Financing nonprofits : putting theory into practice


Financing nonprofits : putting theory into practice

edited by Dennis R. Young

National Center on Nonprofit Enterprise , AltaMira Press, c2007

  • : cloth
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 11



Includes bibliographical references (p. 373-397) and index



Nonprofits often struggle financially, overwhelmed by the need to muster a complex combination of income streams that range from grants and government funding to gifts-in-kind and volunteer labor. Financing Nonprofits draws upon a growing body of scholarship in economics and organizational theory to offer a conceptual framework for understanding this diverse mix of financing sources. By applying theory, readers can understand when a nonprofit organization should pursue particular sources of income and how it should manage its portfolio of income from different sources. Organized under the auspices of the National Center on Nonprofit Enterprise, Financing Nonprofits argues that those who would manage nonprofit organizations must first develop a conceptual framework through which they can understand the complicated and fast-paced landscape surrounding nonprofit decision-making. It offers a piece by piece analysis of the many potential components of nonprofit operating income, including a detailed study on how to accumulate the capital needed for major infrastructure projects or endowments and an examination of how to maintain a healthy investment profile once sufficient capital exists. By melding theory with practice, Young and the other contributors to Financing Nonprofits have created a volume that will serve as a practical guide to financing strategies for executive directors, CFOs, and board members of nonprofit organizations in a wide variety of fields; as a text for graduate students in nonprofit finance; and as a source of ideas for researchers to continue to probe and illuminate the many subtle issues associated with finding the right mix of resources to support the essential work of nonprofit organizations in our society.


Chapter 1 Preface Chapter 2 Foreword Part 3 I. Why Study Nonprofit Finance? Chapter 4 1. Why Study Nonprofit Finance? Part 5 II. Sources of Support for Operations Chapter 6 2. Individual Giving Chapter 7 3. Institutional Philanthropy Chapter 8 4. Government Funding of Nonprofit Organizations Chapter 9 5. Fee Income and Commercial Ventures Chapter 10 6. Membership Income Chapter 11 7. Investment Income Chapter 12 8. Volunteer Resources Part 13 III. Sources of Capital Chapter 14 9. Collaboration and Barter Chapter 15 10. Gifts-in-Kind and Other Illiquid Assets Chapter 16 11. Borrowing and Debt Part 17 IV. Income and Asset Portfolios, and Financial Health Chapter 18 12. Managing Endowments and Other Assets Chapter 19 13. Income Portfolios Chapter 20 14. Financial Health Part 21 V. Towards a Normative Theory of Nonprofit Finance Chapter 22 15. Towards a Normative Theory of Nonprofit Finance

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