Presentations for dummies


    • Kushner, Malcolm


Presentations for dummies

by Malcolm Kushner

(--For dummies)

Wiley Pub., c2004

  • : pbk.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 7



Includes index



Whether you're dealing with one person or one thousand, the ability to transmit ideas in a coherent and compelling fashion is one of the most important skills you can ever develop. Want to impress your colleagues? Convince your clients? Prove your point? The key to success is what you say. To get what you want in life, you have to present yourself forcefully, credibly, and convincingly. If you need to land that big consulting job or launch a new initiative at the office, knowing how to present your case is half the battle. Luckily, "Presentations For Dummies" shows you the way. It gives you all the tools and tips you need to make your presentations flawless and effective, including proven advice on: relating to your audience; overcoming stage fright; adding flare with personal stories; using humor to loosen up the crowd; and, making your point with visual aids.From getting prepared to dealing with unexpected problems while you're the focus of attention, this handy guide covers everything you need to make all your presentations flawless. You'll learn how to create fantastic, effective visual aids that make your point with passion, and a whole lot more: gathering sources and compiling data; organizing your ideas; improving your timing for maximum impact; using your pre-presentation nerves as an asset; choosing the perfect word in every instance; crafting an introduction, conclusion, and transitions; using PowerPoint to make your point; understanding what body language says about you; and, simple tricks for every situation. Written by consultant, humorist, and professional speaker Malcolm Kushner, "Presentations For Dummies" tells you everything you need to know - and do - to get it right from the start. But be careful, this powerful resource could make your presentations so good that you might have to give more of them.


Introduction.Part I: Presenting with Purpose.Chapter 1: Presentations: One Key to Doing Business.Chapter 2: The Four Ws: Who, What, Where, and Why.Chapter 3: Pumping Up Your Research.Chapter 4: Organizing Your Message.Chapter 5: Me, Worry? Controlling Anxiety.Part II: Creating a Presentation: The Basics.Chapter 6: Building the Body with Stories, Statistics, and Other Good Stuff.Chapter 7: Setting a Style: Choosing Your Words Carefully.Chapter 8: Using Humor Effectively.Chapter 9: Tying It All Together: Introductions, Transitions, and Conclusions.Chapter 10: Planning Powerful Visual Aids.Part III: Giving Your Presentation with Ease.Chapter 11: Making Body Talk: What's Out, What's In, and What's International.Chapter 12: Appreciating Your Audience.Chapter 13: What Did You Say? Fielding Questions.Part IV: Mastering the Power of PowerPoint.Chapter 14: Employing Stunningly Simple Design Techniques.Chapter 15: Considering Cool Tricks to Whip Your Audience Into a Frenzy.Chapter 16: Avoiding Common Mistakes with PowerPoint.Part V: Checking Out Tips and Tricks for Common Presentations.Chapter 17: Succeeding in Sales and Other Motivational Presentations.Chapter 18: Tackling Technical and Financial Presentations.Chapter 19: Making Informational Briefings and Training Presentations.Chapter 20: Presenting a Business Plan to a Venture Capitalist or Your Boss.Chapter 21: Making Virtual Presentations: Phone, Video, Web, and E-Mail.Chapter 22: Impressing with International Presentations.Chapter 23: Dealing with Impromptu Presentations, Panels, and Roundtables.Part VI: The Part of Tens.Chapter 24: Ten (or So) Comeback Lines to Use When Things Go Wrong.Chapter 25: Ten (or So) Tips for Presentations at Public Meetings.Chapter 26: Ten (or So) Things to Check Before You Present.Index.

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  • ISBN
    • 0764559559
  • LCCN
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Hoboken, NJ
  • ページ数/冊数
    xx, 360 p.
  • 大きさ
    24 cm
  • 分類
  • 件名
  • 親書誌ID