Slang : the authoritative topic-by-topic dictionary of American lingoes from all walks of life
Slang : the authoritative topic-by-topic dictionary of American lingoes from all walks of life
Pocket Books, c1998
Rev., updated and expanded
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全1件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Includes bibliographical references (p. 431-433) and index
The only book on contemporary American slang that is arranged by category, this newly revised edition -- with more than twice as many entries as before -- truly encompasses the whole colorful range of current slang. Divided into twenty-nine broad categories -- including the newest additions of prison, college, the Internet, and computers -- these are the words that make American English as expressive as it is fascinating.
-- "Like dictionarist Samuel Johnson, Paul Dickson is good at words, great at definitions". -- Boston Herald American
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