The crisis of democratic representation in the Andes


The crisis of democratic representation in the Andes

edited by Scott Mainwaring, Ana María Bejarano, and Eduardo Pizarro Leongómez

Stanford University Press, 2006

  • : cloth

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 7



Includes bibliographical references and index



The essays in this book analyze and explain the crisis of democratic representation in five Andean countries: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. In this region, disaffection with democracy, political parties, and legislatures has spread to an alarming degree. Many presidents have been forced from office, and many traditional parties have fallen by the wayside. These five countries have the potential to be negative examples in a region that has historically had strong demonstration and diffusion effects in terms of regime changes. The Crisis of Democratic Representation in the Andes addresses an important question for Latin America as well as other parts of the world: Why does representation sometimes fail to work?


@fmct:Contents @toc4:List of Tables and Figures iii Acknowledgments iii List of Contributors iii @toc2:1. The Crisis of Democratic Representation in the Andes: An Overview 1 @tocca:Scott Mainwaring, Ana Maria Bejarano, and Eduardo Pizarro Leongomez @toc1:Part I: Party Systems, Political Outsiders, and the Crisis of Democratic Representation @toc2:2. From Crisis to Collapse of the Party Systems and Dilemmas of Democratic Representation: Peru and Venezuela 000 @tocca:Martin Tanaka @toc2:3. Giants with Feet of Clay: Political Parties in Colombia 000 @tocca:Eduardo Pizarro Leongomez @toc2:4. Ecuador: The Provincialization of Representation @tocca:Simon Pachano 000 @toc2:5. Outsiders and Neopopulism: The Road to Plebiscitary Democracy 000 @tocca:Ren' Antonio Mayorga @toc1:Part II: Decentralization, Legislatures, and Democratic Representation @toc2:6. Decentralized Politics and Political Outcomes in the Andes 000 @tocca:Kathleen O'Neill @toc2:7. The Nature of Representation in Andean Legislatures and Attempts at Institutional Reengineering 000 @tocca:Brian F. Crisp @toc1:Part III: Popular Politics and the Crisis of Democratic Representation @toc2:8. Urban Citizen Movements and Disempowerment in Peru and Venezuela 000 @tocca:Daniel H. Levine and Catalina Romero @toc2:9. Indigenous Politics in the Andes: Changing Patterns of Recognition, Reform, and Representation 000 @tocca:Deborah J. Yashar Part IV: Conclusion @toc2:10. State Deficiencies, Party Competition, and Confidence in Democratic Representation in the Andes 000 @tocca:Scott Mainwaring @toc4:Index 000

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