Piero Fornasetti : a conversation between Philippe Starck and Barnaba Fornasetti
Piero Fornasetti : a conversation between Philippe Starck and Barnaba Fornasetti
Assouline, c2005
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Fornasetti : conversation with Philippe Starck
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全2件
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Translated from the French by Charles Penwarden
Piero Fornasetti is often described as a visionary. A Milan artist, Fornasetti was at the same time a painter, sculptor, designer, craftsman, and an engraver of art books. In his lifetime, he created more than 11,000 items, most of which are one-of-a kind. It is actually said that his production of objects and furniture is one of the largest in the 20th century. Perpetuating the workshop tradition today is his son Barnaba, who has revived his most popular pieces and created new ones. In an illustrated Memoire devoted to Piero Fornasetti's work, the book critically discusses his contribution to 20th century art and design.
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