A new discourse of trade : wherein are recommended several weighty points relating to companies of merchants, the act of navigation, naturalization of strangers, and our woollen manufactures: the balance of trade, and the nature of plantations, with their consequences in relation to the kingdom, are seriously discussed: methods for the employment and maintenance of the poor are proposed: the reduction of interest of money to 4£. per cent. is recommended: and some proposals for erecting a court of merchants for determining controversies relating to maritime affairs, and for a law for transference of bills of debts, are humbly offered
A new discourse of trade : wherein are recommended several weighty points relating to companies of merchants, the act of navigation, naturalization of strangers, and our woollen manufactures: the balance of trade, and the nature of plantations, with their consequences in relation to the kingdom, are seriously discussed: methods for the employment and maintenance of the poor are proposed: the reduction of interest of money to 4£. per cent. is recommended: and some proposals for erecting a court of merchants for determining controversies relating to maritime affairs, and for a law for transference of bills of debts, are humbly offered
Richardson and Urquhart, 1775
A new ed
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