Nanotechnology for Environmental Remediation


    • Joo, Sung Hee
    • Cheng, I. Frank


Nanotechnology for Environmental Remediation

Sung Hee Joo, I. Francis Cheng

(Modern Inorganic Chemistry / Series Editor: John P. Fackler, Jr.)

Springer Science+Business Media, c2006

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes bibliographical references and index



The book covers the recently discovered oxidative process driven by zero-valent iron (ZVI) in the presence of oxygen and a further developed system which is named ZEA (Zero-valent iron, EDTA, Air). Future potential applications for en- ronmentalremediationusingthisprocessarealsodiscussed. Theoxidativeprocess wasdiscoveredduringthecourseofmolinate(athiocarbamateherbicide)degra- tion experiments. Both ferrous iron and superoxide (or, at pH < 4. 8, hydroperoxy) radicals appear to be generated on corrosion of the ZVI with resultant production of strongly oxidizing entities capable of degrading the trace contaminant. Fenton oxidationandoxidativeby-productswereobservedduringnanosizedZVI(nZV- mediateddegradationofmolinateunderaerobicconditions. Toassessthepotential applicationofnZVIforoxidativetransformationoforganiccontaminants,thec- version of benzoic acid (BA) to p-hydroxybenzoic acid (p-HBA) was used as a probe reaction. When nZVI was added to BA-containing water, an initial pulse of p-HBA was detected during the ?rst 30 minutes, followed by the slow generation of additional p-HBA over periods of at least 24 hours. The ZEA system showed that chlorinated phenols, organophosphorus and EDTA have been degraded. The mechanism by which the ZEA reaction proceeds is hypothesized to be through reactive oxygen intermediates. The ZVI-mediated oxidation and ZEA system may be useful for in situ applications of nZVI particles and may also provide a means of oxidizing organic contaminants in granular ZVI-containing permeable reactive barriers. The purpose of this book is to provide information on the recently discovered chemical process, which could revolutionize the treatment of pesticides and c- taminated water. It also aims to offer signi?cant insights to the knowledge for potential applications of ZVI-based technology. Oxidative degradation of herbicides (e. g.


Literature Review.- Nanoscale ZVI Particles Manufacture and Analytical Techniques.- Oxidative Degradation of the Thiocarbamate Herbicide, Molinate, Using Nanoscale ZVI.- Molecular Oxygen Activation by FeII/IIIEDTA as a Form of Green Oxidation Chemistry.- Quantification of the Oxidizing Capacity of Nanoparticulate Zero-Valent Iron and Assessment of Possible Environmental Applications.- Conclusions and Future Research Needs.

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  • ISBN
    • 0387288252
  • LCCN
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    New York
  • ページ数/冊数
    xiii, 165 p.
  • 分類
  • 親書誌ID