Social and secure? : politics and culture of the welfare state : a comparative inquiry
Social and secure? : politics and culture of the welfare state : a comparative inquiry
(European contributions to American studies, 37)
VU University Press, 1996
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全1件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Papers from the annual conference of the Netherlands American Studies Association, held in Middelburg, Netherlands, in June 1995
Includes bibliographical references
This volume offers a comparative and multidisciplinary inquiry into the welfare state settings of the Netherlands, the United States and Canada. Introductory chapters define the terms and present sociological reflections on the welfare state. Subsequent sections explore the different historical trajectories of the welfare state in the three countries; the literary and filmic renderings of life and culture in the welfare state and recent welfare politics, including policies, covert motives and emerging trends.
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