Aging : concepts and controversies


Aging : concepts and controversies

Harry R. Moody

Pine Forge Press, c2006

5th ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 9



Includes bibliographical references (p. 429-458) and index



Welcome to the worldAEs most unique and dynamic textbook on aging! Widely praised and adopted in previous editions, the Fifth Edition of Aging once again presents key issues in an engaging and accessible fashion. Organized unlike any other traditional textbook, author Harry 'Rick' Moody presents basic concepts followed by controversies, supported by carefully chosen adapted readings. The result is the most captivating introduction to gerontology available today.''Key Features:''''Embraces current controversies in aging: The close link between concepts and controversies in the broad areas of aging including health care, socioeconomic trends, and the life course are examined. Aging of the U.S. population has huge consequences for everyone, not just the elderly. Students are encouraged to become involved in the major aging issues that we as a society are struggling with and to take an informed stand. ''Incorporates a reorganized format: The former section, Basic Concepts III, on the life course perspective, will now be the first section in the book. The Focus on Practice boxes have been moved to the Basic Concepts sections to demonstrate their relevance. The Focus on the Future sections follow the readings, encouraging students to understand the rapid change in society, and its implications on the aging population. ''Includes new material: Each of the Basic Concepts and the Controversies sections has been updated with new citations and updated discussions. Over twenty-five percent of the readings are new. In addition, all charts and graphs have been updated with the most recent U.S. census data.''Accompanied by High Quality Ancillaries!''''InstructorsAE Resource CD-ROM: provides test questions, back issues of the Teaching Gerontology newsletter, and PowerPoint slides for each of the Basic Concepts and Controversies covered in the text ''Teaching Gerontology newsletter, edited by Rick Moody, is published monthly during the academic year through the AARP Office of Academic Affairs.. This informative newsletter has, among other things, the latest information on relevant new research, websites, workshops and new publications to enhance teaching and learning in courses on aging. It is available free to all adopters of Aging, Fifth Edition ''Student Study Site: contains an annotated list of online resources in aging to better help students develop research papers. Check it out at http:/'' ''Intended Audience:''Perfect introductory text for a variety of undergraduate and graduate aging courses including Introduction to Aging, Social Gerontology, and Aging Policies


About the Author/Editor Preface Prologue: America as an Aging Society Basic Concepts I: A Life Course Perspective on Aging Age Identification The Stages of Life The Life Course and Aging Life Transitions Theories of Aging Modernization Theory Disengagement Theory Activity Theory Influences on the Life Course Social Class and Life History Social Institutions and Policies Aging in the 21st Century Time and the Life Course The Moral Economy of the Life Course The Biology of Aging The New Science of Longevity Mechanisms of Physical Aging Wear and Tear Free Radicals The Immune System Aging and Psychological Functioning Self-Concept and Social Relationships Social Roles Cognitive Functioning Conclusion Toward a New Map of Life CONTROVERSY 1 Why Do We Grow Old? The Process of Biological Aging Biological Theories of Aging Wear-and-Tear Theory Autoimmune Theory Aging Clock Theory Cross-Linkage Theory Free Radicals Cellular Theory Is Aging Inevitable? Ways to Prolong the Life Span Environmental Approach Genetic Approach Compression or Prolongation of Morbidity? FOCUS ON PRACTICE: Health Promotion READINGS 1. Why Do We Live as Long as We Do? Leonard Hayflick 2. Vitality and Aging: Implications of the Rectangular Curve James F. Fries and Lawrence Crapo 3. Aging, Natural Death, and the Compression of Morbidity:Another View Edward L. Schneider and Jacob Brody 4. The Sunny Side of Aging James F. Fries 5. The Changing Face of Health Care, Alan M. Garber and Dana P. Goldman 6. "We Will Be Able to Live to 1,000" Aubrey de Grey 7. Don't Fall for the Cult of Immortality, S. Jay Olshansky FOCUS ON THE FUTURE: "I Dated a Cyborg!" Questions for Writing, Reflection, and Debate CONTROVERSY 2 Does Creativity Decline with Age? Elements of Cognitive Function The Classic Aging Pattern Measures of Late-Life Intelligence Studies of Age and Cognitive Function Correlates of Cognitive Stability Creativity in an Aging Population FOCUS ON PRACTICE: Older Adult Education READINGS 8. Age and Achievement Harvey Lehman 9. Age and Achievement: A Critique Wayne Dennis 10. Creative Productivity Through the Adult Years Dean Keith Simonton 11. The Creative Age Gene Cohen 12. "The Wisdom Paradox," Elkhonon Goldberg FOCUS ON THE FUTURE: Late-Life Learning in the Information Society Questions for Writing, Reflection, and Debate CONTROVERSY 3 Does Old Age Have Meaning? The Meaning of Age Leisure Activities in Later Life Changing Leisure Participation Patterns Explaining Patterns of Leisure Religion and Spirituality Religion Over the Life Course Religion and Well-Being Spirituality and the Search for Meaning Social Gerontology and the Meaning of Age The Meaning of Aging in the 21st Century Activity or Reflection? FOCUS ON PRACTICE: Reminiscence and Life Review READINGS 13. The Coming of Age Simone de Beauvoir 14. Vital Involvement in Old Age Erik H. Erikson,Joan M. Erikson, and Helen Q. Kivnick 15. Successful Aging John Rowe and Robert Kahn 16. The Measure of My Days Florida Scott-Maxwell FOCUS ON THE FUTURE: Conscious Aging Questions for Writing, Reflection, and Debate BASIC CONCEPTS II SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC OUTLOOK FOR AN AGING SOCIETY The Varieties of Aging Experience Social Class Race and Ethnicity Gender and Aging Multiple Jeopardy Economic Well-Being The Economic Status of Older Americans Sources of Retirement Income Changing Financial Outlook Public Policy on Aging The Aging Network Aging Interest Groups Trends in Public Policy and Aging Conclusion CONTROVERSY 4 Should Age or Need Be the Basis for Entitlement? A Tale of Two Generations Generational Equity Poverty Among the Old Poverty Among Children and Young People The Dependency Ratio Taxation and Generational Accounting Power and Competition for Scarce Resources The Least Advantaged Elderly Help for Those Most in Need The Targeting Debate FOCUS ON PRACTICE: Intergenerational Programs READINGS 17. Growing Older Lester Thurow 18. Gray Dawn: Target Benefits on the Basis of Need Peter G. Peterson 19. "Generational Equity" and the New Victim Blaming Meredith Minkler 20. The Generational Equity Debate John B. Williamson, Diane M. Watts-Ray, and Eric R. Kingson FOCUS ON THE FUTURE: Walled Retirement Villages? Questions for Writing, Reflection, and Debate CONTROVERSY 5 What Is the Future for Social Security? Main Features of Social Security Success-and Doubts Pay as You Go Social Security Trust Fund Eligibility Privatization Women and Social Security Debate Over Social Security FOCUS ON PRACTICE: Investment Decisions for Retirement Income READINGS 21. "How to Save Social Security: A Balanced Approach," Peter Diamond and Peter Orszag 22. "The Necessity and Desirability of Social Security Reform," Ramesh Ponnuru 23. Social Security Reform and Benefit Adequacy, Lawrence H. Thompson 24. Social Security for Yesterday's Family? C. Eugene Steuerle and Melissa Favreault FOCUS ON THE FUTURE: Two Scenarios for the Future of Social Security Questions for Writing, Reflection, and Debate CONTROVERSY 6 Is Retirement Obsolete? History of Retirement Origins of Late-Life Leisure Changes in the American Economy A New View of Retirement Productive Aging Debate Over Retirement Policy FOCUS ON PRACTICE: Preretirement Planning READINGS 25. Achieving a Productive Aging Society, Francis G. Caro, Scott A. Bass, and Yung-Ping Chen 26. Prime Time, Marc Freedman 27. The Busy Ethic: Moral Continuity Between Work and Retirement, David J. Ekerdt 28. Moving Toward a Creative Retirement, Ronald J. Manheimer FOCUS ON THE FUTURE: The U.S. Wisdom Corps? Questions for Writing, Reflection, and Debate BASIC CONCEPTS 3 AGING, HEALTH CARE, AND SOCIETY The Challenge of Longevity The Case of the Struldbruggs Normal Aging Longevity and Disease Epidemiology of Aging Major Diseases in Old Age Responses to the Geriatric Diseases Economics of Health Care Reimbursement Systems Prospects for the Future Long-Term Care Housing for the Elderly Chronic Care in Old Age Functional Assessment The Continuum of Care Paying for Long-Term Care: An American Dilemma Self-Determined Death Late-Life Suicide Conclusion CONTROVERSY 7 Should We Ration Health Care for Older People? Precedents for Health Care Rationing The Justification for Age-Based Rationing Rationing as a Cost-Saving Plan The Impetus for Rationing Cost Versus Age Alternative Approaches to Rationing Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide The Debate Over Age-Based Rationing FOCUS ON PRACTICE: Managed Care READINGS 29. Why We Must Set Limits, Daniel Callahan 30. Pricing Life: Why It's Time for Health Care Rationing, Peter Ubel 31. The Pied Piper Returns for the Old Folks, Nat Hentoff 32. Letting Individuals Decide, Terrie Wetle and Richard W. Besdine 33. Aim Not Just for Longer Life, but Expanded "Health Span," Daniel Perry and Robert Butler FOCUS ON THE FUTURE: Scenarios for Rationing:Fiction or Forecast? Questions for Writing, Reflection, and Debate CONTROVERSY 8 Should Families Provide for Their Own? Aging and the American Family Abandonment or Independence? Family Responsibility Medicaid and Long-Term Care Financing Long-Term Care Medicaid Planning FOCUS ON PRACTICE: Long-Term Care Insurance READINGS 34. Medicaid and Long-Term Care, Peter J. Strauss and Nancy M. Lederman 35. Shame of the Rich: Making Themselves Poor, Jane Bryant Quinn 36. The Fallacy of Impoverishment, Stephen Moses 37. The Case Against Paying Family Caregivers: Ethical and Practical Issues, C. Jean Blaser 38. For Love and Money: Paying Family Caregivers, Suzanne R. Kunkel, Robert A. Applebaum, and Ian M. Nelson FOCUS ON THE FUTURE: Genetic Screening for Alzheimer's Disease? Questions to Ponder Questions for Writing, Reflection, and Debate CONTROVERSY 9 Should Older People Be Protected From Bad Choices? The Vulnerabilities of Older People Interfering When People Make Bad Choices Elder Abuse and Neglect Perceptions of Quality of Life Inappropriate Sexuality Crime and the Elderly Intervention in the Lives of the Vulnerable Elderly FOCUS ON PRACTICE: Adult Protective Services READINGS 39. The Right to Freedom From Restraints, Robert N. Brown 40. Ethical Dilemmas in Elder Abuse, Terrie T. Wetle and Terry T. Fulmer 41. A Legal Perspective on Elder Abuse, Candace J. Heisler and Mary Joy Quinn 42. Elder Self-Neglect: A Blurred Concept, Dorothy R. Fabian and Eloise Rathbone-McCuan FOCUS ON THE FUTURE: Inheritance in an Aging Society Questions for Writing, Reflection, and Debate CONTROVERSY 10 Should People Have the Choice to End Their Lives? Depression and Suicide The "Right to Die" Outlook for the Future FOCUS ON PRACTICE: Advance Directives READINGS 43. Why Do People Seek Physician-Assisted Death? Robert A. Pearlman and Helene Starks 44. A Time to Die: The Place for Physician Assistance, Charles F. McKhann 45. Last Rights: Aunty's Story, Sue Woodman 46. Neither for Love nor Money: Why Doctors Must Not Kill, Leon Kass FOCUS ON THE FUTURE: Neighborhood Suicide Clinics? Questions for Writing, Reflection, and Debate APPENDIXES A. How to Research a Term Paper in Gerontology Defining Your Topic Starting Your Search Eight Steps for Carrying Out Library Research Ending the Search Resources for Papers in Gerontology Encyclopedias and Handbooks Abstracts and Databases Statistics Guides to Research and Information Other Valuable Reference Works Textbooks Important Journals and Other Periodicals B. Internet Resources on Aging Bibliography Glossary/Index

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