(The industrial revolution in America, v. 7)
ABC-CLIO, c2007
- : hardcover
並立書誌 全2件
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全13件
- すべての絞り込み条件を解除する
Includes bibliographical references and index
This three-volume set concludes ABC-CLIO's groundbreaking series on the Industrial Revolution as it played out in the United States, offering volumes on the communications industry and the agriculture and meatpacking industries—plus a concluding overview volume on the causes, courses, and interconnections among the industries that brought such dramatic change to our lives.
The concluding three-volume set in ABC-CLIO's landmark Industrial Revolution in America series offers vivid reminders of how this economic renaissance changed virtually every facet of American life.
Communications takes readers from the telegraph to the telephone and beyond, showing how improvements in communication (aided by better transportation) helped create a truly national marketplace. Agriculture and Meatpacking details the shift of agriculture from family farms and local trade to mass production and agribusiness, sparking the development of a full range of farm machinery and spawning the rise of a new metropolis practically overnight. The concluding Overview/Comparison volume looks at the Industrial Revolution as a whole—revealing the impact of various industries on each other and gauging the revolution's broader social and political legacy in the United States and around the world.
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