The practical guide to managing nonprofit assets


The practical guide to managing nonprofit assets

William A. Schneider, Robert A. DiMeo, Michael S. Benoit & Associates

J. Wiley, c2005


Guide to managing nonprofit assets

Managing nonprofit assets


Includes index



'The authors have provided an interesting and helpful resource to understand and manage the nonprofit organization's investments. I believe that this book should be in the library of all nonprofit practitioners that are concerned about prudent stewardship' - Jim Croft, PhD, Vice President, Finance and Administration, The Field Museum (Chicago, Illinois). 'This book is a straightforward, well-written guide to the strategies and administration of investment assets of nonprofit institutions. It relies on the principles of modern portfolio theory in emphasizing asset diversification, performance measurement, and careful manager selection. It debunks much of what passes for 'investment advice' in the popular media. To their credit, the authors describe the challenges, factors, and actors in the investment industry, from the perspective of the individuals and committees charged by nonprofit institutions with investment oversight responsibility." -John E. Allerson, Senior Vice President, Finance and Operations and Chief Financial Officer, Roosevelt University (Chicago, Illinois). 'I would consider this book "Investments 101" for anyone who deals with overseeing investments of a company, whether it is a profit or nonprofit. Yet, at the same time, it would help all investors, small or large, in dealing with their own individual portfolios. DiMeo, Schneider, Benoit, et al. have organized the book in such a way that each chapter deals with the very essence of how to structure an investment portfolio and how to look at the complex environment in an easy way' - Kevin Higdon, Vice President of Finance Elkhart General Hospital (Elkhart, Indiana). 'From modern portfolio theory to the role of the fiduciary, "The Practical Guide to Managing Nonprofit Assets" provides trustees of nonprofit funds with a chapter-by-chapter explanation of what they should know to carry out their responsibilities. For the uninitiated, it creates a foundation for understanding investing in a difficult environment. For the experienced, it serves as a checklist of issues to be considered in exercising appropriate investment oversight' - Thomas H. Hodges, Executive Vice President, Finance, and Treasurer Evanston Northwestern Healthcare (Evanston, Illinois).


Chapter 1: Introduction. A Crying Need. Shocks to the System. Finances. Contributors. The Pension Problem. Environment of Mistrust. The Good News. The Fund-Raising Challenge. Gifting Strategies. Investment Strategies. Expect to Find. How to Use this Book. Who Should Use this Book? Chapter 2: Special Issues. Hospitals-The Retirement Plan Mess. Underfunded Pensions. 403(B) versus 401(K). Annuities. Mutual Funds. Education and Communication. Endowment and Operating Funds. Contributions. Considerations for Religious Institutions. Summary. Chapter 3: The Total Return Approach. Early History. The Modern Era. The Legal Challenge. The Barker Report. UMIFA, ERISA, UPIA, and the Prudent Investor Standard. The Case for the Total Return Approach. Potential Negatives. Summary. Chapter 4: The Prudent Steward. Build a House ... Build an Investment Program. Set Goals: The Blueprint. Allocate Assets. Manager Selection: Hire the Subcontractors. Rebalance. Monitor Performance. Chapter 5: Set Goals. Introduction. Define the Mission. Determine a Spending Policy. Establish the Required Return. Understand Your Risk Tolerance. Designate the Time Horizon. Summary. Chapter 6: Investment Policy. Overview. Why Is It Important? Content. Sample Investment Policy Statement. Implementation and Maintenance. Specific Investment Guidelines. Investment Benchmarks. Summary. Chapter 7: Asset Allocation. The Efficient Frontier. Capital Market Assumptions: The Building Blocks of Portfolio Construction. Developing Expected Return Assumptions. Modern Portfolio Theory. Shortcoming of Traditional Mean Variance Optimization. The Long Run. Probabilistic Optimization Models. Summary. Chapter 8: New Asset Classes. Real Estate Investment Trusts. The Statistical Properties of Historical REIT Returns. High-Yield Bonds. International Bonds. Mutual Fund or Separate Account? Experience Counts! Summary. Inflation Indexed Bonds. Risk Factors. Conclusion. Chapter 9: Investment Style. Academic Research. Ancillary Uses. The Current State. Summary. Chapter 10: Manager Selection. Overview. Herd Mentality. Avoiding the Star System. Where to Begin. Manager Selection. Passive versus Active Management. Databases. Administrative Compatibility. Trade Execution. Social Investing. The Commonfund. Proxy Voting. Account Types. Negotiate Fees. Chapter 11: Alternative Investments. Hedge Funds (Absolute Return Strategies). Funds of Funds. Risks. Benefits. Fund-of-Funds Search. Real Estate. Timberland. Private Equity. Structured Equity. Managed Futures. An Investment Strategy. Benefits of Diversification. Risks. Conclusion. Chapter 12: Portfolio Rebalancing. Traditional Rebalancing Methods. A New Approach. Building Your Own Model. Conclusion. Chapter 13: Performance Measurement and Evaluation. Performance Calculations. Benchmarks. Market Indexes. Style. Picking the Right Index. Multiple Benchmarks. Presenting the Data. Universe Comparisons. Portfolio Analysis. Style Analysis. Risk Analysis. Recent Developments. Performance Reporting. Terminating a Manager. Chapter 14: Socially Responsible Investing. History. Socially Responsible Investing Strategies. Separate Accounts versusMutual Funds. Performance Impact of Socially Responsible Investing. Incorporating Socially Responsible Investing into Investment Policy. Chapter 15: Selecting Other Vendors. Step One. Step Two. Step Three. Step Four. Record Keepers. Narrow the Field. Final Steps. Defined Benefit Plans. Gift Annuities. Brokers. Chapter 16: Hiring an Investment Management Consultant. Identifying the Need: A Tale of the Typical Nonprofit Organization. The General Contractor-A.K.A. The Investment Consultant. Effective Use of a Consultant. Summary. Chapter 17: Behavioral Finance. Trying to Break Even. Snake Bitten. Biased Expectations and Overconfidence. Herd Mentality. Asset Segregation or Mental Accounting. Cognitive Dissonance. Anchors. Fear of Regret and Seeking Pride. Representatives. Familiarity. Investor Personality Types. Risk-Seeking Behavior. Naturally Occurring Ponzi Schemes and Market Bubbles. Conclusion. Chapter 18: Legal Aspects of Investing Charitable Endowment, Restricted, and Other Donor Funds. Overview. The Nature of Endowment or Restricted Funds. Endowments Created by the Board. Donor-Created Endowment Funds. Donor-Created Restricted Gifts or Funds. General Statement About Investing Endowment and Other Funds. The Prudent Man Rule. The Prudent Investor Act. Uniform Management of Institutional Funds Act. Private Foundation Rules. Summary. Chapter 19: Fiduciary Issues-Retirement Funds. ERISA. Who Is a Fiduciary? Fiduciary Requirements. Penalties for Fiduciary Breaches. Prudent Procedures to Limit Fiduciary Liability. Department of Labor Tips to Help Fiduciaries Understand Their Responsibilities. Chapter 20: Final Thoughts. Summary. The Prudent Steward. Take Aways. Conclusion. Appendix A: Sample Investment Policy Statement. Introduction. Purpose. Spending Policy. Investment Policy. Investment Objectives. Asset Allocation. Cash Flows/Rebalancing. Transaction Guidelines. Selection of Investment Funds/Managers. Performance Monitoring. Termination of Managers. Proxy Voting Policy. Responsibilities of the Investment Consultant. Meeting Schedule. ABC Hospital Fund. General Guidelines for All Managers. Specific Guidelines. Investment Manager Objectives: Evaluation Benchmarks of Selected Managers. Appendix B: Investment Manager Questionnaire. Appendix C: Sample Search: Investment Analysis. Definition of Key Statistics. Large Company Value Search: The Screening Process. Large Company Value Investment Analysis. Large-Cap Value Equity Analysis. Appendix D: zzz eVestment Alliance, L.L.C.: eA U.S. Equity Sample Product. Appendix E: Request for Proposal for Hedge Fund-of-Funds Management. Appendix F: Request for Proposal: Record-Keeping Services Firm Background. Plan Sponsor Services. Administration/Record Keeping. Participant Services. Communication and Education Services. Investments. Trustee Services. Mutual Fund Trading Practices. Fees. Conversions. Appendix G: Resources. Data. Analytical Software. Other Resources. Glossary. Index.

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