
After Beckett = D'après Beckett

edited by Anthony Uhlmann, Sjef Houppermans, Bruno Clément = édité par Anthony Uhlmann, Sjef Houppermans, Bruno Clément

(Samuel Beckett today : an annual bilingual review = Samuel Beckett aujourd'hui : revue annuelle bilingue, 14)

Rodopi, 2004


Contributions from the Beckett Symposium, organized by the University of Western Sydney and held in January 2003

Includes bibliographical references



After Beckett / D'apres Beckett (edited by Anthony Uhlmann / Sydney; Sjef Houppermans / Leiden and Bruno Clement / Paris) constitutes a collection of over 40 articles selected from contributions to the Sydney Symposium of January 2003 that - as a part of an International Sydney Festival - was one of the major events related to Samuel Beckett of the last decade. The three sections of the book reflect the most vibrant fields of research in Beckett studies today: "Intertextuality and Theory", "Philosophy and Theory" and "Textual Genesis, Contextual Genesis and Language". Scholars from all over the world participating in this collection testify to the durable and universal nature of interest in Beckett's work. After Beckett / D'apres Beckett (edite par Anthony Uhlmann / Sydney; Sjef Houppermans / Leiden et Bruno Clement / Paris) constitue une collection de plus de 40 articles presentant une selection parmi les contributions au Colloque International de Sydney qui a eu lieu en janvier 2003 dans le cadre du Festival International de Sydney. Cette reunion a ete l'un des evenements majeurs de ce debut du troisieme millenaire pour ce qui concerne les etudes beckettiennes. Les trois sections du recueil refletent les champs d'interet les plus importants de la critique beckettienne actuelle: "Intertextualite et confluence", "Philosophie et Theorie" et "Genese textuelle, Genese contextuelle et Langage". Des universitaires du monde entier ont participe a ce livre et temoignent ainsi de l'interet universel et durable de l'oeuvre de Samuel Beckett


  • Introduction / Avant-Propos 11 I. INTERTEXTUALITY AND CONFLUENCE 1. Angela Moorjani: PEAU DE CHAGRIN: Beckett and Bion on Looking Not to See 2. Chris Ackerley: THE UNCERTAINTY OF SELF: Samuel Beckett and the Location of the Voice 3. Sjef Houppermans: THE EYE, THE VOICE, THE SKIN: la Peau, la Voix, l'OEil 4. Sean Kennedy: "THE ARTIST WHO STAKES HIS BEING IS FROM NOWHERE": Beckett and Thomas MacGreevy on the Art of Jack B. Yeats 5. Masaki Kondo: ILL SEEN ILL SAID AND IGITUR 6. Minako Okamuro: ALCHEMICAL DANCES IN BECKETT AND YEATS 7. Michael Angelo Rodriguez: "EVERYWHERE STONE IS GAINING": The Struggle for the Sacred in Samuel Beckett's Ill Seen Ill Said 8. Anthony Macris: SAMUEL BECKETT, CLAUDE SIMON AND THE MISE EN ABYME OF PARADOXICAL DUPLICATION 9. Anthony Cordingley: KEEPING THEIR DISTANCE: Beckett and Borges Writing after Joyce 10. Hannes Schweiger: SAMUEL BECKETT AND FRIEDERIKE MAYROECKER: Attempts at Writing the Self 11. Michael Guest: AUTONOMY AND THE BODY IN SAMUEL BECKETT AND KOBO ABE 12. Mary Bryden: BECKETT AND THE DYNAMIC STILL 13. Sjef Houppermans: LE ROI DES ECHECS 14. Yann Mevel: APRES OU D'APRES BECKETT: Joel Jouanneau metteur en scene de Beckett II. PHILOSOPHY AND THEORY 15. Bruno Clement: CE QUE LES PHILOSOPHES FONT AVEC SAMUEL BECKETT 16. Paul Stewart: "ALL MEN TALK, WHEN TALK THEY MUST, THE SAME TRIPE": Beckett, Derrida and Needle Wylie 17. James Phillips: BECKETT'S BOREDOM AND THE SPIRIT OF ADORNO 18. Matthew Holt: CATASTROPHE, AUTONOMY AND THE FUTURE OF MODERNISM: Trying to Understand Adorno's Reading of Endgame 19. Chris Conti: CRITIQUE AND FORM: Adorno on Godot and Endgame 20. Suzie Gibson: THE WORK, THE NEUTRAL AND THE UNNAMABLE 21. Ranjan Ghosh: RECONFIGURING THE WAITING FOR GODOT: Explorations within some Paradigms of Hindu Philosophy 22. Garin Dowd: "VASTS APART": Phenomenology and Worstward Ho 23. Anthony Uhlmann: "A FRAGMENT OF A VITAGRAPH": Hiding and Revealing in Beckett, Geulincx, and Descartes 24. Naoya Mori: BECKETT'S WINDOWS AND THE WINDOWLESS SELF 25. David Musgrave: THE ABSTRACT GROTESQUE IN BECKETT'S TRILOGY 26. Amir Ali Nojoumian: SAMUEL BECKETT'S THE UNNAMABLE: The Story of that Impossible Place Named Silence 27. Russell Smith: BECKETT'S ENDLESSNESS: Rewriting Modernity and the Postmodern Sublime 28. Sabbar Saadoon Sultan: THE CRITICAL ASPECTS OF BECKETT'S TRILOGY 29. Andrea L. Yates: ABANDONING THE EMPIRICAL: Repetition and Homosociality in Waiting for Godot III. TEXTUAL GENESIS, CONTEXTUAL GENESIS AND LANGUAGE 30. David A. Hatch: THE 'UNTIDY ANALYST': Dialogue Form, Elenchus, and Subversion in "Three Dialogues with Georges Duthuit" 31. Takeshi Kawashima: CONJUNCTION OF THE ESSENTIAL AND THE INCIDENTAL: Fragmentation and Juxtaposition
  • or Samuel Beckett's Critical Writings in the 1930s 32. Dirk van Hulle: '(HIATUS IN MS.)': Watt and the Textual Genesis of Stirrings Still 33. Mark Byron: THE ECSTASY OF WATT 34. Diane Luscher-Morata: MISE EN MOTS DE LA SOUFFRANCE DANS WATT: "A Soliloquy under Dictation" 35. Gerry Dukes: ENGLISHING GODOT 36. William Martin: ESSE AND PERCIPI IN FILM: A 'Note' upon the Beckett-Schneider 'Correspondence' 37. Karine Germoni: PONCTUATION ET RYTHME DANS EN ATTENDANT GODOT ET FIN DE PARTIE DE SAMUEL BECKETT 38. Nadia Louar : LE BILINGUISME DANS L'OEUVRE DE SAMUEL BECKETT: pas d'apres 39. Curt G Willits: HOW IT IS: The Epical Call to Voice at the Limits of Experience 40. Livio Dobrez: THE WORD IN CRISIS: Variations on a Theme by Samuel Beckett 41. Peter Williams: UNSAYING AND THE CATEGORIES OF DISCOURSE IN BECKETT'S GESTURAL TEXTS CONTRIBUTORS

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