Tunisian mosaics : treasures from Roman Africa



Tunisian mosaics : treasures from Roman Africa

Aïcha Ben Abed ; translated from the French by Sharon Grevet

(Conservation and cultural heritage, v. 7)

Getty Conservation Institute, c2006

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Includes bibliographical references



As the Roman Empire expanded its borders into North Africa, thousands of mosaic floor pavements were designed and created to adorn the town houses and rural estates of the upper classes. As these Roman outpost flourished, so did mosaic art - particularly in Africa Proconsularis, a region comprising modern Tunisia. "Tunisian Mosaics", with more than 130 sumptuous full-colour photographs, is the perfect introduction to this extraordinary ancient art. The initial chapters look at the historical background of Roman Africa and discuss the development of art in and around the Mediterranean. Further chapters provide detailed profiles of Tunisia's major mosaic sites, and give virtual tours of the country's most important museum collections. The final chapter surveys the current initiatives in place to preserve these fabulous works for future generations.

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