Scenarios and information design : a user-oriented practical guide
Scenarios and information design : a user-oriented practical guide
(Chandos information professional series)
Chandos, 2006
- : hardback
- : pbk
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全3件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Includes bibliographical references and index
Developers of digital media require new skills in information design. Information designers developing web sites, software or online system interfaces, games and other digital media often overlook critical steps to ensure the usability of their product. Scenarios and Information Design introduces readers to both the theory and practice of the use of scenarios to create usable information spaces. Through practical applications, such as step-by-step guidelines for scenario development and case studies with analysis tools, the book outlines crucial steps to develop user and use scenarios to achieve competencies for and tools to implement prescribed tasks for user-oriented information design.
- Introduction and overview. Part 1 Practical theories: Framework and fundamentals
- Organizational cultures: ecological and cognitive approaches
- Communicating with stakeholders. Part 2 Theoretical practices: Managing scenario design projects and knowledge
- Presentations of ideas
- Life cycle of ideas
- Documentation and prototyping
- Scenarios and information design: a summary.
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