Writing research papers : a complete guide


Writing research papers : a complete guide

James D. Lester, James D. Lester, Jr.

Pearson/Longman, c2007

12th ed

  • : pbk
  • : tabbed ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10



Includes bibliographical references and index



The definitive research paper guide, Writing Research Papers combines a traditional and practical approach to the research process with the latest information on electronic research and presentation.


Preface to the Instructor Preface to the Student Chapter 1 Writing from Research 1a Why Do Research? 1b Learning Format Variations 1c Understanding a Research Assignment Understanding the Terminology 1d Establishing a Schedule Chapter 2 Finding a Topic 2a Relating Your Personal Ideas to a Scholarly Problem Connecting Personal Experience to Scholarly Topics Speculating about Your Subject to Discover Ideas and to Focus on the Issues 2b Talking with Others to Find and Refine the Topic Personal Interviews Online Discussion Groups 2c Using the World Wide Web to Refine Your Topic Using an Online Subject Directory Using an Internet Key-word Search 2d Using the Library's Electronic Databases to Find and Narrow a Subject 2e Using the Library's Electronic Book Catalogs to Find a Topic 2f Expressing a Thesis Statement, Enthymeme, or Hypothesis 2g Drafting a Research Proposal The Short Proposal The Long Proposal Your Research Project Chapter 3 Finding and Filtering Electronic Sources 3a Beginning an Online Search 3b Reading an Online Address 3c Using a Search Engine Subject Directory Search Engines Robot-Driven Search Engines Metasearch Engines Specialized Search Engines Educational Search Engines Educational Search Engines Maintained by Libraries 3d Searching for Articles in Journals and Magazines Online Journals Online Magazines 3e Searching for Articles in Newspapers and Media Sources 3f Accessing E-Books 3g Using Listserv, Usenet, and Chat Groups E-mail News Groups Real-Time Chatting 3h Examining Library Holdings via Internet Access 3i Finding an Internet Bibliography 3j Conducting Archival Research on the Internet Go to the Library Go to an Edited Search Engine Go to a Metasearch Engine Use Search Engine Directories Go to a Listserv or UseNet Group Go to Newspaper Archives Your Research Project Chapter 4 Gathering Data in the Library 4a Launching the Search 4b Developing a Working Bibliography 4c Finding Books on Your Topic Using Your Library's Electronic Book Catalog Using the Library's Printed Bibliographies 4d Finding Articles in Magazines and Journals Searching the General Indexes to Periodicals Finding Indexes by Discipline in Appendix B Using the H. W. Wilson Indexes Searching for an Index to Abstracts Searching for Abstracts of Dissertations 4e Searching for a Biography 4f Searching for Articles in the Newspaper Indexes 4g Searching the Indexes to Pamphlet Files 4h Searching for Government Documents 4i Searching for Essays within Books 4j Using the Microforms Your Research Project Chapter 5 Conducting Research Outside the Library 5a Investigating Local Sources Interviewing Knowledgeable People Writing Letters and Corresponding by E-mail Reading Personal Papers Attending Lectures and Public Addresses 5b Investigating Government Documents 5c Examining Audiovisual Materials, Television, and Radio 5d Conducting a Survey with a Questionnaire 5e Conducting Experiments, Tests, and Observation Your Research Project Chapter 6 Understanding and Avoiding Plagiarism 6a Using Sources to Enhance Your Credibility 6b Placing Your Work in Its Proper Context 6c Honoring Property Rights 6d Avoiding Plagiarism Common Knowledge Exceptions Correctly Borrowing from a Source 6e Sharing Credit in Collaborative Projects 6f Honoring and Crediting Sources in Online Classrooms 6g Seeking Permission to Publish Material on Your Web Site Your Research Project Chapter 7 Finding and Evaluating Sources 7a Finding Reliable Sources 7b Selecting a Mix of both Primary and Secondary Sources 7c Evaluating a Source Evaluating the Key Parts of an Article Evaluating the Key Parts of a Book Evaluating the Key Parts of an Internet Article 7d Outlining a Source 7e Summarizing a Source 7f Preparing an Annotated Bibliography 7g Preparing a Review of the Literature on Topic Your Research Project Chapter 8 Organizing Ideas and Setting Goals 8a Charting a Direction and Setting Goals Using a Basic, Dynamic Order to Chart the Course of Your Work Using Your Research Proposal to Direct Your Notetaking Listing Keywords and Phrases to Set Directions for Notetaking Writing a Rough Outline Using Questions to Identify Issues Setting Goals by Using Organizational Patterns Using Approaches across the Curriculum to Chart Your Major Ideas Using Your Thesis to Chart the Direction of Your Research 8b Using Academic Models (Paradigms) A General All-Purpose Model Paradigm for Advancing Your Ideas and Theories Paradigm for the Analysis of Creative Works Paradigm for Argument and Persuasion Papers Paradigm for Analysis of History Paradigm for a Comparative Study 8c Writing a Formal Outline Using Standard Outline Symbols Writing a Formal Topic Outline Writing a Formal Sentence Outline Using a Research Journal to Enrich Your Organizational Plan Your Research Project Chapter 9 Writing Notes Gathering Printouts, Photocopies, Scanned Images, and Downloaded Data Writing Notes of High Quality 9a Creating Effective Notes Honoring the Conventions of Research Style Using a Computer for Notetaking Developing Handwritten Notes 9b Writing Personal Notes 9c Writing Direct Quotation Notes Quoting Primary Sources Quoting the Secondary Sources 9d Writing Paraphrased Notes 9e Writing Summary Notes 9f Writing Precis Notes Use the Precis to Review Briefly an Article or Book Use the Precis to Write an Annotated Bibliography Use the Precis in a Plot Summary Note Use the Precis as the Form for an Abstract 9g Writing Notes from Field Research Your Research Project Chapter 10 Drafting the Paper in an Academic Style 10a Focusing Your Argument Maintaining a Focus on Objective Facts and Subjective Ideas 10b Refining the Thesis Statement Using Questions to Focus the Thesis Adjust or Change Your Thesis during Research if Necessary 10c Writing an Academic Title 10d Drafting the Paper from Your Research Journal, Notes, and Computer Files Writing from Your Notes Writing with Unity and Coherence Writing in the Proper Tense Using the Language of the Discipline Using Source Material to Enhance Your Writing Writing in the Third Person Writing with the Passive Voice in an Appropriate Manner 10e Using Visuals Effectively in a Research Essay 10f Avoiding Sexist and Biased Language Your Research Project Chapter 11 Blending Reference Material into Your Writing by Using MLA Style 11a Blending Reference Citations into Your Text Making a General Reference without a Page Number Beginning with the Author and Ending with a Page Number Putting the Page Number Immediately after the Name Putting the Name and Page Number at the End of Borrowed Material 11b Citing a Source When No Author Is Listed Citing the Title of a Magazine Article Citing the Title of a Report Citing the Name of a Publisher or a Corporate Body 11c Citing Nonprint Sources That Have No Page Number 11d Citing Internet Sources Identify the Source with Name or Title Identify the Nature of the Information and Its Credibility Omitting Page and Paragraph Numbers to Internet Citations 11e Citing Indirect Sources 11f Citing Frequent Page References to the Same Work 11g Citing Material from Textbooks and Large Anthologies 11h Adding Extra Information to In-text Citations One of Several Volumes Two or More Works by the Same Writer Several Authors in One Citation Additional Information with the Page Number 11i Punctuating Citations Properly and Consistently Commas and Periods Semicolons and Colons Question Marks and Exclamation Marks Single Quotation Marks 11j Indenting Long Quotations 11k Citing Poetry Quoting Two Lines of Poetry or Less Quoting Three Lines of Poetry or More Indenting Turnovers for Long Lines of Poetry Retaining Internal Quotations within a Block Providing Translations 11l Handling Quotations from a Play 11m Altering Initial Capitals in Some Quoted Matter 11n Omitting Quoted Matter with Ellipsis Points 11o Altering Quotations with Parentheses and Brackets Parentheses Brackets Your Research Project Chapter 12 Writing the Introduction, Body, and Conclusion 12a Writing the Introduction of the Paper Provide the Thesis Statement, Enthymeme, or Hypothesis Provide the Enthymeme Provide a Hypothesis Relate to the Well Known Provide Background Information Review the Literature Review the History and Background of the Subject Take Exception to Critical Views Challenge an Assumption Provide a Brief Summary Define Key Terms Supply Data, Statistics, and Special Evidence 12b Writing the Body of the Research Paper Relate a Time Sequence Compare or Contrast Issues, Critical Views, and Literary Characters Develop Cause and Effect Define Your Key Terminology Explain a Process Ask Questions and Provide Answers Cite Evidence from the Source Materials Use a Variety of Other Methods 12c Writing the Conclusion of the Research Paper Restate the Thesis and Reach beyond It Close with an Effective Quotation Return the Focus of a Literary Study to the Author Compare the Past to the Present Offer a Directive or Solution Discuss Test Results Your Research Project Chapter 13 Revising, Proofreading, and Formatting the Rough Draft 13a Conducting a Global Revision Revising the Introduction Revising the Body Revising the Conclusion Participating in Peer Review 13b Formatting the Paper to MLA Style Title Page or Opening Page Outline Abstract The Text of the Paper Content Endnotes Page Appendix Works Cited 13c Editing Before Typing or Printing the Final Manuscript Using the Computer to Edit Your Text 13d Proofreading on the Screen and on the Printed Manuscript Your Research Project 13e Sample Research Papers in MLA Style Short Literary Research Paper Sample Research Paper Chapter 14 Works Cited: MLA Style 14a Formatting the Works Cited Page 14b Bibliography Form - Books 14c Bibliography Form - Periodicals 14d Bibliography Form - Newspapers 14e Bibliography Form - Government Documents 14f Bibliography Form - Internet Sources 14g Bibliography Form - Citing Sources Found on CD-ROM 14h Bibliography Form - Other Electronic Sources 14i Bibliography Form - Other Sources Chapter 15 Writing in APA Style 15a Writing Theory, Reporting Test Results, or Reviewing Literature Theoretical Article Report of an Empirical Study Review Article 15b Writing in the Proper Tense for an APA Research Paper 15c Using In-text Citations in APA Style 15d Preparing the List of Reference Book Periodical Abstract Review Report Nonprint Material Internet Sources World Wide Web Sites CD-ROM 15e Variations on the APA Style for Other Disciplines in the Social Sciences Linguistics Sociology and Social Work 15g Formatting an APA Paper Theoretical Article Report of an Empirical Study Review Article 15h Writing the Abstract 15h Sample Paper in APA Style Chapter 16 The Footnote System: CMS Style 16a Inserting a Superscript Numeral in Your Text Writing Full or Abbreviated Notes 16b Formatting and Writing the Footnotes 16c Writing Footnotes for Electronic Sources 16d Writing Subsequent Footnote References 16e Writing Endnotes Rather Than Footnotes 16f Writing Content Footnotes or Content Endnotes 16g Using the Footnote System for Papers in the Humanities 16h Using the Footnote System for Papers in the Fine Arts 16i Writing a Bibliography Page for a Paper That Uses Footnotes 16j Sample Research Paper in the CMS Style Chapter 17 CSE Style for the Natural and Applied Sciences Guide by Discipline 17a Writing In-Text Citations Using the CSE Citation-Sequence System 17b Writing a References Page 17c Writing In-Text Citations Using the CSE Name-Year System 17d Using Name-Year with Bibliographic Entries 17e Sample Paper Using the CSE Citation-Sequence System Chapter 18 Creating Electronic Research Papers 18a Beginning the Electronic Project 18b Using Word Processing 18cBuildingElectronic Presentations 18d Research Paper Web Pages and Sites Creating a Single Web Page Creating a Web Site with Multiple Pages Using an Editor to Create Web Pages Importing, Entering, and Modifying Text Citing Your Sources in a Web Research Paper 18e Planning Electronic Research Papers Creating a Plan for Your Research Paper Designing Your Electronic Research Paper 18f Using Graphics in Your Electronic Research Paper Graph File Formats Creating Your Own Digital Graphics 18g Using Sound and Video in Your Electronic Research Paper 18h Delivering Your Electronic Research Paper to Readers 18i Presenting Research in Alternative Formats Your Research Project Appendix A Rules and Techniques for Preparing the Manuscript in MLA Style Appendix B Finding Reference Works for Your General Topic Credits Index

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