The Edinburgh dictionary of continental philosophy


The Edinburgh dictionary of continental philosophy

edited by John Protevi

Edinburgh University Press, c2005

  • : hardback
  • : paperback



The first ever dictionary of continental philosophy to be published. With over 450 clearly written definitions and articles by an international team of specialists, this authoritative dictionary covers the thinkers, topics and technical terms associated with the many fields known as 'continental' philosophy'. Special care has been taken to explain the complex terminology of many continental thinkers. Researchers, students and professional philosophers alike will find the dictionary an invaluable reference tool. Key features include: *in-depth entries on major figures and topics *over 190 shorter articles on other figures and topics *over 250 items on technical terms used by continental thinkers, from abjection [Kristeva] to worldhood [Heidegger] *coverage of related subjects that use continental terms and methods *extensive cross-referencing, allowing readers to relate and pursue ideas in depth. Entries include: Major Figures and Topics: Deleuze, Derrida, Foucault, Hegel, Heidegger, Husserl, Irigaray, Kant, Nietzsche Epistemology, Feminism, German Idealism, Marxism, Phenomenology, Poststructuralism, Time, etc. Other figures and topics covered include: Adorno, Althusser, Arendt, Badiou, Barthes, Bergson, Butler, Haraway, Habermas, Kristeva, Merleau-Ponty, Sartre, Schelling, Schiller, Weber, Weil, Wittgenstein, Zizek, etc; African Philosophy, Cognitive Science, Death, Ecocriticism, Embodiment, Environmental Philosophy, Modernity, Philosophy of Nature, NeoThomism, Postcolonial Theory, Psychology, Race Theory, Sex / sexuality, Space, Speech Act Theory, Structuralism, Subject, 'Young Hegelians', etc.


  • Contents Preface Entries A-Z List of Contributors
  • Alphabetical List of Entries
  • abjection [Kristeva]
  • absolute [Hegel] [250]
  • abstract machine [Deleuze and Guattari] [250]
  • absurd (1) [Kierkegaard] [250]
  • absurd (2) [Sartre] [250]
  • active forgetting [Nietzsche] [250]
  • actor network theory [Latour] [250]
  • actual / virtual distinction [Bergson / Deleuze]
  • [250]
  • Adorno, Theodor [1000]
  • aesthetic judgment [Kant] [250]
  • Aesthetics [1000]
  • affirmation [Derrida] [250]
  • African Philosophy [1000]
  • African socialism [Senghor] [250]
  • Agamben, Giorgio [500]
  • a-letheia [Heidegger] [250]
  • alienation (1) [Marx] [250]
  • alienation (2) [Beauvoir] [250]
  • alienation (3) [Sartre] [250]
  • Althusser, Louis [500]
  • Analytical Philosophy [1000]
  • angoisse [Sartre] [250]
  • Angst [Heidegger] [250]
  • Anthropology [1000]
  • Antiphilosophy (Lacan) [250]
  • antitheodicy [Jewish philosophy] [250]
  • anxiety (1) [Kierkegaard] [250]
  • anxiety (2) [Heidegger] [250]
  • anxiety (3) [Sartre]
  • Apel, Karl-Otto [500]
  • archaeology [Foucault] [250]
  • architectonic [architecture] [250]
  • Architecture [1000]
  • archi-writing [Derrida] [250]
  • Arendt, Hannah [1000]
  • Asian Philosophy [1000]
  • assemblage [Deleuze and Guattari] [250]
  • attunement (Befindlichkeit) [Heidegger] [250]
  • Aufhebung (sublation) [Hegel] [250]
  • aura [Benjamin] [250]
  • authenticity [Heidegger] [250]
  • auto-immunity [Derrida] [250]
  • autopoiesis [Varela] [250]
  • Bachelard, Gaston [500]
  • bad conscience [Nietzsche] [250]
  • bad faith (1) [Beauvoir] [250]
  • bad faith (2) [Sartre] [250]
  • Badiou, Alain [500]
  • Bakhtin, Mikhail [500]
  • Barthes, Roland [500]
  • Bataille, Georges [1000]
  • Baudrillard, Jean [1000]
  • de Beauvoir, Simone [1000]
  • becoming (1) [Bergson] [250]
  • becoming (2) [Deleuze] [250]
  • being-towards-death [Heidegger] [250]
  • Benjamin, Walter [500]
  • Bergson, Henri [1000]
  • Biology [1000]
  • biopower [Foucault] [250]
  • Blanchot, Maurice [1000]
  • Bloch, Ernst [500]
  • body without organs [Deleuze and Guattari] [250]
  • Bourdieu, Pierre [500]
  • Brentano, Franz [500]
  • British Idealism [1000]
  • Buber, Martin [500]
  • Butler, Judith [500]
  • Camus, Albert [500]
  • Canguilhem, Georges [500]
  • Caputo, John [500]
  • Casey, Ed [500]
  • Cassirer, Ernst [500]
  • Castoriadis, Cornelius [500]
  • categorial imperative [Kant] [250]
  • Cavailles, Jean [500]
  • de Certeau, Michel [500]
  • Cesaire, Aime [500]
  • chiasm [Llewelyn
  • Derrida
  • Levinas] [250]
  • Cioran, E. M. [500]
  • Cinema [1000]
  • Cixous, Helene [500]
  • codes (as semiotic systems) [250]
  • Cognitive Science [500]
  • Complexity Theory [500]
  • Comte, Auguste [500]
  • constituent/constituted power [Negri] [250]
  • constitution [Hegel] [250]
  • contradiction (1) [Hegel] [250]
  • contradiction (2) [Marx] [250]
  • Corporeal Feminism [500]
  • Cosmopolitianism [1000]
  • creative evolution [Bergson] [250]
  • critical epistemology [LeDoeuff] [250]
  • Critical Legal Studies [1000]
  • Critical Theory / Frankfurt School [1000]
  • Critique [1000]
  • Croce, Benedetto [500]
  • Cyberfeminism [500]
  • Cybernetics [500]
  • Dasein [Heidegger] [250]
  • Davidson, Donald [500]
  • Death [1500] [1000]
  • Debord, Guy [500]
  • deconstruction [Derrida] [250]
  • deduction of categories [Kant] [250]
  • DeLanda, Manuel [500]
  • Deleuze, Gilles [2500]
  • DeMan, Paul [500]
  • democracy-to-come [a venir] [Derrida] [250]
  • Derrida, Jacques [2500]
  • desiring-production [Deleuze and Guattari] [250]
  • desouvrement [Blanchot] [250]
  • despair [Kierkegaard] [250]
  • deterritorialization [Deleuze and Guattari] [250]
  • dialectic [Hegel] [250]
  • dialectical image [Benjamin] [250]
  • dialectical materialism [Marx] [250]
  • dialogism [Bakhtin] [250]
  • differance [Derrida] [250]
  • Difference [1000]
  • differend [Lyotard] [250]
  • differentiation [Deleuze] [250]
  • Dilthey, Wilhelm [500]
  • disagreement [Ranciere] [250]
  • disclosedness /resolute disclosedness [Heidegger] [500]
  • discourse ethics [Habermas] [250]
  • Dreyfus, Hubert [500]
  • drives [Freud] [250]
  • dromology [Virilio] [250]
  • duration [Bergson] [250]
  • duty [Kant] [250]
  • earth and world [Heidegger] [250]
  • Eco, Umberto [500]
  • Ecocriticism [500]
  • Ecole Normale Superieure [500]
  • ecriture feminine [Cixous] [250]
  • eidetic reduction [Husserl] [250]
  • eidetic seeing [Husserl] [250]
  • Ek-sistenz [Heidegger] [250]
  • elan vital [Bergson] [250]
  • Embodiment [1000]
  • empire [Negri] [250]
  • enaction [Varela] [250]
  • Engels, Friedrich [500]
  • Enlightenment [1000]
  • Environmental Philosophy [1000]
  • episteme [Foucault] [250]
  • epistemological break [Canguilhem] [250]
  • Epistemology [2500]
  • epoche [Husserl] [250]
  • Ereignis [Heidegger] [250]
  • essence (eidos) [Husserl] [250]
  • essential solitude [Blanchot] [250]
  • essentialism (1) [Irigaray / feminism] [250]
  • essentialism (2) [postcolonial theory] [250]
  • eternal recurrence [Nietzsche] [250]
  • Ethics [1000]
  • event [Badiou] [250]
  • existential analytic [Heidegger] [250]
  • Existentialism [1000]
  • expenditure [Bataille] [250]
  • Experience [1000]
  • face (of the other) [Levinas] [250]
  • Fanon, Frantz [500]
  • Feminism [2500]
  • Feminist Epistemology [2500]
  • Feminist Re-readings of the Tradition [1000]
  • Feuerbach, Ludwig [500]
  • Fichte, Johann Gottlieb [500]
  • fidelity (as criterion of truth) [Badiou] [250]
  • Fink, Eugen [500]
  • Florensky [500]
  • flesh (of the world) [Merleau-Ponty] [250]
  • Foucault, Michel [2500]
  • the fourfold [Heidegger] [250]
  • framing [Derrida] [250]
  • French Maoism [500]
  • Freud, Sigmund [1000]
  • friend-foe relation [Schmitt] [250]
  • fundamental ontology [Heidegger] [250]
  • Gadamer, Hans-Georg [1000]
  • Gelassenheit [Heidegger] [250]
  • Gender [1000]
  • Genealogy [1000]
  • General Strike, Social Myth of [250]
  • Geography [1000]
  • German Idealism [2500]
  • German Romanticism [500]
  • Gestell (enframing) [Heidegger / technology] [250]
  • gift (1) [Derrida] [250]
  • gift (2) [Marion] [250]
  • Girard, Rene [500]
  • governmentality [Foucault] [500]
  • Gramsci, Antonio [500]
  • Guattari, Felix [500]
  • Habermas, Jurgen [1000]
  • habitus [Bourdieu] [250]
  • haecceity [Deleuze and Guattari] [250]
  • Haraway, Donna [500]
  • Hartmann, Nicolai [500]
  • Hegel, G.W.F. [2500]
  • hegemony [Gramsci] [250]
  • von Herder, J.G.
  • Heidegger, Martin [2500]
  • hermeneutic circle [Gadamer] [250]
  • Hermeneutics [1000]
  • heteroglossia / monoglossia [Bakhtin] [250]
  • heteronormativity [Queer Theory] [250]
  • heterotopia [architecture / Foucault] [250]
  • historical materialism [Marx] [250]
  • historicity [Heidegger] [250]
  • History, Philosophy of [1000]
  • Horkheimer, Max [500]
  • hospitality [Derrida] [250]
  • von Humboldt, Alexander [500]
  • Husserl, Edmund [2500]
  • hybridity [postcolonial theory] [250]
  • Hyppolite, Jean [500]
  • Idea (1) [Kant] [250]
  • Idea (2) [Hegel] [250]
  • Idea (3) [Deleuze] [250]
  • ideal speech situation [Habermas] [250]
  • ideal type (Weber) [250]
  • identification [Freud] [250]
  • Ideological State Apparatus [Althusser] [250]
  • ideology [Marx] [250]
  • il y a [Levinas] [250]
  • imaginary [Lacan] [250]
  • immanence [Deleuze] [250]
  • immanent critique [Jameson] [250]
  • immaterial labor [Negri] [250]
  • inclination [Kant] [250]
  • inessential other [Beauvoir] [250]
  • infinity [Levinas] [250]
  • information bomb [Virilio] [250]
  • Intellectual intuition [Kant, Fichte, Schelling] [500]
  • intensive difference [Deleuze] [250]
  • Intentionality [1000]
  • interpellation [Althusser] [250]
  • Intersubjectivity [Husserl] [500]
  • intuition [Bergson] [250]
  • Irigaray, Luce [2500]
  • iterability [Derrida] [250]
  • "I-Thou" relation [Buber] [250]
  • James, William [500]
  • Jameson, Fredric [500]
  • Jaspers, Karl [1000]
  • Jewish Philosophy [1000]
  • Jonas, Hans [500]
  • jouissance Irigaray [250]
  • Kant, Immanuel [2500]
  • Kierkegaard, Soren [1000]
  • Kofman, Sarah [500]
  • Kojeve, Alexandre [500]
  • Kristeva, Julia [1000]
  • Lacan, Jacques [1000]
  • Language [1000]
  • Latour, Bruno [500]
  • Lebensphilosophie [500]
  • Le Doeuff, Michele [500]
  • Leap of faith [Kierkegaard] [250]
  • Lefebvre, Henri [500]
  • Lefort, Claude [500]
  • Lenin, Vladimir [500]
  • Levinas, Emmanuel [1000]
  • Life, Philosophy of (Lebensphilosophie) [1000]
  • limit situation [Jaspers] [250]
  • line of flight [Deleuze and Guattari] [250]
  • Lingis, Alphonso [500]
  • Literary Theory [1000]
  • Llewelyn, John [500]
  • logocentrism [Derrida] [250]
  • Luhmann, Niklas [500]
  • Lukacs, Georg [500]
  • Lyotard, Jean-Francois [1000]
  • MacIntyre, Alisdair [500]
  • Marcel, Gabriel [500]
  • Marcuse, Herbert [500]
  • Marion, Jean-Luc [500]
  • markedness [Jakobson] [250]
  • Marx, Karl [1000]
  • Marxism [2500]
  • Materialism [1000]
  • Mathematics, Philosophy and [500]
  • Memmi, Albert [500]
  • Memory [1000]
  • Merleau-Ponty, Maurice [1000]
  • metaphoricity [Derrida] [250]
  • Metaphysics [1000]
  • metapolitics [Badiou / Ranciere] [250]
  • mimesis [Irigaray] [250]
  • mimetic desire [Girard] [250]
  • minor literature [Deleuze and Guattari] [250]
  • Modernity [1000]
  • moment of vision (1) [Kierkegaard] [250]
  • moment of vision (2) [Heidegger] [250]
  • "mourning and melancholia" [Freud] [250]
  • multiplicities [Bergson] [250]
  • multiplicity [Deleuze] [250]
  • multitude [Negri] [250]
  • Nancy, Jean-Luc [500]
  • narrative voice [Blanchot] [250]
  • natality [Arendt] [250]
  • Nature, Philosophy of [1000]
  • negative dialectics [Adorno] [250]
  • negative philosophy [Schelling] [250]
  • Negri, Antonio [500]
  • negritude [Cesaire
  • Senghor] [250]
  • NeoKantianism [1000]
  • Neo-Thomism [1000]
  • Nietzsche, Friedrich [2500]
  • nihilism [Nietzsche] [250]
  • nomadology [Deleuze and Guattari] [250]
  • Non-Soviet Russian philosophy [500]
  • normalization [Foucault] [250]
  • "the nothing" [Heidegger] [250]
  • ontological difference [Heidegger] [250]
  • onto-the-logy (critique of) [Heidegger, Derrida, Marion] [250]
  • order word [Deleuze and Guattari] [250]
  • organism [Deleuze and Guattari / Varela] [250]
  • Orientalism [postcolonial theory] [250]
  • Ortega y Gasset, Jose [500]
  • overdetermination [Althusser] [250]
  • Overman [Ubermensch] [250]
  • panopticon [Foucault] [250]
  • paradigm and syntagm [Linguistics] [500]
  • Parti Communiste Francais [500]
  • particularism [LeDoeuff] [250]
  • performativity [Butler] [250]
  • phallogocentrism [250]
  • pharmakon [Derrida] [250]
  • phenomenological reduction [Husserl] [250]
  • Phenomenology [2500]
  • philosophical imaginary [LeDoeuff] [250]
  • plateau [Deleuze and Guattari] [250]
  • Platonism, overturning of [1000]
  • play impulse [Schiller] [250]
  • positive philosophy [Schelling] [250]
  • positivism [Comte] [250]
  • postal principle [Derrida] [250]
  • Postcolonial Theory [1000]
  • post-democrary [Ranciere] [250]
  • Postmodernism [1000]
  • Poststructuralism [2500]
  • Potency [Schelling]
  • pour soi / en soi distinction ("for itself / in itself") [Sartre] [250]
  • Power [1000]
  • Pragmatism [1000]
  • problematic [Althusser] [250]
  • project [Beauvoir] [250]
  • Psychoanalysis [1000]
  • Psychology [1000]
  • quantum mechanics [250]
  • quasi-object [Latour] [250]
  • Queer Theory [1000]
  • Race / Race Theory [1000]
  • Ranciere, Jacques [500]
  • rationalization [Weber] [250]
  • real [Lacan] [250]
  • real subsumption [Negri/Marx] [250]
  • reason (1) [Kant] [250]
  • reason (2) [Hegel] [250]
  • reification [Lukacs] [250]
  • Religion, Philosophy of [1000]
  • Repetition [1500]
  • repressive desublimation [Marcuse] [250]
  • responsibility [Derrida] [250]
  • ressentiment [Nietzsche] [250]
  • revaluation of all values [Nietzsche] [250]
  • rhizome [Deleuze and Guattari] [250]
  • Ricoeur, Paul [500]
  • Romantic Irony [500]
  • Rorty, Richard [500]
  • Rosenzweig, Franz [500]
  • Russian Existentialism (Berdyaev, Shestov, ...) [500]
  • Sallis, John [500]
  • Sartre, Jean-Paul [1000]
  • saturated phenomenon [Marion] [250]
  • de Saussure, Ferdinand [500]
  • "the Saying and the Said" [Levinas] [250]
  • scapegoat [Girard] [250]
  • Scheler, Max [500]
  • Schelling, F.W.J. [1000]
  • Schiller, Friedrich [500]
  • schizoanalysis [Deleuze and Guattari] [250]
  • Schleiermacher, Friedrich [500]
  • Schmitt, Carl [500]
  • Schopenhauer, Arthur [500]
  • Science Wars [250]
  • self-overcoming [Nietzsche] [250]
  • the semiotic [Kristeva] [250]
  • Semiotics [1000]
  • Sense [1000]
  • sensibility [Kant] [250]
  • Serres, Michel [500]
  • Sex / sexuality [1000]
  • sign [semiotics] [250]
  • signature [Derrida] [250]
  • signifier and signified [500]
  • Simmel, Georg [500]
  • Simondon, Gilbert [500]
  • simulacrum [1000]
  • simulation [Baudrillard] [250]
  • singularity [Deleuze] [250]
  • Situationism [Debord] [250]
  • slave revolt in morality [Nietzsche] [250]
  • smooth / striated space [Deleuze and Guattari] [250]
  • social constructivism [Feminism] [250]
  • Socialisme ou Barbarie [Lefort, Castoriadis] [250]
  • socialized worker [Negri] [250]
  • Sorel, Georges [500]
  • Sovereignty [1000]
  • Space [1000]
  • spectrality [Derrida] [250]
  • Speech Act Theory [500]
  • Spirit [Hegel] [250]
  • state of exception [Schmitt] [250]
  • stratification [Deleuze and Guattari] [250]
  • Strauss, Leo [500]
  • Structuralism [1000]
  • Subject [1000]
  • Subject, Topology of [Lacan]
  • supplement [Derrida] [250]
  • symbolic order [Lacan] [250]
  • symbolic exchange [Baudrillard] [250]
  • synthetic a priori judgment [Kant] [250]
  • Taylor, Charles [500]
  • techniques of the self [Foucault] [250]
  • Technology, Philosophy of [1000]
  • teleological judgment [Kant] [250]
  • teleological suspension of the ethical [Kierkegaard] [250]
  • Thought [1000]
  • thrownness (Geworfenheit) [Heidegger] [250]
  • Time / temporality [2500]
  • totality [Levinas] [250]
  • trace [Derrida] [250]
  • transcendental analytic [Kant] [250]
  • transcendental dialectic [Kant] [250]
  • transcendental ego (1) [Fichte] [250]
  • transcendental ego (2) [Husserl] [250]
  • transcendental empiricism [Deleuze] [250]
  • transcendental unity of apperception [Kant] [250]
  • transversality [Guattari] [250]
  • Truth [1000]
  • undecidability [Derrida] [250]
  • understanding (1) [Kant] [250]
  • understanding (2) [Weber] [250]
  • uneven development [Althusser] [250]
  • universal pragmatics [Habermas] [250]
  • Varela, Francisco [500]
  • Vattimo, Gianni [1000]
  • Virilio, Paul [500]
  • vitalism [Biology] [250]
  • void [Badiou] [250]
  • war machine [Deleuze and Guattari] [250]
  • Weber, Max [1000]
  • Weil, Simone [500]
  • Whitehead, Alfred North [500]
  • will-to-power [Nietzsche] [250]
  • will-to-truth [Nietzsche] [250]
  • Wittgenstein, Ludwig [1000]
  • worldhood (Weltlichkeit) [Heidegger] [250]
  • Young Hegelians [1000]
  • Zizek, Slavoj [500].

「Nielsen BookData」 より

  • ISBN
    • 0748617159
    • 0748617167
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    xii, 628 p.
  • 大きさ
    25 cm
  • 分類
  • 件名