Oxford phrasal verbs : dictionary for learners of English


Oxford phrasal verbs : dictionary for learners of English

[edited by: Colin McIntosh]

Oxford University Press, 2006

2nd ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 31



"New edition"--Cover



The Oxford Phrasel Verbs Dictionary for learners of English helps students with synonyms, allowing them to decide whether a phrasel verb or a single-word verb is the more appropriate choice. Key Features The information students need to understand over 7,000 common British and American phrasel verbs and use them correctly. Clear, simple definitions, with examples to show how phrasel verbs are used. Shows common subjects and objects to help learners use the verbs appropriately. 25 pages of tips and photocopiable exercises for practice. 'Guide to the Particles' explains the most important meanings of the main adverbs and prepositions used in phrasel verbs to help learners see patters.

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