Experimental methodology


Experimental methodology

Larry B. Christensen

Pearson A & B, c2007

10th ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes bibliographical references (p. 503-518) and index



This book presents a reader-friendly introduction to the basic principles of experimental psychological research. Experimental Methodology is organized so that each chapter focuses on a specific step in the research process. The book provides instruction in experimental research as well as non-experimental approaches such as ex-post facto research, correlational research, and survey research. Also included are qualitative research approaches such as ethnography and phenomenology.


1. Introduction to Scientific Research Chapter Review Introduction Methods Tenacity Intuition Authority Rationalism Empiricism Science Induction Hypothesis Testing Naturalism Kuhn and Paradigms Lakatos and Research Programs Feyerabend's Anarchists Theory of Science What is Science? Pseudoscience Overuse of ad hoc Hypotheses to Escape Refutation Absence of Self-Correction Reversed burden of Proof Emphasis on Confirmation rather than Refutation Overreliance on Testimonials and Anecdotal Evidence Use of Obscurantist language Absence of "Connectivity" with Other Disciplines Advantage of Scientific Research Characteristics of Scientific Research Control Operation Replication Objectives of Scientific Research Description Explanation Prediction Control Basic Assumption Underlying Scientific Research Reality in Nature Rationality Regularity Discoverability The Role of Theory in Scientific Research The Role of the Scientist in Research Curiosity Patience Objectivity Change Summary Key Terms and Concepts Related Internet Sites Practice Test Challenge Exercises 2. Nonexperimental Research Approaches Chapter Preview Introduction Nonexperimental Quantitative Research Correlational Study Ex Post Facto Study Longitudinal Study and Cross-Sectional Study Naturalistic Observation Meta Analysis The Survey Methods of Data Collection Questionnaire Construction Response Bias Qualitative Research Phenomenology Ethnography Ethnographic Methods Entry and Group Acceptance Data Collection, Analysis, Report Writing Case Study Summary Key Terms and Concepts Related Internet Sites Practice Tests Challenge Exercises 3. The Experimental Research Approach Chapter Preview Introduction Causation Cause Effect Causal Relationship The Psychological Experiment Advantages of the Experimental Approach Causal Inference Control Ability of Manipulate Variables Disadvantages of the Experimental Approach Does Not Test Effects of Nonmanipulated Variables Artificiality Inadequate Method of Scientific Inquiry Experimental Research Settings Field Experimentation Laboratory Experimentation Internet Experiments Summary Key Terms and Concepts Related Internet Sites Practice Tests Challenge Exercises 4. Problem Identification and Hypothesis Formation Chapter Preview Introduction Sources of Research Ideas Everyday Life Practical Issues Past Research Theory Gender Bias in Research Ideas Ideas Not Capable of Scientific Investigation Review of the Literature Getting Started Defining Objectives Doing the Search Books Psychological Journals Computerized or Electronic Databases Internet Resources Obtaining Resources Additional Information Sources Feasibility of the Study Formulating the Research Problem Defining a Research Problem Specificity of the Question Formulating Hypotheses Summary Key Terms and Concepts Related Internet Sites Practice Tests Challenge Exercises 5. Ethics Chapter Preview Introduction Research Ethics: What Are They? Relationship between Society and Science Professional Issues Treatment of Research Participants Ethical Dilemmas Ethical Guidelines Respect for Persons and their Autonomy Beneficence and Nonmaleficence Justice Trust Fidelity and Scientific Integrity APA Ethical Standards for Research Ethical Issues to Consider When Conducting Research Institutional Approval Informed Consent Dispensing with Informed Consent Informed Consent and Minors Passive versus Active Consent Deception Debriefing Coercion and Freedom to Decline Participation Confidentiality, Anonymity, and the Concept of Privacy Ethical Issues in Electronic Research Informed Consent and Internet Research Privacy and Internet Research Debriefing and Internet Research Ethical Issues in Preparing the Research Report Authorship Writing the Research Report Ethics of Animal Research Animal Rights Alternatives to the Use of Animals Safeguards in the Use of Animals Animal Research Guidelines Summary Key Terms and Concepts Related Internet Sites Practice Tests Challenge Exercises 6. Variables Used in Experimentation Chapter Preview Introduction Types of Variables The Independent Variable Variation Presence versus Absence Amount of a Variable Type of a Variable Establishing Variation in the Independent Variable Experimental Manipulation Individual Difference Manipulation Constructing the Independent Variable Number of Independent Variables The Dependent Variable Response to be Used as the Dependent Variable Reducing Participant Error Number of Dependent Variables Summary Key Terms and Concepts Related Internet Sites Practice Tests Challenge Exercises 7. Reliability and Validity in Experimental Research Chapter Preview Introduction Relationship Between Reliability and Validity Experimental Reliability Reliability and the Number and Identification of the Participants Reliability and the Ability and Characteristics of the Researcher Reliability and the Independent Variable Reliability and the Dependent Variable Measurement Error Methods of Assessing Reliability Successive Measurement Simultaneous Measurement Internal Consistency Experimental Validity Statistical Conclusion Validity Internal Validity Threats to Internal Validity History Maturation Instrumentation Testing Regression Artifact Attrition Selection Additive and Interactive Effects Summary Key Terms and Concepts Related Internet Sites Practice Tests Challenge Exercises 8. Construct and External Validity in Experimental Research Chapter Preview Introduction Construct Validity Assessing Construct Validity Content Validity Criterion-Related Validity Other Sources of Evidence of Construct Validity Threats to Construct Validity Reactivity to the Experimental Situation Participant Effect Conditions Producing a Positive Self-Presentation Motive Implication for Research Experimenter Effects Experimenter Attributes Experimenter Expectancies Mediation of Expectancy Magnitude of the Expectancy Effect External Validity Population Validity Ecological Validity Temporal Validity Treatment Variation Validity Outcome Validity Cautions in Evaluating the External Validity of Experiments Relationship Between Internal and External Validity Summary Key Terms and Concepts Related Internet Sites Practice Tests Challenge Exercises 9. Control Techniques Chapter Preview Introduction Randomization Matching Matching by Holding Variables Constant Matching by Building the Extraneous Variable into the Research Design Matching by Yoked Control Matching by Equating Participants Precision Control Frequency Distribution Control Counterbalancing Intrasubject Counterbalancing: The ABBA Technique Intragroup Counterbalancing Incomplete Counterbalancing Control of Participation Effects Double Blind Placebo Model Deception Procedural Control, or Control of Participant Interpretation Control of Experimenter Effects Control of Recording Errors Control of Experimenter Attribute Errors Control of Experimenter Expectancy Error The Blind Technique The Partial Blind Technique Automation Likelihood of Achieving Control Summary Key Terms and Concepts Related Internet Sites Practice Tests Challenge Exercises 10. Experimental Research Design Chapter Preview Introduction Research Designs with Threats to Internal Validity One-Group Posttest-Only Design One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design Nonequivalent Posttest-Only Design Requirements of Experimental Research Designs Pretesting Participants Experimental Research Designs Posttest-Only Design Between-Participants Posttest-Only Design Within-Participants Posttest-Only Design Combining Between- and Within-Participants Designs Pretest-Posttest Design Choice of a Research Design Research Question Control Between-versus Within-Participants Design Summary Key Terms and Concepts Related Internet Sites Practice Tests Challenge Exercises 11. Quasi-Experimental Designs Chapter Preview Introduction Nonequivalent Comparison Group Design Outcomes with Rival Hypohteses Outcome I: First Increasing Treatment Effect Outcome II: Increasing Treatment and Control Groups Outcome III: Second Increasing Treatment Effect Outcome IV: Crossover Effect Causal Inference from the Nonequivalent Comparison Group Design Time-Series Design Interrupted Time-Series Design Regression Discontinuity Design Summary Key Terms and Concepts Related Internet Sites Practice Tests Challenge Exercises 12. Single-Case Research Designs Chapter Preview Introduction Single-Case Designs ABA Design Interaction Design Multiple-Baseline Design Changing-Criterion Design Methodological Considerations in Using Single-Case Designs Baseline Changing One Variable at a Time Length of Phases Criteria for Evaluating Change Experimental Criterion Therapeutic Criterion Rival Hypotheses Summary Key Terms and Concepts Related Internet Sites Practice Tests Challenge Exercises 13. Data Collection Chapter Preview Introduction Research Participants Obtaining Animals (Rats) Obtaining Human Participants Gender Bias Sample Size Power Apparatus and/or Instruments Instructions Scheduling of Research Participants Procedure Pilot Study Institutional Approval Data Collection Consent to Participate Debriefing, or Postexperimental Interview Debriefing Functions How to Debrief Summary Key Terms and Concepts Related Internet Sites Practice Tests Challenge Exercises 14. Hypothesis Testing Chapter Preview Introduction Testing the Hypothesis The Mean Standard Deviation Selection of a Statistical Test Independent Samples t-Test Significance Level Analysis of Variance One-Way Analysis of Variance Analysis of Variance Summary Table Interpreting the Results of the Analysis of Variance Two-Way Analysis of Variance Rejecting versus Failing to Reject the Null Hypothesis Potential Error in the Statistical Decision-Making Process Correlation Computation in Correlation Interpretation of Correlation Summary Key Terms and Concepts Related Internet Sites Practice Tests Challenge Exercises 15. The Research Report Chapter Preview Introduction The APA Format Preparation of the Research Report Writing Style Language Specificity Labels Participation Specific Issues Editorial Style Italics Abbreviation Headings Quotations Numbers Physical Measurements Presentation of Statistical Results Tables Figures Figure Captions Reference Citations Reference List Typing Ordering of Manuscript Pages Submission of the Research Report for Publication Acceptance of the Manuscript Presenting Research Results at Professional Conferences Oral Presentation Poster Presentation Summary Key Terms and Concepts Related Internet Sites Appendices A. Answers to Practice Tests B. Critical Values of t C. The 5 Percent and 1 Percent Values for the F-Distribution D. Table of Random Numbers References Index

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