Words, meaning and vocabulary : an introduction to modern English lexicology


Words, meaning and vocabulary : an introduction to modern English lexicology

Howard Jackson, Etienne Zé Amvela

Continuum, c2007

2nd ed

  • : hb
  • : pb

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 19



Includes references (p. 235-240) and index



: hb ISBN 9780826490179


This textbook is a systematic and accessible introduction to the lexicology of modern English. Lexicology is the branch of linguistics that studies all aspects of the vocabulary of a particular language. The book provides an account of the sources of modern English words and studies the development of vocabulary over time. It examines: What are words? Where do English words come from? How are words made up? How do words 'mean'? How are words used? How can words be investigated? This new edition of the best-selling textbook has been revised and updated throughout. A new chapter has been added, and chapters on dictionaries and corpus linguistics have been updated. Lists of exercises and figures, summaries of content at the beginning of each chapter, a revised list of suggestions for further reading, and a new glossary have been added. "Words, Meaning and Vocabulary" is an essential introduction to lexicology for undergraduate students.


  • List of figures
  • List of exercises
  • Preface to the Second Edition
  • 1. What is Lexicology?
  • 2. Where do English Words Come From?
  • 3. The Word
  • 4. Word Formation
  • 5. Meaning Relations
  • 6. Words in Use
  • 7. Investigating Vocabulary
  • 8. Words in Dictionaries
  • Key to Exercises
  • Glossary.

: pb ISBN 9780826490186


This textbook is a systematic and accessible introduction to the lexicology of modern English. Lexicology is the branch of linguistics that studies all aspects of the vocabulary of a particular language. The book provides an account of the sources of modern English words and studies the development of vocabulary over time. It examines: What are words? Where do English words come from? How are words made up? How do words 'mean'? How are words used? How can words be investigated? This new edition of the best-selling textbook has been revised and updated throughout. A new chapter has been added, and chapters on dictionaries and corpus linguistics have been updated. Lists of exercises and figures, summaries of content at the beginning of each chapter, a revised list of suggestions for further reading, and a new glossary have been added. Words, Meaning and Vocabulary is an essential introduction to lexicology for undergraduate students.


  • List of figures
  • List of exercises
  • Preface to the Second Edition
  • 1. What is Lexicology?
  • 2. Where do English Words Come From?
  • 3. The Word
  • 4. Word Formation
  • 5. Meaning Relations
  • 6. Words in Use
  • 7. Investigating Vocabulary
  • 8. Words in Dictionaries
  • Key to Exercises
  • Glossary.

「Nielsen BookData」 より


  • ISBN
    • 0826490174
    • 0826490182
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    London ; New York
  • ページ数/冊数
    xii, 248 p.
  • 大きさ
    24 cm
  • 分類
  • 件名