Parallel state and arbitral procedures in international arbitration


Parallel state and arbitral procedures in international arbitration

edited by Bernardo M. Cremades and Julian D.M. Lew

(The Dossiers of the Institute of International Business Law and Practice)(ICC publication, 692)

ICC Publishing, 2005

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes bibliographical references



In recent years, international commercial arbitration procedures have made great strides to bring into line different traditions of law and practice. But considerable problems remain. The aim of this new Dossier by the ICC Institute of World Business Law, is to give the reader a thorough picture of the practical issues raised by the conflicts arising when there is more than one arbitration and when commercial arbitrations run in parallel with state legal procedures. This is the third in a series of Dossiers from the Institute.

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