Teaching by design : using your computer to create materials for students with learning differences


    • Voss, Kimberly S.


Teaching by design : using your computer to create materials for students with learning differences

Kimberly S. Voss

Woodbine House, 2005

1st ed

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes index

HTTP:URL=http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/fy0604/2005048293.html Information=Table of contents



CD-ROM included. Full of instructions for designing and adapting materials and strategies for using them -- including a time-saving CD-ROM of templates -- Teaching by Design is useful to parents and teachers of students of all ages with a wide range of disabilities. Design and customise lotto boards, interactive spelling cards, game pieces, playing cards, matching games, menus, fill-in-the-blank decals, handwriting transparencies, and more, to teach visual perception, maths, language, communication, reading, handwriting, and self-help skills. With this book, and access to a computer, printer, and office and craft supplies, you can make learning for a child with special needs immeasurably easier, richer, and fun for both of you as you make and use custom adaptive materials for home and school.

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