Dialogue within discourse communities : metadiscursive perspectives on academic genres
Bibliographic Information
Dialogue within discourse communities : metadiscursive perspectives on academic genres
(Beiträge zur Dialogforschung, Bd. 28)
M. Niemeyer, 2005
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Description and Table of Contents
The book explores aspects of reflexivity and interactivity in a variety of academic genres: oral and written, scientific and educational. Academic discourse is explored from a variety of perspectives that take a dialogic view of language use as their starting point, ranging from conversation analysis to descriptive or applied genre studies. Particular attention is paid to the way metadiscursive expressions contribute to a representation of the communicative procedures that characterise the ongoing (scientific and educational) dialogues.
Table of Contents
Contents: Part 1. Written Dialogue: Marina Bondi, Metadiscursive Practices in Academic Discourse: Variation across Genres and Disciplines. - Maria Grazia Busa, The Use of Metadiscourse in Abstracts: A Comparison between Economics and Psychology Abstracts. - Maria Freddi, How Linguists Write about Linguistics: The Case of Introductory Textbooks. - Gabriella del Lungo Camiciotti, Editorial Strategies and Metadiscourse in Marshall's "Elements of Economics of Industry". - Belinda Crawford Camiciottoli, The Role of Metadiscourse in University-level EAP Reading Instruction. - Christina Samson, Advance Labelling in Macroeconomics Textbooks. - Part 2. Oral Dialogue: Julia Bamford, Interactivity in Academic Lectures: The Role of Questions and Answers. - Laurie Anderson/Roberta Piazza, Talking about Texts: Production Roles and Literacy Practices in University Seminars in Britain and Italy. - Glenn Alessi, The Use of Metadiscourse in EAP Presentations by Native Italian Speakers.
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