Sustainable soils : the place of organic matter in sustaining soils and their productivity
Sustainable soils : the place of organic matter in sustaining soils and their productivity
Food Products Press, c2003
- : pbk
- : hard
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全3件
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 335-345) and index
- 巻冊次
: hard ISBN 9781560229162
Find the right balance of organic matter, tillage, and chemical additives to increase the quality and quantity of crops!
This book shows the importance of organic matter in maintaining crop production. The addition of organic matter to soil is covered in great detail. This book is unique in that it draws on practical farming operations to illustrate many of the points discussed. The senior author has had almost 60 years of experience in solving production problems many of which have been related to insufficient organic matter.
In addition, Sustainable Soils: The Place of Organic Matter in Sustaining Soils and Their Productivity stresses the necessity of combining the addition of organic matter with reduced tillage and added chemicals. Photographs, tables, and figures, as well as appendixes containing common and botanical names of plants, symbols and abbreviations found in the text, and useful conversion factors and data help bring the information into focus quickly and efficiently. An extensive bibliography points the way to other useful material on this subject.
Sustainable Soils discusses:
what materials can be added
techniques for proper handling of organic matter
how much is enough (and how much is too much!)
the nutritive value of various forms of organic matter
the benefits that can be expected from properly handling and adding organic matter to soil
From the Editors: "Sustainable agriculture is not possible without a sustainable soil science, which in turn is largely dependent on organic matter. It is necessary to return large amounts of organic matter to the soil in order to maintain satisfactory crop production. It can be derived from crop residues, cover crops, sods, or various wastes, such as manures, sludges, and composts. This book details the benefits of various forms, and how each should be handled for maximum returns."
Chapter 1. Intensive Agriculture and Food Production
Problems with Intensive Agriculture
Correcting Problems Associated with Intensive Agriculture
Alternative Agriculture
Sustainable Agriculture
Sustainable Soil Science
Increasing Organic Matter, Sustainable Agriculture, and the Need for Inputs
Chapter 2. Basic Concepts of Organic Matter
Decomposition of Organic Matter
SOM and Humus
Environmental Conditions Affecting Decomposition
Extent of Decomposition
Losses of SOM and Crop Yields
Increasing Soil Organic Matter
Negative Aspects of Organic Matter Additions
Chapter 3. Organic Matter As a Source of Nutrients
Organic Matter and Nutrient Supply
Nutrients Released from Organic Matter
Nutrient Release
Indirect Effects of Organic Matter on Nutrient Availability
Accounting for Nutrients in Organic Matter
Chapter 4. Physical Qualities
Soil Structure
Bulk Density
Infiltration and Percolation
Aggregate Stability
Moisture-Holding Capacity
Chapter 5. Biological Effects of Organic Matter
Soil Organisms and Their Functions
Processes Vital to Soil Health
Controlling Pests by Harnessing Soil Organisms and Organic Matter
Chapter 6. Adding Organic Matter
Growing Organic Matter in Place
Plant Residues
Chapter 7. Adding Organic Matter Not Grown in Place
Loamless Composts
Sewage Effluents and Biosolids
High-Analysis Animal and Other Wastes
Chapter 8. Placement of Organic Matter
Incorporating OM
Plastic Mulch
Natural Organic Mulches
Types of Natural Organic Mulch
Deleterious Effects of Organic Mulches
Providing Protection from Pests by Using Organic Mulches
Chapter 9. Conservation Tillage
Increasing Soil Organic Matter
Other Benefits of Reduced Tillage
Reduction in Costs
Reduced Tillage
Pest Problems with Conservation Tillage
Corrective Measures
Chapter 10. Changes Brought About by Conservation Tillage
Cultural Methods
Fertility Changes
Plant Diseases
Miscellaneous Pests
Chapter 11. Putting It All Together: Combining Organic Matter Additions with Conservation Tillage
Basic Approaches
Adding Organic Matter
Supplying Needed Nutrients
Controlling Pests
Adding Water
Equipment for Conservation Tillage
Appendix 1. Common and Botanical Names of Plants
Appendix 2. Abbreviations and Symbols Used in This Book
Appendix 3. Useful Conversion Factors and Data
Reference Notes Included
- 巻冊次
: pbk ISBN 9781560229179
Find the right balance of organic matter, tillage, and chemical additives to increase the quality and quantity of crops!
This book shows the importance of organic matter in maintaining crop production. The addition of organic matter to soil is covered in great detail. This book is unique in that it draws on practical farming operations to illustrate many of the points discussed. The senior author has had almost 60 years of experience in solving production problemsmany of which have been related to insufficient organic matter.
In addition, Sustainable Soils: The Place of Organic Matter in Sustaining Soils and Their Productivity stresses the necessity of combining the addition of organic matter with reduced tillage and added chemicals. Photographs, tables, and figures, as well as appendixes containing common and botanical names of plants, symbols and abbreviations found in the text, and useful conversion factors and data help bring the information into focus quickly and efficiently. An extensive bibliography points the way to other useful material on this subject.
Sustainable Soils discusses:
what materials can be added
techniques for proper handling of organic matter
how much is enough (and how much is too much!)
the nutritive value of various forms of organic matter
the benefits that can be expected from properly handling and adding organic matter to soil
From the Editors: Sustainable agriculture is not possible without a sustainable soil science, which in turn is largely dependent on organic matter. It is necessary to return large amounts of organic matter to the soil in order to maintain satisfactory crop production. It can be derived from crop residues, cover crops, sods, or various wastes, such as manures, sludges, and composts. This book details the benefits of various forms, and how each should be handled for maximum returns.
Foreword , Preface , Acknowledgments , Chapter 1. Intensive Agriculture and Food Production , Problems with Intensive Agriculture , Correcting Problems Associated with Intensive Agriculture , Alternative Agriculture , Sustainable Agriculture , Sustainable Soil Science , Increasing Organic Matter, Sustainable Agriculture, and the Need for Inputs , Chapter 2. Basic Concepts of Organic Matter , Decomposition of Organic Matter , SOM and Humus , Environmental Conditions Affecting Decomposition , Extent of Decomposition , Losses of SOM and Crop Yields , Increasing Soil Organic Matter , Negative Aspects of Organic Matter Additions , Chapter 3. Organic Matter As a Source of Nutrients , Organic Matter and Nutrient Supply , Nutrients Released from Organic Matter , Nutrient Release , Indirect Effects of Organic Matter on Nutrient Availability , Accounting for Nutrients in Organic Matter , Chapter 4. Physical Qualities , Soil Structure , Porosity , Bulk Density , Compaction , Infiltration and Percolation , Aggregate Stability , Moisture-Holding Capacity , Erosion , Chapter 5. Biological Effects of Organic Matter , Soil Organisms and Their Functions , Processes Vital to Soil Health , Controlling Pests by Harnessing Soil Organisms and Organic Matter , Chapter 6. Adding Organic Matter , Growing Organic Matter in Place , Plant Residues , Chapter 7. Adding Organic Matter Not Grown in Place , Manure , Compost , Loamless Composts , Sewage Effluents and Biosolids , Peats , High-Analysis Animal and Other Wastes , Chapter 8. Placement of Organic Matter , Incorporating OM , Plastic Mulch ,
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