The development of the novel : literary sources & documents


The development of the novel : literary sources & documents

edited and with an introduction by Eleanor McNees

Helm Information, c2006

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To today's novel reader, with one foot irrevocably planted in the 21st century, reflection on the origin(s) of the novel is considerably more complicated than it was in the earlier part of the 20th century. Questions of origin are also more fraught than they were for postwar critics of the 1950s such as Ian Watt and Richard Chase. As Homer Brown notes, "What is clear is that the linear history of the novel as having an "origin" and "rise," the history we have been brought up on, with its genealogies, lines of descent and influence, family resemblances, is itself a fictional narrative - a kind of novel about the novel." He views the shifting critical responses to such "canonical" authors as Defoe, for example, as an allegory for the shifting definitions of the novel over several centuries. "The Development of the Novel: Sources and Documents" aims largely to reflect the historical trajectory of the English language novel, rather than the revisionary history of the transnational novel of which Doody, Lynch and Warner and Rushdie speak. Instead, this collection attempts to reflect the decades, even centuries, of debates about the origin, genre and goals of the novel, granting equal space to both writers and critics over nearly three centuries. The material is divided into sections for easy reference and each piece is prefaced by an explanatory paragraph by the editor explaining its importance. Volume I looks at the origins of the novel from Cervantes to Austen and finishes with a section on the 19th century development in Europe. Volume II concentrates on the 19th century in the English tradition (Scott to James) and ends with 2 sections on the development of the novel in America. Volume III concentrates on the 20th century and is divided into 2 sections: 1900-1950 and then from 1950 to the present.


  • VOLUME I: Origins through the Eighteenth Century: Beginnings: Cervantes to Austen
  • The Continental Novel in the Nineteenth Century General Editor's Preface Editor's Introduction The Novel: Terms & Definitions The Novel: Chronology Critical Bibliography Bibliography of Sources & Documents Included Acknowledgements I. Romance vs Novel: Writers on the Early Novel 1. William Congreve, "The Preface to the Reader." Incognita or Love and Duty Reconcil'd., 1691 2. Daniel Defoe, "Author's Preface." The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders, 1722 3. Samuel Richardson, "Preface by the Editor." Pamela or Virtue Rewarded, 1741 4. Henry Fielding, "Original Preface." The Adventures of Joseph Andrews, 1742 5. Samuel Richardson, "Preface." The History of Clarissa Harlowe, 1747-1748 6. Henry Fielding, from The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling. 1749 7. Samuel Johnson, "The Moral Duty of Novelists." The Rambler, 4, 31st March 1750 8. Tobias Smollett, "To Doctor ... " The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom, 1753 9. Horace Walpole, "Preface to this Second Edition", The Castle of Otranto, 1765 10. Frances Burney, "Author's Preface." Evelina, 1778 11. James Beattie, "On Fable and Romance", Dissertations Moral and Critical, 1783 12. Clara Reeve, "Evening II", The Progress of Romance, 1785 II. Critics on the Early Novel: Don Quixote and the Eighteenth Century 13. David Masson, "British Novelists of the Eighteenth Century", British Novelists and Their Styles, 1859 14. William J. Dawson and Coningbsby W. Dawson, "The Growth and Technique of the English Novel", The Great English Novelists, Vol. 1, 1911 15. Arthur Jerrold Tieje, "A Peculiar Phase of the Theory of Realism in Pre-Richardsonian Fiction," PMLA, 28, n.s. 21, 1913 16. Joyce M. Horner, "The Change in Position of the Woman Novelist, 1688-1797," Smith College Studies in Modern Languages 11.1, October 1929 17. Elizabeth Bowen, from English Novelists, London, 1942 18. Arnold Kettle, "Realism and Romance", An Introduction to the English Novel, Vol. 1, 1951 19. Walter Allen, "The Beginnings", The English Novel: A Short Critical History, New York, 1955 20. Ian Watt, "The Reading Public and the Rise of the Novel," The Rise of the Novel, Berkeley, 1957 21. J. M. S. Tompkins, "The Gothic Romance," The Popular Novel in England 1770-1800, 1932 22. Sheridan Baker, "The Idea of Romance in the Eighteenth-Century Novel," Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters, 49, 1964 23. Marthe Robert, "Why the Novel?", Origins of the Novel, 1972, trans. Sacha Rabinovitch. Bloomington, 1980 24. Dieter Schulz, "'Novel,' 'Romance,' and Popular Fiction in the First Half of the Eighteenth Century", Studies in Philology, 70.1, January 1973 25. Ralph Rader, "From Richardson to Austen: 'Johnson's Rule' and the Development of the Eighteenth-Century Novel of Moral Action." Johnson and His Age, ed. James Engell. Harvard English Studies 12, 1984 26. Michael McKeon, "Conclusion," The Origins of the English Novel 1600-1740, 1987 27. Ralph rader, "The Emergence of the Novel in England: Genre in History vs History of Genre", Narrative, 1, 1, January 1993 28. michael mckeon, "Reply to Ralph Rader", Narrative, 1, 1, January 1993 29. J. Paul. Hunter, "Novel and 'the Novel': The Critical Tyranny of Formal Definition." Before Novels: The Cultural Contexts of Eighteenth Century English Fiction, 1990 30. Fred Botting, "Gothic Forms", Gothic, 1996 31. Michael Charlesworth, from "Introduction", The Gothic Revival: Literary Sources & Documents, Vol. 1, 2003, 32. Diana de Armas Wilson, "The Novel about the Novel: Cervantes and His Anglo-American Critics", revised chapter from Cervantes, The Novel, and the New World, 2000 III. The Continental Novel in the Nineteenth Century 33. Honore de Balzac, "Preface", 1842, La Comedie Humaine, Vol. 1, trans. Katharine Prescott Wormeley, 1898 34. Gustave Flaubert, "To Louise Colet", 16 January 1852
  • 19 September 1852
  • 22 November 1852, The Selected Letters of Gustave Flaubert, trans. Francis Steegmuller, 1953 35. Henry James, "Honore de Balzac", 1902, Notes on Novelists, 1914 36. Emile Zola, "The Experimental Novel", The Experimental Novel and Other Essays, 1893. 37. D. S. Mirsky, A History of Russian Literature From the Earliest Times to the Death of Dostoyevsky, 1881, 1927 38. Erich Auerbach, "In the Hotel de la Mole", Mimesis: The Rep-resentation of Reality in Western Literature, trans. Willard R. Trask, 1953 39. George Steiner, Tolstoy or Dostoevsky: An Essay in the Old Criticism, 1959 40. Harry Levin, The Gates of Horn: A Study of Five French Realists, 1963 41. John Garrard, "Introduction: The Rise of the Novel in Russia", The Russian Novel from Pushkin to Pasternak, ed. John Garrard, 1983 VOLUME II: The Nineteenth-Century Novel The English Novel: Scott to James IV. Writers and Critics on the English Novel 42. Maria Edgeworth, "Author's Preface", Castle Rackrent, 1800 43. [Anna Letitia] Barbauld, "On the Origin and Progress of Novel Writing," The British Novelists, vol. 1, 1810 44. Sir Walter Scott, from Waverley, 1814 45. Sir Walter Scott, Review of Emma, Quarterly Review, 14, March 1816 46. Jane Austen, from Northanger Abbey, 1818 47. William Hazlitt, "On the English Novelists", 1818 48. Charles Dickens, "Preface", The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, 1837 49. Charles Dickens, "Preface", The Adventures of Oliver Twist, 1837-38 50. Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton, "Art in Fiction," 1838, Critical and Miscellaneous Essays, vol. 1, 1841 51. William Thackeray, "Before the Curtain", Vanity Fair, 1847 52. Charlotte Bronte, "Biographical Notice of Ellis and Acton Bell", Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, 1850 53. Charlotte Bronte, "Editor's Preface to the New Edition of Wuthering Heights", 1850 54. Sir James Fitzjames Stephen, "The Relation of Novels to Life", Cambridge Essays, 1855 55. George Eliot, "Silly Novels by Lady Novelists", Westminster Review, 66, October 1856 56. George Eliot, from Adam Bede, Book II, Chapter 17, 1859 57. George Eliot, from Middlemarch, Book II, Chapter 15, 1871-72 58. George Henry Lewes, "Criticism in Relation to Novels", Fortnightly Review, 3, 15 December 1865 59. Anonymous, "The Uses of Fiction", The Saturday Review, 22, 15 September 1866 60. Walter Besant, "The Value of Fiction", Belgravia, 16, November 1871 61. Anonymous, "On the History of the Novel in England", Argosy, 14, 1872 62. Anonymous, "The Art of Novel Writing", Gentleman's Magazine, 9, 1872 63. Anthony Trollope, "Novel-Reading", Nineteenth Century, 5, January 1879 64. John Ruskin, "Fiction Fair and Foul", Nineteenth Century, 7, June 1880 65. Robert Louis Stevenson, "A Gossip on Romance", Longman's Magazine, 1, 1882 66. Robert Louis Stevenson, "A Humble Remonstrance", Longman's Magazine, 5.26, Winter 1883 67. Walter Besant, "The Art of Fiction", 1884 68. George Meredith, "Letter to G. P. Baker", 22 July 1887, Letters of George Meredith, vol. 2, 1882-1909, 1912 69. Thomas Hardy, "The Profitable Reading of Fiction", 1888 70. Oscar Wilde, "The Decay of Lying: A Dialogue", The Nineteenth Century, 25.143, January 1889 71. Edmund Gosse, "The Limits of Realism in Fiction", The Forum, June 1890 72. Thomas Hardy, "The Science of Fiction", 1891 73. Edmund Gosse, "The Tyranny of the Novel", National Review, 19, 1892 74. George Gissing, et al., "The Place of Realism in Fiction: A Discussion", The Humanitarian, July 1895 75. Vernon Lee, "On Literary Construction", Contemporary Review 68, 1895 76. Joseph Conrad, "Preface" to The Nigger of the Narcissus, 1897 77. Frederick Karl, "An Age of Fiction", An Age of Fiction: The Nineteenth Century British Novel, New York, 1964 The American Novel in the Nineteenth Century V. Writers on the American Novel 78. James Fenimore Cooper, "Preface to the Leather-Stocking Tales", The Deerslayer, 1841 79. Nathaniel Hawthorne, "Preface", The House of the Seven Gables, 1851 80. Harriet Beecher Stowe, "Preface", Uncle Tom's Cabin
  • or, Life Among the Lowly, 1853 81. William Dean Howells, "Henry James", The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, 25, ns 3, November 1882 82. Henry James, "The Art of Fiction", Longman's Magazine, Fall 1884 83. Henry James, "The Future of the Novel", 1899 84. William Dean Howells, from Criticism and Fiction, 1892 85. Mark Twain, "Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offences", How to Tell a Story and Other Essays, 1897 86. Henry James, "Preface", The Portrait of a Lady, 1881 VI. Critics on the American Novel 87. Lillie Deming Loshe, "The Didactic and the Sentimental", The Early American Novel, 1907 88. Carl Van Doren, "The Beginnings of Fiction", The American Novel, 1921 89. Leslie Fiedler, "Come Back to the Raft Ag'in, Huck Honey!" Partisan Review, 15.6, June 1948 90. James Baldwin, "Everybody's Protest Novel", Partisan Review, 166, June 1949 91. Philip Rahv, "Paleface and Redskin", Image and Idea: Twenty Essays on Literary Themes, 1949
  • rev. ed. 1957 92. Arthur Mizner, "The Novel of Manners in America", Kenyon Review, 12.1, Winter 1950 93. Malcolm Cowley, "Naturalism: No Teacup Tragedies", The Literary Situation, 1954 94. Philip Rahv, "The Cult of Experience in American Writing", Image and Idea: Twenty Essays on Literary Themes. 1949
  • rev. ed. 1957 95. Richard Chase, "The Broken Circuit," The American Novel and its Tradition, 1957 96. Marius Bewley, "The Question of Form", The Eccentric Design: Form in the Classic American Novel, 1957 97. Leslie A. Fiedler, "The Novel and America", Partisan Review, 27.1, Winter 1960 98. Harold Beaver, "A Figure in the Carpet: Irony and the American Novel." Essays and Studies, 15, 1962 99. James W. Tuttleton, "The Sociological Matrix of the Novel of Manners", The Novel of Manners in America, Chapel Hill, 1972 VOLUME III: The Twentieth-Century Novel VII. Writers on the Novel 1900-1950 100. Frank Norris, "The Novel With a Purpose," 1903, The Responsibilities of the Novelist. Vol. 7. 1928 101. H. G. Wells, "The Contemporary Novel," An Englishman Looks at the World, 1914 102. Arnold Bennett, "Is the Novel Decaying?" Cassell's Weekly, 28 March 1923 103. Virginia Woolf, "Mr Bennett and Mrs Brown", 1924, rptd The Captain's Death Bed and Other Essays, 1950 104. D. H. Lawrence, "Why the Novel Matters", Phoenix: The Posthumous Papers of D. H. Lawrence, ed. Edward D. McDonald. 1936 105. Edith Wharton, "Character and Situation in the Novel," The Writing of Fiction, 1925 106. E. M. Forster, "The Plot", Aspects of the Novel, 1927 107. Ernest Hemingway, from Death in the Afternoon, 1932 108. W. H. Auden, "The Guilty Vicarage," The Dyer's Hand and Other Essays, 1948 VIII. Critics on the Novel 1900-1950 109. Percy Lubbock, from The Craft of Fiction, 1921 110. Jose Ortega y Gasset, "Decline of the Novel", 1925, The Dehumanization of Art and Other Essays on Art, Culture and Literature, trans. Helene Weyl, 1968 111. Edwin Muir, from The Structure of the Novel, 1929 112. M. M. Bakhtin, from "Discourse in the Novel", 1934-35, The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays, ed. Michael Holquist, trans. Caryl Emerson and Michael Holquist, 1981 113. Georg Lukacs, from The Historical Novel, 1937, trans. Hannah and Stanley Mitchell, 1983 114. Rene Wellek and Austin Warren, "The Nature and Modes of Narrative Fiction", Theory of Literature, 1942 115. Allen Tate, "Techniques of Fiction", Sewanee Review, 52.2, Spring 1944 116. F. R. Leavis, The Great Tradition, 1948 117. Mark Schorer, "Technique as Discovery", Hudson Review, 1, 1948 118. V. S. Prichett, "The Future of English Fiction", Partisan Review, 15.10, Oct. 1948 IX. Modernism/Postmodernism Writers: 1950 to the Present 119. Albert Camus, "The Novel and Revolt", L'homme revolte, 1951, trans. Susan Stakel, 2004 120. Alain Robbe-Grillet, "A Future for the Novel", 1956, rptd For a New Novel: Essays on Fiction, trans. Richard Howard, 1965 121. Ralph Ellison, "Society, Morality, and the Novel", The Living Novel: A Symposium, ed. Granville Hicks, 1957 122. John Barth, "The Literature of Exhaustion", The Atlantic, 220.2, August 1967, 123. William Gass, "The Concept of Character in Fiction", New American Review, 7, 1969 124. Flannery O'Connor, "The Nature and Aim of Fiction", Mystery and Manners, ed. Sally and Robert Fitzgerald, 1969 125. Chinua Achebe, "The Novelist as Teacher." 1965. Morning Yet on Creation Day, 1975 126. Chinua Achebe, "Thoughts on the African Novel", 1973, Morning Yet on Creation Day, 1975 127. John Gardner, "Moral Fiction", Hudson Review, 29.4, Winter 1976/77 128. Saul Bellow, "The Nobel Lecture," The American Scholar, 46, Summer 1977 129. John Barth, "The Literature of Replenishment: Postmodernist Fiction", The Atlantic, 245:1, 19801. 130. Milan Kundera, from The Art of the Novel, 1986 131. Carlos Fuentes, "Latin America and the Universality of the Novel", The Novel in the Americas, ed. Raymond Leslie Williams, 1992 132. Salman Rushdie, "In Defense of the Novel, Yet Again", The New Yorker, 72, June 24 & July 1, 1996 133. Salman Rushdie, "Damme, This is the Oriental Scene for You!" The New Yorker, 73, June 23 & 30, 1997 X. Critics of the Novel: 1950 to the Present 134. Lionel Trilling, "Manners, Morals, and The Novel", The Liberal Imagination: Essays on Literature and Society, 1950 135. Robert Humphrey, "'Stream of Consciousness': Technique or Genre?" Philological Quarterly, 30.4, Oct. 1951 136. Granville Hicks, "Fiction and Social Criticism", College English, 13.7, April 1952 137. Roland Barthes, "Writing and the Novel", Writing Degree Zero, 1953, trans. Annette Lavers and Colin Smith, 1968 138. Leon Edel, "Atmosphere of the Mind", The Modern Psychological Novel, 1955 139. Norman Friedman, "Point of View in Fiction: The Develop-ment of a Critical Concept", PMLA, 70.5, December 1955 140. Northrop Frye, "Specific Continuous Forms (Prose Fiction)", Anatomy of Criticism: Four Essays, 1957 141. Irving Howe, "The Idea of the Political Novel", Politics and the Novel, 1957 142. Wayne Booth, "Distance and Point-of-View: An Essay in Characterization", Essays in Criticism, 11, 1961 143. Maurice Z. Shroder, "The Novel as a Genre", The Massa-chusetts Review, 1963 144. Tzvetan Todorov, "The Typology of Detective Fiction", 1966, The Poetics of Prose, 1971, trans. Richard Howard, 1977 145. Robert Scholes, and Robert Kellogg, "The Narrative Tradition", The Nature of Narrative, 1966 146. Malcolm Bradbury, "Towards a Poetics of Fiction: 1) An Approach through Structure" Novel, 1.1, Fall 1967 147. David Lodge, "Towards a Poetics of Fiction: 2) An Approach through Language." Novel, 1.2, Winter 1968 148. Barbara Hardy, "Towards a Poetics of Fiction: 3) An ApproachThrough Narrative." Novel, 2.1, Fall 1968 149. Robert Scholes, "Towards a Poetics of Fiction: 4) An Approach through Genre." Novel, 2.2, Winter 1969 150. Raymond Williams, "Introduction", The English Novel from Dickens to Lawrence, 1970 151. Avrom Fleishman, from The English Historical Novel: Walter Scott to Virginia Woolf, 1971 152. Mark Spilka, "Henry James and Walter Besant: 'The Art of Fiction' Controversy", Novel: A Forum on Fiction. 6.2. Winter 1973 153. J. Hillis Miller, "Narrative and History", ELH, 41.3, Fall 1974 154. Gerard Genette, "Voice", Narrative Discourse: An Essay in Method, 1972, trans. Jane E. Lewin, 1980 155. Q. D. Leavis, "The Englishness of the English Novel", English Studies, 62.2, April 1981 156. Raymond Williams, "Region and Class in the Novel", Writing in Society, London, 1983 157. Nancy Armstrong, Desire and Domestic Fiction: A Political History of the Novel, 1987 158. David Lodge, "The Novel Now: Theories and Practices", Novel: A Forum on Fiction, 21.2-3, Winter/Spring 1988 159. Linda Hutcheon, "Historiographic Metafiction: 'The Pastime of Past Time'", A Poetics of Postmodernism: History, Theory, Fiction, 1988 160. William Spindler, "Magic Realism: A Typology", Forum for Modern Language Studies, 39.1, January 1993

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