Test yourself in evidence, civil procedure, criminal procedure, sentencing


Test yourself in evidence, civil procedure, criminal procedure, sentencing

Inns of Court School of Law, Institute of Law, City University, London

Oxford University Press, c2007

13th ed


Test yourself in evidence, civil procedure, criminal procedure and sentencing

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1




Providing 140 challenging multiple-choice questions, together with note-form answers, this book is the ideal revision aid for students on the Bar Vocational Course. Test Yourself allows you to quickly and easily reinforce your knowledge in the key areas of Evidence, Civil Procedure, Criminal Procedure and Sentencing. With multiple-choice assessments becoming more widespread, it is increasingly important for students to prepare using practice questions in the relevant format. As well as providing preparation for assessments, these questions highlight any areas of weakness in your learning. Feedback sections fully explain each answer and are an excellent starting point for further revision; they also provide tips on how to approach this type of question in an exam. Published in conjunction with the Inns of Court School of Law, Test Yourself is part of the popular bar manuals series, and it helpfully cross-references the relevant manuals. It is the product of many years' teaching experience and its questions, devised by senior teaching staff, are prepared to the same standard as those used for assessment purposes at the School.


  • Introduction
  • The Civil MCT
  • The Criminal MCT
  • Appendix 1 - Answers to the Civil MCT
  • Appendix 2 - Answers to the Criminal MCT
  • Appendix 3 - Note-form Answers to the Civil MCT
  • Appendix 4 - Note-form Answers to the Criminal MCT
  • Appendix 5
  • Answer Sheets

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