
India and South Asia

James H.K. Norton

(Global studies)

Dushkin/McGraw-Hill, c2005

7th ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes bibliographical references (p. 201-203) and index



"Global Studies" is a unique series designed to provide comprehensive background information and selected world press articles on the regions and countries of the world. Each "Global Studies" volume includes an annotated listing of World Wide Web sites.


IntroductionSelected World Wide Web SitesU.S. Statistics and MapCanada Statistics and MapWorld Map India and South Asia Regional MapImages of South AsiaIndia MapCountry ReportsIndia (Republic of India)Afghanistan (Islamic State of Afghanistan)Bangladesh (People's Republic of Bangladesh)Bhutan (Kingdom of Bhutan)Maldives (Republic of Maldives)Nepal (Kingdom of Nepal)Pakistan (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)Sri Lanka (Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka)Articles from the World Press Regional Articles" 1. Can Safta lead to a South Asian economic union?, M. Aftab, Dawn",January 19, 2004.By all counts, and indications, a union like South Asian Free Trade Agreement (Safta), is still a distant dream. However, the signing of Safta may be the first step toward this union.2. Kashmir as the roadblock, John Cherian, The Hindu", October 8, 2004.The message of Pakistan Foreign Minister, Khurdhid Mahmud Kasuri during his visit to New Delhi are outlined in this article. Kasuri maintains that New Delhi needs to discuss Kashmir seriously.3. Untying the Kashmir Knot, Radha Kumar, World Policy Journal", March 22, 2002.Until the attacks on September 11, 2001, the Kashmir dispute was lurking in the background. Since then, it has moved front and center, putting pressure on Pakistan.4. Worsening job market in South Asia, M. Aftab, Dawn", January 26, 2004.South Asian labor force is fast increasing, adding to the already bad unemployment and poverty situation, and worsening the job market. India Articles" 5. The Jewel Turns Down the Crown, Narasimhan Ravi, The New York Times", May 19, 2004.After triumphantly toppling the Hindu nationalist regime of Atal Bihari Vajpayee and his Bharatiya Janata Party, Sonia Gandhi decides to forgo the office that was in her grasp.6. Can India Work? India's economic reforms, The Economist", June 10, 2004.The Indian government is committed to reform, but there is still question of whether it can deliver.7. Dr. Manmohan Singh--The New Prime Minister of India, Quick Facts", 2004.Dr. Manmohan Singh changed the way India's economy moved. This article discusses his background and accomplishments.8. No girls, please, we're Indian, Kalpana Sharma, The Hindu", August 29, 2004.Sharma discusses India as the country known to ensure that girls are never born and the social consequences behind this "epidemic".9. Interview with Ela Bhatt, Nic Paget-Clarke, In Motion Magazine", December 18, 2003.Bhatt, the founder of the Self Employed Women's Association (SEWA), discusses why she started the organization, women's movement, human values, and more.10. In Black & White, The Famished Road, Haima Deshpande, The Indian Express", August 8, 2004.This article discusses a day in the life of malnutrition, disease, and scarce daily necessities.11. An Opulent and Pugnacious Champion of India's Outcasts, Amy Waldman, The New York Times", May 4, 2003.The supporters and critics of Chief Minister, Mayawati.12. The Chawlas' odyssey, Josy Joseph, India Abroad", February 7, 2003.This article tells about the hardships endured the background of astronaut, Kalpana Chawla and her family.13. Family Ties and the Entanglements of Caste, Joseph Berger, The New York Times", October 24, 2004.The hierarchical castes within the Indian system are continually weakening. This is seen through family relationships, and economic and social status.14. India Soybean Farmers Join the Global Village, Amy Waldman, The New York Times", January 1, 2004.Indian soybean farmers rely on the Chicago Board of Trade and other global information technology to determine when to sell their crops.15. Can India Overtake China?, Yasheng Huang and Tarun Khanna, Foreign Policy", July/August 2003.China and many policy experts agree that foreign direct investment (FDI) is the route to economic development. However, India suggests that homegrown entrepreneurs have long-term advantage and that FDI is not the only path to prosperity.16. The Looming Revolution, The Economist", November 11, 2004.China, the world's workshop, is poised to become its tailor. What will happen to textile industries elsewhere, especially in South Asia?17. Tata Shows the Way, Joanna Slater and Jay Solomon, Far Eastern Economic Review", February 12, 2004.India's mighty Tata group is taking India Inc. to the next level--flexing its manufacturing muscle and building brands that compete on the global stage. South Asia Articles" 18. Afghanistan Unbound, Kathy Gannon, Foreign Affairs", May/June 2004.The question of whether Washington can help turn Afghanistan around or improve the current situation is one on many minds. This article discusses the strategies needed if Washington is to have a chance.19. Can Hamid Karzai deliver?, L. Doucet, BCC News", November 3, 2004.Hamid Karzai got what he wanted -- a mandate from the people. But he knows legitimacy depends as much, if not more, on what happens next.20. From Guerilla to Director: The Twisty Road to 'Osama', Randy Kennedy, The New York Times", February 11, 2004.The life of Siddiq Barmak--from fleeing a country in a perpetual state of war, to his success of his movie "Osama".21. Bangladesh shows the way, Jean Dreze, The Hindu", September 17, 2004.In India, social progress is slower and less broad-based than in Bangladesh, despite much faster economic growth. Human development is still poor, and Bangladesh is still one of the most deprived countries in the world, but social indicators are improving rapidly.22. Can India, Nepal help Bangladesh?: Flood devastation, M.K. Majumder, Dawn",October 28, 2004.After 64 flooded districts, Bangladesh was an overwhelmed country. The devastation stumped experts and politicians and the timing and magnitude caught them completely off guard.23. Bhutan: racing towards democracy, Wasbir Hussain, The Hindu", January 1, 2003.Bhutan's biggest plus point is the smallness of its size and population. Therefore, it should not be that difficult for it to withstand the impact of a transformation from an absolute monarchy to a political democracy.24. Nepal/Bhutan: Bilateral Talks Fail to Solve Refugee Crisis, Human Rights Watch", October 28, 2003.The latest round of talks between the governments of Bhutan and Nepal to resolve the Bhutanese refugee crisis has failed to provide a solution. An international conference to devise a solution is needed.25. Glimpses into Dragon Kingdom, Haripriya Srinivasan,The Hindu", March 10, 2003.The kingdom of Bhutan is slowly opening up to the world. The performance by the Royal Academy of Performing Arts of Bhutan in Bangalore recently was proof of this.26. A cry for democracy, V.S. Sambandan, The Hindu", October 8, 2004.The crackdown on pro-democracy dissidents in the Maldives puts under peril the country's transition to full-fledged democracy, which will depend on the pace of reforms and the government's ability to convince its critics that it will deliver.27. Not sinking but drowning, The Economist",May 13, 2000.Buoyed by good weather, good location and lots of tourism, Maldivians live comfortable lives. However, there is concern over the rising sea that surrounds Maldives.28. Trekkers' paradise is Nepalis' hell, Julian Gearing, Asia Times", January, 2004.Nepal is at war with itself as it struggles to enter the 21st century. Foreign trekkers are treated well while residents suffer under Maoist brutality.29. Katmandu Asks: Is Gyanendra Smoking as Nepal Burns?, David Rohde,The New York Times", April 25, 2004.Maoists kill an average of 10 of King Gyanendra of Nepal's subjects a day while he sits idle. The King's lack of action has nearly everyone in the Himalayan kingdom guessing.30. Pakistan, The man in the middle, The Economist", March 11, 2004.One of America's most important partners in the war against terror, Pakistan, is also one of its biggest worries.31. Pakistan: Interview with head of grass roots finance NGO, UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, IRIN News", October 23, 2004.Established in 1996, as a replicate of Bangladesh's Grameen Bank, the Kashf Foundation has blossomed into a service to aide poor rural and urban women in Pakistan.32. New Take on AQ Khan nuclear 'whodunit', Khalid Hasan, Daily Times", October 11, 2004.The Abdul Qadeer Khan network has been known to US and British intelligence. Still, only after the network began to offload unwanted centrifuges on Iran did Khan and his circle become a prime target.33. Conflict and Community in Sri Lanka, William Clarance,History Today", July 2002.Clarance explores the origins and complexities of the Sri Lankan Civil War.34. Chandrika's chance, The Economist", April 7, 2004.The president's victory at the polls will not restore stability.35. Women now swelling the ranks of Maoists, Rita Manchanda, Dawn", November 4, 2004.The Maoists claim that a third of the 'Peoples Liberation Army' is made up of women.36. Maldives ready for change, says Gayoom, V.S. Sambandan, The Hindu", September 5, 2004.After a miraculous economic graduation from a scattering of poor fishing islets to South Asia's richest country in just over two decades, the Maldives now demands democracy.37. Calcutta and Dhaka: A Tale of Two Cities, John Richards, Inroads 11".The devastating conflicts in Bengal over the 20th century denied to Calcutta over half of what would otherwise have been its commercial and linguistic hinterland. Due to these conflicts, Dhaka has now assumed a prominences that, a century ago, was unimaginable.38. Where Democracy's Greatest Enemy Is a Flower, Ashraf Ghani, The New York Times", December 11, 2004.In his inaugural address, President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan laid out his priorities for the next five years--his top priority was stopping the country's growing drug trade.39. India: No Gains Without Growing Pains Knowledge@Wharton, University of Pennsylvania, January 22, 2004.India has become a recognizable savvy business leader. The uproar over U.S. jobs being outsourced abroad, as well as recent raves in the media about graduates from the Indian Institute of Technology, have increased the buzz.40. Lessons Learned from Communities Displaced by the Mahaweli Multipurpose Development Project, SRI Lanka, D.R.I.B. Werellagama, APHW Proceedings", 2004.The Mahaweli project--specifically with the Upper Mahaweli and the fate of the migrant families 20 years after they left, with the inundation of their traditional lands.

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