Rabbinisme et paganisme en Palestine romaine : étude historique des realia talmudiques (Ier-IVème siècles)


    • Friedheim, Emmanuel


Rabbinisme et paganisme en Palestine romaine : étude historique des realia talmudiques (Ier-IVème siècles)

par Emmanuel Friedheim

(Religions in the Graeco-Roman world, v. 157)

Brill, 2006

  • : hardback

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Includes bibliographical references (p. [385]-421) and indexes



This study deals essentially with the knowledge of the Palestinian Rabbis concerning paganism in the days of Mishna and Talmud. The Late Professor Saul Lieberman wrote that "Many isolated items on idolatry and idol worshippers are scattered all over rabbinic literature. It would require a large volume to treat this topic". This valuable and exhaustive study proves methodically that the Rabbis had deeper knowledge about Syrian, Arabian, Anatolian and Graeco-Roman Pagan cults than is commonly believed. Clear, accessible and displaying considerable scholarship this work will undoubtedly provide an important challenge to both historians, archaeologists, and scholars of Rabbinic texts.


A)Introduction 1)Objective of the Research and Basic Assumptions. 2) Rabbinic Sources for Historical Studies. 3) The Historiography on the subject. B)Jewish Idolaters in Roman Palestine during the Mishna and Talmud Period 1)Paganism in the Late Roman Period and in Roman Palestine. 2)Paganism as viewed by Jews. 3)Negative Relation towards Paganism in Aggada and Halakha - Theory or Evidence about Historical reality? 4) The Debate between Zunin and Rabbi Akiba about the Vitality of Idolatry in the 2nd Century CE. 5)The Phenomenon of Jewish Idolaters in Roman Palestine - Economic and Faithful Aspects. C)Rabban Gamaliel and the Bathhouse of Aphrodite in Akko -Artistic or ritual Reality? 1)Presentation of the problem. 2)Pagan Religious Aspects of the Water - Ritual Bathing of Greco-Roman Deities all over the Roman World. 3)Ritual Bathing in Health and Mystery Gods' worships. 4)Baths in the Sacred Areas of Pagan Sanctuaries and Pagan Ritual Acts in Public Roman Baths. 5)The Public Roman Bath as Locus Consecratus. 6)The Geographical Repartition of the Worship of Aphrodite in the Ritual Palestinian-Syrian Area in the Roman Period in Relation with the Aquatic Element. 7)The relation of the Rabbis towards the Ritual Aspect of the Roman Public Bath and Especially to Rabban Gamaliel's Anecdote in Ptolemais/Akko. D) Sol Inuictus in Ancient Synagogues - Between Judaism and Paganism 1)Presentation of the Problem. 2)Sun Worship and the Roman Emperors from the 2nd to the 4th Centuries CE in the Roman World. 3)The Geographical Area of Sun Worship in Roman Palestine and its Vicinity. 4)Sun Worship in Rabbinic Literature. 5)Condemnation of sun Worship in Rabbinic Literature - evidence about a Historical Reality? 6)Jewish Sun Worshippers in Roman Palestine during the Mishna and Talmud Periods. 7)Archaeological Finds from the Severus' Synagogue in Tiberias and the Rabbis. E) How Much Did Eretz-Israel Rabbis Know about Paganism? a)Names of Pagan Oriental Hellenized Deities in Talmudic Literature. 1)Gad - Tyche - Gadyawan. 2)Gada deHar (Gad of the Mountain). 3)Gad - Time/Tyche deRomi. 4)Gadya deEraklis Ahi (Gad of Heraclius, the brother of mine). 5)Aphrodite. 6)'Atar'ata. 7)Atargatis-Derketo. 8)An Image of a Suckling-Woman and Sarapis. 1.The Geographical area of the Isis Lactans cult in Roman Palestine and its vicinity. 2. The Roman she-wolf and the Twins: Romulus and Remus. 2.Nysa Nursing the infant Dionysus. 3.Baalbek, Dionysus & the Suckling-Woman in Rabbinic Literature. 9)Treis Charites (the Three Graces). 10)Merkulis (Mercurius Heliopolitanus). 11)Pene- Ba-al (Tanit or Helioseiros?) 12)Arabian and Edomite Gods: Nashra, Dushara, Qos. b) Names of Graeco-Roman Deities Names in Talmudic Literature. 1.Lachesis. 2.Apophis. 3.Olius-Ilius [= Helios], Nilus, Dione, Tamuzza, Adonis. F) Pagan Festivals mentioned in Rabbinic Literature. a) Roman Public Festivals. 1.Kalendae. 2.Saturnalia. 3.Kratesis. 4.Genesia. b)The Public Festivals in Mishna Aboda Zara I, 3 and the Halakhic-Realistic Thought of the Rabbis. 1)The Public Festivals in Mishna 'Aboda Zara I, 3 and the Feriale Duranum. 2)The Public Festivals in Mishna 'Aboda Zara I, 3, and the Roman Contests. 3)'Yom Hamita'(Genesia) & the Games. 4)'Yom Haleida'(Genesia) & the Games. 5) Kratesis and the Games. 6)Saturnalia and the Games. 7)Kalendae and the Games. c) Private Roman and Oriental Festivals in Rabbinic Literature. 1.'Yom Tiglahat Zekano OuBlourito'. 2.Shaving the Beard and Cutting the Hair in Egyptian Cults. 3.The Sacrifice of the Beard and Hair in Greco-Roman Cults. 4.The Place of the Hair and Beard in Arabian and Syrian Cults. 5.''Akoum sheasa Mishte Livno'and the Ritual Pagan Banquet. c)Further Pagan Festivals in Rabbinic Texts. 1.'Yom nivoul aya... yom thatron chel Nilus'(The Nile Festival). 2.Hilaria and Kybele Worship. 3.Persian and Babylonian Pagan Festivals in Palestinian Rabbinic Sources. 4.Maiumas, Tarput, Torives. G) Pagan Rituals Mentioned in Talmudic Literature.. 1)Ritual Pagan Details about Non-Sacrifice of Pigs and non-libation of wine in Syrian & Arabian Worships Mentioned in the Tosefta. 2)'Tavnit Yad'- 'Tavnit Regel'. 3) Consecration of an Axe to a Pagan Deity Mentioned in the Tosefta a)Jupiter Dolichenus Worship, the Double-Axe b)Anatolian-Syrian worship and the Axe in Phoenicia c)Herakles worship in Palmyra and the Axe 4)The Kollyrion and Syrian Pagan Practices Mentioned in the Talmud of Jerusalem. 5)Pagan Ritual Objects Mentioned in the Rabbinic Literature. 6)Animals Sanctified in Idolatry. 7)Food in Pagan Cults Mentioned in Talmudic Texts. 8)Places of Pagan Worship in Roman Palestine according Rabbinic Literature. 9)Geographical Sites Mentioned in Talmudic Literature where Pagan Rituals Existed. Epilogue Bibliography Abbreviations 1) Prologue 1. 1) Objectifs de l'etude et hypotheses de depart 1. 2) Sur l'historicite des sources rabbiniques 1. 3) Historiographie de la problematique 2) Juifs idolatres en Palestine aux premiers siecles de l'ere vulgaire 2. 1) Vitalite des cultes paiens en Palestine romaine 2. 2) Le rapport des Juifs au Paganisme 2. 3) Rapports negatifs vis-a-vis du paganisme dans la Aggada et dans la Halakha - Theorie ou bien realite historique? 2. 4) Zunin et Rabbi Akiva 2. 5) Juifs idolatres - Aspects economiques et confessionnels 3) Rabban Gamaliel et la statue d'Aphrodite dans les thermes d'Akko Realite ornementale ou cultuelle? 3. 1)Aspects cultuels du milieu aquatique - baignade cultuelle de divinites greco-romaines 3. 2) Baignades rituelles dans les cultes de guerison et dans les religions a mysteres 3. 3) Thermes dans les domaines des temples et ceremonies cultuelles dans les thermes publics 3. 4 ) Aphrodite en Orient et l'element aquatique - Aspects mythologiques et cultuels 3. 5 ) La repartition geographique du culte d'Aphrodite dans le milieu cultuel syro-palestinien a l'epoque romaine et l'element aqueux 3. 6) Aspects cultuels des thermes romains dans la litterature Talmudique 4) Sol Invictus dans les Synagogues antiques - Entre Rabbinisme et Paganisme 4. 1) Le culte solaire et les empereurs romains aux IIIeme et IVeme siecles 4. 2) La repartition des cultes solaires en Palestine romaine et dans les regions Limitrophes 4. 3) Le culte du Soleil dans la litterature talmudique 4. 4) La condamnation du culte du Soleil dans la litterature talmudique et la realite historique 4. 5)Juifs adorateurs du Soleil en Palestine romaine 4. 6) Consecration d'une hache a l'idolatrie - Une coutume cultuelle en l'honneur du Soleil et de la Lune mentionnee dans la Tosefta 4. 6. 1) Le culte de Jupiter Dolichenien, la hache et le Soleil 4. 6. 2)Un culte syro-anatolien en l'honneur du Soleil en Phenicie et la bipenne 4. 6. 3) Le culte d'Heracles a Palmyre - Le Soleil et la bipenne 4. 7) La synagogue de Severus et les Sages

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