
Party politics in America

Marjorie Randon Hershey ; foreword by John H. Aldrich

(Longman classics in political science)

Pearson/Longman, c2005

11th ed

  • : pbk


Includes index



Part of the "Longman Classics in Political Science" series, this book has been updated to include an examination of the parties? stances on current issues, research on party activists, coverage of the 2002 and 2004 elections, and much more. Party Politics in America analyzes three primary components of parties?party organization, party in the electorate, party in government?and the interaction of these components, especially during election campaigns. Originally written by Frank Sorauf and now authored by Majorie Hershey and Paul Beck, the book brings the fascinating story of how parties have helped to shape our political system to life.


Foreword by John H. Aldrich. I. PARTIES AND PARTY SYSTEMS. 1. What Are Political Parties? 2. The American Two-Party System. II. THE POLITICAL PARTY AS AN ORGANIZATION. 3. The State and Local Party Organizations. 4. The Parties' National Organizations. 5. The Party Activists. III. THE POLITICAL PARTY IN THE ELECTORATE. 6. Party Identification. 7. Party Support and Party Realignments. 8. Who Votes-and Why It Matters. IV. PARTIES, NOMINATIONS, AND ELECTIONS. 9. How Parties Choose Candidates. 10. Choosing the Presidential Nominees. 11. The General Election. 12. Financing the Campaigns. V. THE PARTY IN GOVERNMENT. 13. Parties in Congress and State Legislatures. 14. The Party in the Executive and the Courts. 15. What the Parties Stand For. 16. The Place of Parties in American Politics.

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