People on the move : rural-urban interactions in Sarawak
People on the move : rural-urban interactions in Sarawak
(Kyoto area studies on Asia / Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, v. 13)
Kyoto University Press , Trans Pacific Press, 2007
- : ja
- : at
大学図書館所蔵 件 / 全29件
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Includes bibliographical references (p. 229-248) and index
- 巻冊次
: ja ISBN 9784876984633
- 1 Setting the Scene(Geographical and Historical Features of Sarawak and the Study Area)
- 2 The New Ethnography of the Iban(The Formation of the Rantau Kemiding Village;Iban Migration and Structural Change in the Longhouse;The Living Strategy of the Urban Iban;Development Policy and Human Mobility:The Iban’s Voting Strategy;Iban City Dwellers and Rural Property)
- 3 Research Trends and Concluding Remarks(A Focus on the Movers:Research Trends in Rural‐Urban Relations in the Third World;Conclusion:The Iban as Agents on the Move)
「BOOKデータベース」 より
- 巻冊次
: at ISBN 9781920901967
Based on participant observation and interviews in a village in Sarawak, Ryoji Soda examines outward migration from the village, the migrants' living strategies in urban areas, their frequent moves between rural and urban areas, and kinship relations between rural and urban residents.
Focusing on the Iban of Sarawak, one of the major ethnic groups, the study suggests that their movement should be comprehended as a part of their endeavours to expand their living space. With research that spans a decade, People on the Move presents a fresh ethnographic perspective on human mobility, rural-urban interactions, development policy, and family relations.
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