Cognitive behavior therapy in clinical social work practice
Cognitive behavior therapy in clinical social work practice
Springer, c2007
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全15件
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Includes bibliographical references and index
The only book, specifically geared to assist and train social workers in the use of cognitive behavior therapies to treat psychological disorders, this new innovative reference provides a unique and critical educational tool geared to meet the growing demands of this field. Edited and contributed by leading social work clinicians and academics, this new book synthesizes the foundations of social work, cognitive behavior therapy, and evidence-based developmental characteristics and provides the methods of theory and techniques for the most common disorders of adults, children, families and couples including: Anxiety Disorders; Depression; Personality Disorder; Sexual and Physical Abuse; Substance Misuse; Grief and bereavement; and Eating Disorders. Written by social workers for social workers, this new focus on the foundations and applications of cognitive behavior therapy will help individuals, families and groups lead happier, fulfilled, and more productive lives.
- Foreword, Aaron T. Beck
- Introduction: Tammie Ronen and Art Freeman
- Part I - The Basic Foundation: (Social Work, CBT, evidence-based Developmental Characteristics)
- * Clinical Social Work and its Commonalities with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Tammie Ronen. * Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Model and Techniques, Catherine MacLaren & Arthur Freeman
- * Research in Evidence-based Social Work, Bruce A. Thyer & Laura L. Myers
- * Critical Thinking, Evidence-Based Practice, and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Choices Ahead, Eileen Gambrill
- * Developmental Factors for Consideration in Assessment and Treatment: A Review
- * of the Aging Process In the Domains of Cognition and Emotion, Amy Carrigan
- Part 2: Methods of intervention: Theory and Techniques
- * Cultural Diversity and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Jordana Muroff
- * Using Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Clinical Practice: Client Empowerment, Social Work Values, Susan Dowd Stone
- * The Use of Mindfulness Interventions in Cognitive Behavior Therapies, Cedar R. Koons
- PART 3: Focus on Children
- * Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Children and Adolescents, Tammie Ronen
- * The Use of Metaphorical Fables with Children: Application of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Prevention Interventions, Bert Allain & Catherine M. Lemieux
- * Working with abused children and adolescents, Rene Mason
- * Social Work Practice in the Schools, Stuart Barbera
- * Problem Solving and Social Skills Training Groups for Children, Craig Winston LeCroy
- PART 4: Focus on couples and families
- * Working with couples, Donald K. Granvold
- * Family Intervention for Severe Mental Illness, Susan Gingerich
- * Mature Adults: Working with the Depressed Aging Patient, Marjorie R. Zahn, Bruce S. Zahn
- PART 5: Focus on adult and problem areas
- * Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disorders, Joseph A. Himle
- * Depression and Suicidal Behavior: A CBT Approach for Social Workers
- * Lili Daoud & Raymond Chip Tafrate
- * Treatment of Suicidal Behavior, Arthur Freeman, Donna Martin, and Tammie Ronen
- * Comorbidity of Chronic Depression and Personality Disorders: Application of Schema Mode Therapy, Steven Bordelon
- * Working with adult survivors of sexual and physical abuse
- * Beverly White
- * Substance Misuse: An Issue of Degree, Assessment and Empathy
- * Sharon Morgillo Freeman & Donald Osborn
- * Grief and bereavement, Ruth Malkinson
- * Eating disorders, Laura Lynn Myers
- * Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Medical Settings, Vaughn Roche
- Part 6 - Directions for the future
- * Synthesis and Prospects for the future, Art Freeman and Tammi Ronen.
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