Government discourse and housing
Government discourse and housing
(Urban and regional planning and development)
Ashgate, c2007
- : alk. paper
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全3件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Includes bibliographical references and index
While post-structuralist approaches to social theory have been prevalent within many fields of social inquiry since its emergence in the late 1970s, to date post-structuralism hasn't been significantly adopted when examining government institutions and practices. This volume uses post-structuralist theory to develop a framework for the analysis of government institutions and policy and applies this the study of government housing policy in Western nations. The book outlines the implications of post-structuralist analysis of housing theory and practice for future developments in both housing theory and government housing policy in Western nations.
- Introduction
- Housing, theory and state policy
- The theoretical and practical constitution of discourse
- Housing and government in a contemporary international context
- New Zealand 1980-2004
- Australia 1980-2004
- Conclusions: government, discourse and housing
- Bibliography
- Index.
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