The age of Bede
Bibliographic Information
The age of Bede
(Penguin classics)
Penguin, 1998
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Includes index
Contents of Works
- Life of Cuthbert / Bede
- Life of Wilfrid / Eddius Stephanus
- Lives of the abbots of Wearmouth and Jarrow / Bede
Description and Table of Contents
This selection of writings from the sixth and seventh century AD provides a powerful insight into the early history of the Christian Church in England and Ireland. From Bede's Life of Cuthbert and Lives of the Abbots of Wearmouth and Jarrow to the anonymous Voyage of St Brendan - a whimsical mixture of fact and fantasy that describes a quest for paradise on earth - these are vivid accounts of the profoundly spiritual and passionately heroic lives of Christian pioneers and saints. Both vital religious writings and a revealing insight into the reality of life at a formative time for the church, they describe an era of heroism and bitter conflict, and the rapid spread of the Christian faith.
Table of Contents
The Age of Bede Introduction
Bede: Life of Cuthbet
Eddius Stephanus: Life of Wilfrid
Bede: Lives of the Abbots of Wearmouth and Jarrow
The Anonymous History of Abbot Ceolfrith
The Voyage of St. Brendan
Further Reading
Map of the British Isles
Map of Western Europe
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