Bioactive heterocycles



Bioactive heterocycles

volume editor Shoji Eguchi ; with contributions by S. Eguchi ... [et al.]

(Topics in heterocyclic chemistry / series editor R. R. Gupta, 6, 8-11, 15-16)

Springer, c2006-

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
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  • 6
  • 7

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 12



3 / volume editor, Mahmud Tareq Hassan Khan ; with contributions by M. Alamgir ... [et al.]; 4 / volume editor, Mahmud Tareq Hassan Khan ; with contributions by A. Ather ... [et al.]; 5 / volume editor, Mahmud Tareq Hassan Khan ; with contributions by M.J. Carlucci ... [et al.]; 6 / volume editor, Noboru Motohashi ; with contributions by J. Bariwal ... [et al.]; 7 / volume editor, Noboru Motohashi ; with contributions by J.J. Aaron ... [et al.]

Includes bibliographical references and indexes


  • 6-7. Flavonoids and anthocyanins in plants, and latest bioactive heterocycles



1 ISBN 9783540333500


M. Ohno, S. Eguchi: Directed Synthesis of Biologically Interesting Heterocycles with Squaric Acid (3,4-Dihydroxy-3-cyclobutene-1,2-dione) Based Technology.- H. Nishino: Manganese(III)-Based Peroxidation of Alkenes to Heterocycles.- M. Somei: A Frontier in Indole Chemistry: 1-Hydroxyindoles, 1-Hydroxytryptamines, and 1-Hydroxytryptophans.- S. Eguchi: Quinazoline Alkaloids and Related Chemistry.- M. Kita, D. Uemura: Bioactive Heterocyclic Alkaloids of Marine Origin.- H. Kiyota: Synthetic Studies on Heterocyclic Antibiotics Containing Nitrogen Atoms

2 ISBN 9783540725916


As part of the series Topics in Heterocyclic Chemistry,this volume titled Bio- tive Heterocycles II presents comprehensive and up-to-date reviews on selected topics regarding synthetic as well as naturally occurring bioactive heterocycles. The ?rst chapter, "High Pressure Synthesis of Heterocycles Related to Bio- tive Molecules" by Kiyoshi Matsumoto, presents a unique high-pressure s- thetic methodology in heterocyclic chemistry. Basic principles and fruitful examples for pericyclic reactions, such as Diels-Alder reactions, 1,3-dipolar reactions, and also for ionic reactions, such as S and addition reactions, are N discussed. The review will be of considerable interest to heterocyclic chemists and synthetic chemists. The second chapter, "Ring Transformation of Nitropyrimidinone Leading to Versatile Azaheterocyclic Compounds" by Nagatoshi Nishiwaki and Masahiro Ariga, presents a very critical review on novel ring transformations of di- tropyridones and nitropyrimidinones based on the work of his group. - dressed in this review is the synthesis of functionalized molecules, such as nitroanilines, nitropyridines, and nitrophenols, by the ring transformation of dinitropyridones as the nitromalonaldehyde equivalent. Ring transformations of nitropyrimidinones with dinucleophiles to 4-pyridones, pyrimidines and 4-aminopyridines, and to polyfunctinal pyridones with 1,3-dicarbonyl c- pounds, etc., are also discussed. This review may attract the interest of synthetic chemists as well as heterocyclic chemists in the life science ?elds. The third chapter, "Synthesis of Thalidomide" by Norio Shibata, Takeshi Yamamoto and Takeshi Toru, describes a modern synthetic aspect of thali- mide.


K. Matsumoto: High Pressure Synthesis of Heterocycles Related to Bioactive Molecules.- N. Nishiwaki, M. Ariga: Ring Transformation of Nitropyrimidinone Leading to Versatile Azaheterocyclic Compounds.- N. Shibata, T. Yamamoto, T. Toru: Synthesis of Thalidomide.- H. Nagase, H. Fujii: Rational Drug Design of d Opioid Receptor Agonist TAN-67 from d Opioid Receptor Antagonist NTI.- S. Murata, H. Ichinose, F. Urano: Tetrahydrobiopterin and Related Biologically Important Pterins.- M. Yamashita: Preparation, Structure and Biological Property of Phosphorus Heterocycles with a C-P Ring System.- K. Michalak, O. Wesolowska, N. Motohashi, A.B. Hendrich: The Role of the Membrane Actions of Phenothiazines and Flavonoids as Functional Modulators

3 ISBN 9783540734017


"Bioactive Heterocycles III" provides readers with a comprehensive overview of the most recent breakthroughs in the ?eld of heterocycles. This volume contains 8 chapters written by experts in their respective ?elds from all over the world. The chapters summarize years of extensive research in each area, andprovideinsightinthenewthemesofnaturalproductresearch.Manyofthe contributors illustrate their laboratory experiences. It's obvious that readers will gain exciting and essential information fromthe volume. In the ?rst chapter, Kayser et al. describe the chemistry, biosynthesis and biological activities of artemisinin, one of the most promising antimalarial molecules, and its related natural peroxides. They present new strategies of producing artemisinin that utilize fascinating technologies. as Additionally, thepharmacokineticpro?leandthedevelopmentofnewdrugdeliverysystems onPlasmodium infected erythrocytesare presented . Khan describes some aspects of sugar-derived heterocycles and their p- cursors which are utilized as the inhibitors against glycogen phosphorylases (GPs), and are responsible for the release of mono-glucose from poly-glucose (glycogen) in the second chapter. The inhibitors of GP could help to stop or slowdownglycogenolysisaswellasglucoseproduction.Ultimately, thewhole processwill result in the recovery fromdiabetes of NIDDMpatients. In his contribution, Verma studies quantitative structure-activityrelati- ship (QSAR) and proposes several interesting QSAR models of heterocyclic molecules having cytotoxicactivities against different cancer cell lines, which couldin turn clarify the chemical-biologicalinteractions ofsuch compounds. Alamgir et al., in the fourth chapter, review the recent progress of the synthesis, reactivity and biological activities of benzimidazoles. Additionally, they describe several new techniques and procedures for the synthesis of the same scaffold. Inthe?fthchapter,KhanreviewstheessentialroleoftheenzymeTyrosinase in human melanin production, covering various related clinical problems.


A.-M. Ryden, O. Kayser: Chemistry, Biosynthesis and Biological Activity of Artemisinin and Related Natural Peroxides.- M.T.H. Khan: Sugar-derived Heterocycles and Their Precursors as Inhibitors Against Glycogen Phosphorylases (GP).- R.P. Verma: Cytotoxicity of Heterocyclic Compounds against Various Cancer Cells: A Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship Study.- M. Alamgir, D.St.C. Black, N. Kumar: Synthesis, Reactivity and Biological Activity of Benzimidazoles.- M.T.H. Khan: Heterocyclic Compounds against the Enzyme Tyrosinase Essential for the Melanin Production - Biochemical Features of Inhibition.- O. Demirkiran: Xanthones in Hypericum: Synthesis and Biological Activites.- F. Clerici, M.L. Gelmi, S. Pellegrino, D. Pocar: Chemistry of Biologically Active Isothiazoles.- R. Gambari, I. Lampronti, N. Bianchi, C. Zuccato, G. Viola, D. Vedaldi, F. Dall'Acqua: Structure and Biological Activity of Furocoumarins

4 ISBN 9783540734031


This volume contains nine more contributions from expert researchers of the ?eld, providing readers with in depth and current research results regarding therespective topics. In the ?rst chapter, Flemming et al. review the chemistry, biosynthesis, metabolism and biological activities of tetrahydrocannabinol and its deri- tives. Hansch and Verma contribute to the quantitative structure-activity re- tionship (QSAR) analysis of heterocyclic topoisomerase I and II inhibitors. These inhibitors,knowntoinhibit either enzyme, actasantitumoragentsand are currently used in chemotherapy and in clinicaltrials. In the third chapter, Khan reviews some aspects of molecular modeling studies on biologically active alkaloids, brie?y providing considerations on themodeling approaches. In next chapter, Khan and Ather review different aspects of the microbial transformationsof theimportant nitrogenousmolecules, as they have diverse biological activities. This chapter provides a critical update of the microbial transformations reported in recent years, targeting novel biocatalysts from microbes. In the ?fth chapter, Hamdi and Dixneuf describe the synthesis of triazoles andcoumarins molecules andtheirphysiologicalactivities. Maiti and Kumar, in their contribution, review the physicochemical and nucleic acid binding properties of several isoquinoline alkaloids (berberine, palmatine and coralyne) and their derivatives under various environmental conditions. Inchapterseven,Berlinckdescribesvarietiesofpolycyclicdiaminealkaloids such as halicyclamines, 'upenamide, xestospongins, araguspongines, hali- clamines, haliclonacyclamines, arenosclerins, ingenamines and the mad- gamines, etc.,and their synthesis as well as biologicalactivities.


T. Flemming, R. Muntendam, C. Steup, O. Kayser: Chemistry and Biological Activity of Tetrahydrocannabinol and its Derivatives.- C. Hansch, R.P. Verma: Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships of Heterocyclic Topoisomerase I and II Inhibitors.- M.T.H. Khan: Molecular Modeling of the Biologically Active Alkaloids - A Critical Review.- M.T.H. Khan, A. Ather: Microbial Transformation of Nitrogenous Compounds - An Update N. Hamdi, P.H. Dixneuf: Synthesis of Triazoles and Coumarins Compounds and Their Physiological Activity.- M. Maiti, G.S. Kumar: Protoberberine Alkaloids: Physicochemical and Nucleic Acid Binding Properties.- R.G.S. Berlinck: Polycyclic Diamine Alkaloids from Marine Sponges.- P. Buzzini, B. Turchetti, F, Ieri, M. Goretti, E. Branda, N. Mulinacci, A. Romani: Catechins and Proanthocyanidins: Naturally Occurring O-heterocycles with Antimicrobial Activity.- H. Cerecetto, M. Gonzalez: Benzofuroxan and Furoxan. Chemistry and Biology

5 ISBN 9783540734055


This volume contains 10 chapters. The contributions are from researchers - mousintheirrespective?eldsandthechapterscontainhighqualityreviewson topics related to the chemo-biologicalstudies of several different heterocyclic groups. The ?rst chapter from Saracoglu reviews the functionalization of indoles andthepyrrolesviaMichaeladditions,asthesecompoundshavepotential for their biologicalactivities. InsecondchapterMen' endezreviewsthechemistryofthewelwitindolinones. Topcu and Demirkiran, in the third chapter, describe the chemistry and biological studies of lignans from Taxus species, including their biosynthesis andrecent strategiesforthesynthesisoflignans.Lignansareaveryimportant classofmolecules,astheyhaveaverydiversespectrumofbiologicalactivities, such as antitumour, antiviral, hepatoprotective, antioxidant, antiulcer, an- allergen, anti-platelet, and anti-osteoporoticactivities. InnextchapterSuzen .. describestheantioxidantactivitiesofsyntheticindole derivatives and their possible mechanisms of action. Inchapter?veGonz' alezetal.presentsacomprehensivereviewonthech- istry and biology of the quinoxaline 1,4-dioxide and phenazine 5,10-dioxide typemolecules.Theyalsodiscussthemodeofaction,structure-activitystudies andother relevant chemical andbiologicalproperties forsuch molecules. Inthechaptersix,Khanbrie?ydiscussestheanti-angiogenicandtelomerase inhibitory activities of quinoline and its analogues. Liuet al.,inchapterseven, brie?y reviewssomeaspects ofstudies ofbio- tive marine sponge furanosesterterpenoids from the last 10 years, including their totalsyntheses. Pujol et al. in chapter eight, reviews the chemistry, origin and antiviral activities of naturally occurring sulfated polysaccharides for the prevention and controlof viral infections such as HIV-1 and -2, human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), dengue virus (DENV), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and - ?uenza Avirus. InchapternineHamdietal.describesthesynthesisandbiologicalactivities of the heterocyclicand vanillin ether coumarins. In the last chapter, Orhan et al. reviews their recent ?ndings on antiviral and antimicrobial heterocyclic compounds fromTurkish plants. Tromso,Norway 2007 Mahmud Tareq Hassan Khan Contents FunctionalizationofIndoleandPyrroleCores viaMichael-TypeAdditions N.Saracoglu ...1 ChemistryoftheWelwitindolinones J.C.Menendez ...63 LignansFrom TaxusSpecies G.Topcu*O.Demirkiran...103 AntioxidantActivities ofSyntheticIndoleDerivatives andPossibleActivity Mechanisms S.Suzen...1 45 Quinoxaline 1,4-DioxideandPhenazine5,10-Dioxide.


N. Saracoglu: Functionalization of Indole and Pyrrole Cores via Michael Type Additions.- J. C. Menendez: Chemistry of the Welwitindolinones.- G. Topcu, O. Demirkiran: Lignans from Taxus Species.- S. Suzen: Antioxidant Activities of Synthetic Indole Derivatives and Possible Activity Mechanisms.- M. Gonzalez, H. Cerecetto, A. Monge: Quinoxaline 1,4-dioxide and Phenazine 5,10-dioxide Chemistry and Biology.- M.T.H. Khan: Quinoline Analogues as Anti-angiogenic Agents and Telomerase Inhibitors Y. Liu, S. Zhang, J.H. Jung, T. Xu: Bioactive Furanosesterterpenoids from Marine Sponge.- C.A. Pujol, M.J. Carlucci, M.C. Matulewicz, E.B. Damonte: Natural Sulfated Polysaccharides for the Prevention and Control of Viral Infections.- N. Hamdi, M. Saoud, A. Romerosa: 4-Hydroxy Coumarine: a Versatile Reagent for the Synthesis of Heterocyclic and Vanillin Ether Coumarins with Biological Activities.- I. Orhan, B. OEzcelik, B. Sener: Current Outcomes of Antiviral and Antimicrobial Evaluation of Some Heterocyclic Compounds from Turkish Plants

6 ISBN 9783540792178


As part of the series Topics in Heterocyclic Chemistry,thisvolumetitledBio- tiveHeterocyclesII presentscomprehensiveandup-to-datereviewsonselected topicsconcerning?avonoidsandanthocyaninsinplants,andheterocyclessuch as bioactive phenothiazines, phenoxazines, and related compounds. The v- ume isseparated into two sections mainly concentrating onthese two topics. There are abundant and diverse ?avonoids with carbohydrates and lipids, alkaloids (betalain alkaloids and other alkaloids), phenols (chromones, c- marins,lignans,quinines,andotherphenolics),terpenoids(monoterpenoids, sesquiterpene lactones, triperpenoid saponins, carotenoids, and other t- penoids), and minerals as micronutritionalphytochemicals in fruits and v- etables of our daily diets. Among these phytochemicals, the ?avonoids have speci?c functionality in relation to age-related diseases such as hypertension, diabetes,cardiacinfarction,cataracts,andcancer.Theauthorsofeachchapter inthe?rst sectionhave presented their evidence in relationtothemechanism ofthepreventative andtherapeutic ability ofthecompounds. The ?rst chapter, "Functionality of Anthocyanins as Alternative Medicine" byNoboruMotohashiandHiroshiSakagami,presentstheirantioxidantme- anism for anthocyanidins, which are present in common foods. It is possible that anthocyanins may have been used both preventatively and clinically as part of many "folklore medicines" worldwide and may have provided heal- carebene?tssincetheappearanceofmankindsome7.5millionyearsago.The review willinform the reader as to their functionalityand mechanism. The second chapter, "Bioactive Mechanism of Interaction between Ant- cyanins and Macromolecules Like DNA and Proteins" by Seetharamappa J- dappagari, Noboru Motohashi, Mamatha P.Gangeenahalli, and James H. N- smith, presents the biological activities of anthocyanins, and the interactions of anthocyanins with DNA and protein. Anthocyanins might protect against damage to health by some types of harmful oxidants through various me- anisms such as their antioxidative activity, protein active site binding, and chelating complex formation. The review presents the interesting interactive mechanism of anthocyanin-DNA complex formation.


N. Motohashi, H. Sakagami: Functionality of Anthocyanins as Alterative Medicine.- S. Jaldappagari, N. Motohashi, M.P. Gangeenahalli, J.H. Naismith: Bioactive Mechanism of Interaction Between Anthocyanins and Macromolecules Like DNA and Proteins.- A. Dasgupta, S.G. Dastidar, Y. Shirataki, Noboru Motohashi: Antibacterial Activity of Artificial Phenothiazines and Isoflavones from Plants.- J. Molnar, H. Engi, N. Gyemant, Z. Schelz, G. Spengler, I, Ocsovszki, M. Szucs, J. Hohmann, M. Szabo, L. Tanacs , P. Molnar, J. Deli, L. Krenn, M. Kawase, H. Wakabayashi, T. Kurihara, Y. Shirataki, H. Sakagami, N. Motohashi, R. Didiziapetris: Multidrug Resistance of Cancer Cells by Selected Carotenoids, Flavonoids and Anthocyanins.- M. Kobayashi, H. Sakagami, M. Kawase, N. Motohashi: Changes in Polyamine Levels during Cell Death Induced by Heterocycles.- H. Sakagami, M. Kobayashi, M. Ishihara, H. Kikuchi, Y. Nakamura, M. Kawase, N. Motohashi: Tumor Specificity and Type of Cell Death induced by Heterocycles.- A. Shah, J. Bariwal, J. Molnar, M. Kawase, N. Motohashi: Advanced Dihydropyridines as Novel Multidrug Resistance Modifiers and Reversing Agents.- T. Kurihara, K. Shinohara, M. Inabe, H. Wakabayashi, N. Motohashi, H. Sakagami, J. Molnar: Theoretical Studies on Phenothiazines, Benzo[a]phenothiazines and Benz[c]acridines

7 ISBN 9783642003356


See Table of Contents (PMP)


Noboru Motohashi: Anthocyanins as Functional Food Colors.- Yoshiaki Shirataki and Noboru Motohashi: Flavonoids in Sophora Species.- Mariko Ishihara, Hiroshi Sakagami, Masami Kawase, and Noboru Motohashi: Quantitative Structure-Cytotoxicity Relationship of Bioactive Heterocycles by the Semi-empirical Molecular Orbital Method with the Concept of Absolute Hardness.- Masami Kawase, Hiroshi Sakagami, and Noboru Motohashi: The Chemistry of Bioactive Mesoionic Heterocycles.- J. J. Aaron, M. D. Gaye Seye, S. Trajkovska, and Noboru Motohashi: Bioactive Phenothiazines and Benzo[a]phenothiazines: Spectroscopic Studies, and Biological and Biomedical Properties and Applications.-

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  • ISBN
    • 9783540333500
    • 9783540725916
    • 9783540734017
    • 9783540734031
    • 9783540734055
    • 9783540792178
    • 9783642003356
  • LCCN
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  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Berlin ; New York
  • ページ数/冊数
  • 大きさ
    24 cm
  • 分類
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