Living Shiʿ ism : instances of ritualisation among Islamist men in contemporary Iran


    • Thurfjell, David


Living Shiʿ ism : instances of ritualisation among Islamist men in contemporary Iran

by David Thurfjell

(Iran studies, v. 1)

Brill, 2006

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 7



Includes bibliographical references (p. [251]-262) and indexes



This book is about Iranian Islamism on grass-roots level. It provides a vivid, near-life portrait of young activist men who uphold this movement through their zealous support of revolutionary ideals and the present regime. It is based on interviews with a group of volunteers in the Iranian home guard movement known as basij during a period of four years. By focusing on beliefs and rituals of individual persons, it gives a unique picture of the shifting motifs behind Islamist engagement in today's Iran. The book contextualises the interviewed individuals within the wider framework of Iranian society and relates their stories to a discussion on ritual, emotion, embodiment and authority. It is of interest to anyone who seeks to understand the multifaceted driving forces behind Shi'ite Islamism today.


Acknowledgements Points of Departure Setting the Scene Embodying Virtue The Poetics of Emotion Tools of Authorisation Crumbling Authority? Lectures and Lamentations The Creativity of Ritual Summary in Persian References Subject Index Name Index

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