," 1937 7. An Architect of Social Security Recalls the Southern Concession, 1935 8. Social Security Advisers Consider Male and Female Pensioners, 1938 9. The Wagner Act Allows Workers to Unionize, 1935 10. Nelson Rockefeller Lectures Standard Oil on Social Responsibility, 1937 ESSAYS David M. Kennedy, FDR: Advocate for the American People Barton J. Bernstein, FDR: Savior of Capitalism 9. The Ordeal of World War II DOCUMENTS 1. Nazi Leader Adolf Hitler Links Race and Nationality, 1927 2. Japan Announces a "New Order" in Asia, 1938 3. President Franklin D. Roosevelt Asks Congress to Declare War, 1941 4. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill Reacts to Pearl Harbor, 1941 5. President Franklin D. Roosevelt Identifies the "Four Freedoms" at Stake in the War, 1941 6. An African American Soldier Notes the "Strange Paradox" of the War, 1944 7. Stanford Professor Yamato Ichihashi Writes of His Internment, 1942 8. Roosevelt and Soviet Premier Josef Stalin Plan the United Nations, 1943 9. Theologian Reinhold Niebuhr Warns of American Naivete, 1944 10. General Dwight Eisenhower Reports to General George Marshall on the German Concentration Camps, 1945 ESSAYS Stephen E. Ambrose, Visitors to Hell: Omaha Beach on D-Day Alan Brinkley, Over Here: World War II and American Liberalism 10. The Cold War and the Nuclear Age DOCUMENTS 1. Secretary of War Henry Stimson Appeals for Atomic Talks with the Soviets, 1945 2. Diplomat George F. Kennan Advocates Containment, 1946 3. Democrat Henry A. Wallace Questions the "Get Tough" Policy, 1946 4. Soviet Ambassador Nikolai Novikov Sees a U.S. Bid for World Supremacy, 1946 5. The Truman Doctrine Calls for the United States to Become the World"s Police, 1947 6. The Marshall Plan Seeks to Rebuild Europe, 1948 7. National Security Council Paper No. 68 (NSC-68) Arms America, 1950 8. Senator Joseph McCarthy Describes the Internal Communist Menace, 1950 9. The Federal Loyalty-Security Program Questions a Postal Clerk, 1954 10. President Eisenhower Warns of the Military-Industrial Complex, 1961 ESSAYS Walter LaFeber, Truman"s Hard-Line Policy John Lewis Gaddis, Two Cold War Empires: Friendly Persuasion vs. Brute Force 11. The 1950s "Boom": Affluence and Anxiety DOCUMENTS 1. Congress Passes the G.I. Bill of Rights, 1944 2. Science News Letter Reports a Baby Boom, 1954 3. Life Magazine Identifies the New Teen-age Market, 1959 4. A Young American Is "Born on the Fourth of July," 1946 5. Congress Adds God to the Pledge of Allegiance, 1954 6. Parental Indulgence Is Criticized in Rebel Without a Cause, 1955 7. Paul Goodman Describes Growing Up Absurd, 1956 8. Governor Adlai Stevenson Tells College Women About Their Place in Life, 1955 9. Feminist Betty Friedan Describes the Problem That Has No Name, 1959 ESSAYS John Patrick Diggins, A Decade to Make One Proud Stephanie Coontz, Families in the Fifties: The Way We Never Were 12. Making the Great Society: Civil Rights DOCUMENTS 1. The United Nations Approves a Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948 2. The Supreme Court Rules on Brown v. Board of Education, 1954 3. Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., Defends Seamstress Rosa Parks, 1955 4. Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Remembers Civil Rights on TV, 1957 5. Congress Passes the Civil Rights Act of 1964 6. Black Muslim Malcolm X Warns: The Ballot or the Bullet, 1964 7. Congress Approves the Voting Rights Act, 1965 8. A National Organization for Women Calls for Equity, 1966 9. Mexican Americans Form "La Raza Unida," 1968 10. A Proclamation from the Indians of All Tribes, Alcatraz Island, 1969 11. Americans with Disabilities Act, 1990 ESSAYS Harvard Sitkoff, The Preconditions for Racial Change David J. Garrow, A Leader for His Time: Martin Luther King, Jr. 13. The Sixties: Left, Right, and the Culture Wars DOCUMENTS 1. President John Kennedy Tells Americans to Ask "What You Can Do," 1961 2. Bill Moyers Remembers Kennedy"s Effect on His Generation (1961), 1988 3. President Lyndon B. Johnson Declares War on Poverty, 1964 4. Young Americans for Freedom Draft a Conservative Manifesto, 1960 5. Students for a Democratic Society Advance a Reform Agenda, 1962 6. Alabama Governor George Wallace Pledges "Segregation Forever," 1963 7. A Protester at Columbia University Speaks on Long Hair and Revolution, 1969 8. Vice-President Spiro Agnew Warns of the Threat to America, 1969 9. Folk Singer Malvina Reynolds Sees Young People in "Little Boxes," 1963 10. Carl Rogers Describes "What Really Goes On in an Encounter Group," 1970 ESSAYS Kenneth Cmiel, Sixties Liberalism and the Revolution in Manners Dan T. Carter, George Wallace, Richard Nixon, and the Triumph of the Right 14. Vietnam and the Downfall of Presidents DOCUMENTS 1. Independence Leader Ho Chi Minh Pleads with Harry Truman for Support, 1946 2. President Dwight Eisenhower Warns of Falling Dominoes, 1954 3. President Lyndon B. Johnson Explains Why America Must Fight, 1965 4. Defense Analyst John McNaughton Advises Robert McNamara on War Aims, 1965 5. Undersecretary of State George Ball Advocates Compromise with Hanoi, 1965 6. A Marine Remembers His Idealism (1965), 1977 7. Students for a Democratic Society Oppose the War, 1965 8. Martin Luther King, Jr., Takes a Stand, 1967 9. White House Counsel John W. Dean III Presents the "Enemies List," 1971 10. Senator Sam J. Ervin Explains the Watergate Crimes, 1974 ESSAYS Robert McNamara, James Blight, and Robert Brigham, Cold War Blinders and the Tragedy of Vietnam Michael Lind, Vietnam: A Necessary War 15. Ronald Reagan and the Conservative Resurgence DOCUMENTS 1. President Jimmy Carter Laments the Crisis of Confidence, 1979 2. President Ronald Reagan Sees a Stronger America, 1985 3. Reagan Calls for a Fight Against Sin, Evil, and Communism, 1983 4. National Review Explains Social Conservatism, 1988 5. Baptist Minister Jerry Falwell Condemns Feminism and the Equal Rights Amendment, 1980 6. Facts and Figures: Graphs on Earnings, Inequality, and Imports, 1986 7. A Unionist Blasts the Export of Jobs, 1987 8. The Secretary of Labor Applauds Deregulation of Home Work, 1988 9. Immigrants Do "Home Work" in Modern Sweatshops, 1988 10. Bill Clinton"s 1992 Campaign: "It"s the Economy, Stupid" ESSAYS Martin Anderson, The Reagan Revolution and the New Capitalism Benjamin Friedman, Mortgaging the Future and Bankrupting the Nation

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