The Longman anthology of world literature


    • Damrosch, David
    • Pike, David L. (David Lawrence)


The Longman anthology of world literature

David Damrosch, David L. Pike, general editors

Pearson Longman, c2008

Compact ed

  • pbk.

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Includes bibliographical references (p.2837-2861) and index



The Longman Anthology of World Literature, Compact Edition, presents a fresh and diverse range of the world's great literature in a single volume that links past and present, East and West, and literary and cultural contexts. Featuring major works by literary masters from the ancient world through the twentieth century, this concise anthology combines comprehensive coverage of key works of the Western literary tradition and the best core, enduring works of the literatures of China, Japan, India, the Middle East, Africa, and native Americas. The anthology includes epic and lyric poetry, drama, and prose narrative, with many complete works and a focus on the most influential pieces and authors from each region and time period. The texts are supplemented by contextual materials that help students understand the literary and historical eras from which these texts arose. Engaging introductions, scholarly annotations, maps, pronunciation guides, and illustrations developed by a distinguished editorial team provide a wealth of teachable materials that support and illuminate the selections.


THE ANCIENT WORLD TIMELINE PERSPECTIVES: CREATION MYTHS AND SOCIAL CONCERNS A Babylonian Theogony (2nd - 1st millennium B.C.E.) (trans. W. G. Lambert) Hymns from The Rig Veda (c. 1500-1000 B.C.E.) The Sacrifice of Primal Man In the Beginning RESONANCE from The Discourse on What is Primary (trans. Steven Collins) The Great Hymn to the Aten (14th century B.C.E.) (trans. Miriam Lichtheim) from Enuma Elish: The Babylonian Creation Epic (2nd - 1st millennium B.C.E.) (trans. Stephanie Dalley) [Birth of the Gods. Conflict Begins] [Who will face Tiamat?] [The Gods Commission Marduk] [Marduk and Tiamat at War] [Victory Celebration. Founding of Babylon] [Creation of Humanity] Hesiod (c. late 8th century B.C.E.) from Theogony (trans. Dorothea Wender) Genesis (c. first millennium B.C.E.) (trans. Robert Alter) Chapters 1-11 THE EPIC OF GILGAMESH (c. 1200 B.C.E.) (trans. Maureen Gallery Kovacs) PERSPECTIVES: DEATH AND IMMORTALITY The Descent of Ishtar to the Underworld (late 2nd millennium B.C.E.) (trans. Stephanie Dalley) from The Book of the Dead (2nd millennium B.C.E.) (trans. Miriam Lichtheim) Letters to the Dead (2nd - 1st millennium) (trans. Alan H. Gardiner and Kurt Sethe) THE SONG OF SONGS (1st millennium B.C.E.) (Jerusalem Bible translation) HOMER The Iliad (trans. Richmond Lattimore) Book 1. The Wrath of Achilles Book 18. Achilles' Shield Book 22. The Death of Hektor Book 24. Achilles and Priam The Odyssey(trans. Robert Fagles) Book 1. Athena Inspires the Prince Book 2. Telemachus Sets Sail Book 3. King Nestor Remembers Book 4. The King and Queen of Sparta Book 5. Odysseus - Nymph and Shipwreck Book 6. The Princess and the Stranger Book 7. Phaeacia's Halls and Gardens Book 8. A Day for Songs and Contests Book 9. In the One-Eyed Giant's Cave Book 10. The Bewitching Queen of Aeaea Book 11. The Kingdom of the Dead Book 12. The Cattle of the Sun Book 13. Ithaca at Last Book 14. The Loyal Swineherd Book 15. The Prince Sets Sail for Home Book 16. Father and Son Book 17. Stranger at the Gates Book 18. The Beggar-King of Ithaca Book 19. Penelope and Her Guest Book 20. Portents Gather Book 21. Odysseus Strings His Bow Book 22. Slaugher in the Hall Book 23. The Great Rooted Bed Book 24. Peace RESONANCE Franz Kafka: The Silence of the Sirens (trans. Willa Muir and Edwin Muir) George Seferis: Upon a Foreign Verse (trans. Edmund Keeley and Phillip Sherrard) Derek Walcott: from Omeros. SAPPHO (early 7th century B.C.E.) Rich-throned immortal Aphrodite (trans. M. L. West) Come, goddess Some think a fleet He looks to me to be in heaven Love shakes my heart Honestly, I wish I were dead ... she worshipped you Like the sweet-apple The doorman's feet RESONANCE Alejandra Pizarnik: Poem, Lovers, Recognition, Meaning of His Absence, Dawn, Falling (trans. Frank Graziano, Maria Rosa Fort, and Suzanne Levine) SOPHOCLES (c. 496-406 B.C.E.) Oedipus the King (trans. David Greene) RESONANCE Aristotle: from Poetics (trans. T. S. Dorsch) PERSPECTIVES: TYRANNY AND DEMOCRACY SOLON (c. 640-558 B.C.E.) Our state will never fall (trans. M. L. West) The commons I have granted Those aims for which I called the public meeting HERODOTUS (484-425 B.C.E.) from The Histories (trans. Aubrey de Selincourt) THUCYDIDES (c. 460-400 B.C.E.) from The Peloponnesian War (trans. Steven Lattimore) PLATO (c. 429-347 B.C.E.) Apology (trans. Benjamin Jowett) EURIPIDES (c. 480-405 B.C.E.) The Medea (trans. Rex Warner) THE RAMAYANA OF VALMIKI (last centuries B.C.E.) Book 2: [The Exile of Rama] (trans. Sheldon Pollock) Book 3: [The Abduction of Sita] (trans. Sheldon Pollock) Book 6: [The Death of Ravana] (trans. Robert Goldman et al.) [The Fire Ordeal of Sita] RESONANCES from A Public Address, 1989: The Birthplace of God Cannot Be Moved! (trans. Allison Busch) Daya Pawar, Sambhaja Bhagat, and Anand Patwardhan: We Are Not Your Monkeys (trans. Anand Patwardhan) THE BOOK OF SONGS (1000-600 B.C.E.) (trans. Arthur Waley) The Ospreys Cry Locusts Plop Fall the Plums In the Wilds is a Dead Doe RESONANCES Translation by Bernhard Karlgren: In the wilds there is a dead deer Translation by Ezra Pound: Lies a dead deer on younder plain Cypress Boat Cypress Boat I Beg You, Zhong Zi May Heaven Guard RESONANCES Translation by Bernhard Karlgren: Heaven protects and secures you Translation by Ezra Pound: Heaven conserve they course in quietness The Beck What Plant Is Not Faded? Oak Clumps Birth to the People So They Appeared CONFUCIUS (551-479 B.C.E.) from The Analects (trans. Simon Leys) VIRGIL (70-19 B.C.E.) Aeneid (trans. Robert Fitzgerald) from Book 1: [A Fateful Haven] from Book 2: [How They Took the City] Book 4: [The Passion of the Queen] from Book 6: [The World Below] from Book 8: [Evander] from Book 12: [The Death of Turnus] OVID (43 B.C.E. - 18 C.E.) Metamorphoses (trans. A. D. Melville) [Prologue] from Book 3 [Tiresias] [Narcissus and Echo] from Book 6 [Arachne] from Book 8 [The Minotaur: Daedalus and Icarus] from Book 10 [Orpheus and Eurydice] [Orpheus' Song: Ganymede, Hyacinth, Pygmalion] from Book 11 [The Death of Orpheus] from Book 15 [Pythagoras] PERSPECTIVES: THE CULTURE OF ROME AND THE BEGINNINGS OF CHRISTIANITY CATULLUS (84-54 B.C.E.). 3 ("Cry out lamenting, Venuses and Cupids") (trans. Charles Martin) 5 ("Lesbia, let us live only for loving") 13 ("You will dine well with me, my dear Fabullus") 51 ("To me that man seems like a god in heaven") 76 ("If any pleasure can come to a man through recalling") 85 ("I hate & love") 107 ("If ever something which someone with no expectation") HORACE (65-8 B.C.E.) Odes (trans. David West) 1.9 ("You see Socrates standing white and deep") 2.14 ("Ah, how quickly, Postumus, Postumus") PETRONIUS (d. 65 C.E.) from Satyricon (trans. J. P. Sullivan) PAUL (c. 10- c. 67 or 68 C.E.) from Epistle to the Romans (New Revised Standard Version) LUKE (fl. 80-11- C. E.) from The Gospel According to Luke (New Revised Standard Version) from The Acts of the Apostles (New Revised Standard Version) ROMAN REACTIONS TO EARLY CHRISTIANITY Suetonius (c. 70 - after 122 C.E.): from The Twelve Caesars (trans. Robert Graves, rev. Michael Grant) Tacitus (c. 56 - after 118 C.E.): from The Annals of Imperial Rome Pliny the Younger (c. 60 - c. 112 C.E.): Letter to the Emperor Trajan Trajan (r.98-117 C.E.): Response to Pliny (trans. Betty Radice) AUGUSTINE (354-430 C. E.) Confessions (trans. Henry Chadwick) from Book 1 [Invocation and infancy] [Grammar School] from Book 2 [The Pear-Tree] from Book 3 [Student at Carthage] from Book 5 [Arrival in Rome] from Book 8 [Ponticianus] [Pick up and Read] from Book 9 [Monica's Death] from Book 11 [Time, Eternity, and Memory] RESONANCES Michel de Montaigne: from Essays (trans. Donald Frame) Jean-Jacques Rousseau: from The Confessions (trans. J. M. Cohen) THE MEDIEVAL ERA TIMELINE BEOWULF (c. 750-950) (trans. A.lan Sullivan and Timothy Murphy) RESONANCES from The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki (trans. Jesse L. Byock) Jorge Luis Borges: Poem Written in a Copy of Beowulf (trans. Alastair Reid) Poetry of the Tang Dynasty WANG WEI (701-761) from The Wang River Collection (trans. Pauline Yu) Preface 1. Meng Wall Cove 5. Deer Enclosure 8. Sophora Path 11. Lake Yi 17. Bamboo Lodge Bird Call Valley Farewell Farewell to Yuan the Second on His Mission to Anxi Visiting the Temple of Gathered Fragrance Zhongnan Retreat In Response to Vice-Magistrate Zhang LI BO (701-762) Drinking Alone with the Moon (trans. Vikram Seth) Fighting South to the Ramparts (trans. Arthur Waley) The Road to Shu is Hard (trans. Vikram Seth) Bring in the Wine (trans. Vikram Seth) The Jewel Stairs' Grievance (trans. Ezra Pound) The River Merchant's Wife: A Letter (trans. Ezra Pound) Listening to a Monk from Shu Playing the Lute (trans. Vikram Seth) Farewell to a Friend (trans. Pauline Yu) In the Quiet Night (trans. Vikram Seth) Sitting Alone by Jingting Mountain (trans. Stephen Owen) Question and Answer in the Mountains (trans. Vikram Seth) DU FU (712-770) Ballard of the Army Carts (trans. Vikram Seth) Moonlit Night (trans. Vikram Seth) Spring Prospect (trans. Pauline Yu) Traveling at Night (trans. Pauline Yu) Autumn Meditations (trans. A. C. Graham) Yangtse and Han (trans. . C. Graham) BO JUYI (772-846) A Song of Unending Sorrow (trans. Witter Bynner) THE SONG LYRIC LI YU (937-978) To the tune "Die lian hua" (A leisurely evening in garden and meadow) (trans. Daniel Bryant) To the tune "Qingping yue" (Since our parting spring is half-gone) (trans. Daniel Bryant) To the tune "Wang jiangnan" (So much heart-ache) To the tune "Yu meiren" (Spring flowers, the moon in autumn) LI QINGZHAO (1084-c.1151) To the tune "Yi jian mei "(The scent of red lotus fades) (trans. Eugene Eoyang) To the tune "Ru meng ling" (How many evenings in the arbor by the river) (trans. Eugene Eoyang) To the tune "Wuling chun" (The wind has ceased) (trans. Pauline Yu) To the tune "Sheng sheng man" (Seeking, seeking, searching, searching) (trans. Pauline Yu) MURASAKI SHIKIBU (c. 978 - c. 1014) The Tale of Genji(trans. Edward Seidensticker) from Chapter 1. Paulownia Court from Chapter 2. The Broom Tree from Chapter 5. Lavender from Chapter 7. An Autumn Excursion from Chapter 9. Heartvine from Chapter 10. Sacred Tree from Chapter 12. Suma from Chapter 13. Akashi from Chapter 25. Fireflies from Chapter 34. New Herbs: (Part 1) from Chapter 35. New Herbs: (Part 2) from Chapter 36. The Oak Tree from Chapter 40. The Rites from Chapter 41. The Wizard THE QUR'AN (trans. N. J. Dawood) from Sura 41. Revelations Well Expounded from Sura 79. The Soul-Snatchers from Sura 15. The Rocky Tract from Sura 2. The Cow from Sura 7. The Heights. Sura 1. The Opening from Sura 4. Women from Sura 5. The Table from Sura 24. Light from Sura 36. Ya Sin from Sura 48. Victory Sura 71. Noah Sura 87. The Most High Sura 93. Daylight Sura 96. Clots of Blood Sura 110. Help RESONANCE Ibn Ishaq: from The Biography of the Prophet THE THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS (9th - 14th century) Prologue: The Story of King Shahrayar and Shahrazad, His Vizier's Daughter(tr.ans. Husain Haddawy) [The Tale of the Ox and the Donkey] [The Tale of the Merchant and His Wife] [The Tale of the Porter and the Young Girls] (trans. Powys Mathers after J. C. Mardrus) [The Tale of Zubaidah, the First of the Girls] from The Tale of Sympathy the Learned from An Adventure of the Poet Abu Nuwas from The End of Jafar and the Barmakids Conclusion RESONANCES Abu Nuwas: Splendid Young Blades, Like Lamps in the Darkness Assia Djebar: from a Sister To Sheherazade PERSPECTIVES: IBERIA, THE MEETING OF THREE WORLDS Castilian Ballads and Traditional Songs (c. 11th-14th century) Ballad of Juliana (trans. Edwin Honig) Abenamar (trans. William M. Davis) These mountains, mother (trans. James Duffy) I will not pick verbena (trans. James Duffy) Three Moorish Girls (trans. Angela Buxton) Mozarabic Kharjas (c. 10th-early 11th century) As if you were a stranger (trans. Peter Dronke) Ah tell me, little sisters (trans. Peter Dronke) My lord Ibrahim (trans. Peter Dronke) I'll give you such love (trans. Peter Dronke) Take me out of this plight (trans. Peter Dronke) Mother, I shall not sleep (trans. William M. Davis) Ibn Al-'Arabi (1165-1240) Gentle now, doves (trans. Michael Sells) Solomon Ibn Gabirol (c. 1021-c. 1057) She looked at me and her eyelids burned (trans. William M. Davis) Behold the sun at evening (trans. Raymond P. Scheindlin) The mind is flawed, the way to wisdow blocked (trans. Raymond P. Scheindlin) Winter wrote with the ink of its rain and showers (trans. Raymond P. Scheindlin) Yehuda Ha-Levi (before 1075-1141) Cups without wine are lowly (trans. William M. Davis) Ofra does her laundry with my tears (trans. Raymond P. Scheindlin) Once when I fondled him upon my thighs (trans. Raymond P. Scheindlin) From time's beginning, You were love's abode (trans. Raymond P. Scheindlin) Your breeze, Western shore, is perfumed (trans. David Goldstein) My heart is in the East (trans. David Goldstein) Ramon Llull (1233-1315) from Blanquerna: The Book of the Lover and the Beloved (trans. E. Allison Peers) Dom Dinis, King of Portugal (1261-1325) Provencals right well may versify (trans. William M. Davis) Of what are you dying, daughter? (trans. Barbara Hughes Fowler) O blossoms of the verdant pine (trans. Barbara Hughes Fowler) The lovely girl arose at earliest dawn (trans. Barbara Hughes Fowler) Martin Codax (fl. mid-13th century) Ah God, if only my love could know (trans. Peter Dronke) My beautiful sister, come hurry with me (trans. Barbara Hughes Fowler) Oh waves that I've come to see (trans. Barbara Hughes Fowler) TROUBADOURS AND TROBAIRITZ Guillem de Peiteus (1071-1127) I'll write a verse about nothing (trans. David L. Pike) In the sweet time of renewal (trans. David L. Pike) Bernart de Ventadorn (fl. 1150-1180) When I see the lark moving (trans. David L. Pike) Beatriz, Comtessa de Dia (fl. c. 1160) To sing of what I would not want I must (trans. David L. Pike) I have been in great distress (trans. Peter Dronke) Bertran de Born (c. 1140-c. 1215) I love the glad time of Easter (trans. David L. Pike) MARIE DE FRANCE (mid-12th - early 13th century) Lais (trans. Joan Ferrante and Robert Hanning) Prologue Bisclavret (The Werewolf) Chevrefoil (The Honeysuckle) SIR GAWAIN AND THE GREEN KNIGHT (late 14th century) (trans. J. R. R. Tolkien) DANTE ALIGHIERI (1265-1321) The Dvine Comedy (trans. Allen Mandelbaum) Inferno GEOFFREY CHAUCER (c. 1340-1400) THE CANTERBURY TALES The General Prologue The Wife of Bath's Prologue The Wife of Bath's Tale THE EARLY MODERN PERIOD TIMELINE GIOVANNI BOCCACCIO (1313-1375) Decameron (trans. G.H. McWilliam) First Day [Introduction] First Day, Third Story [The Three Rings] Third Day, Tenth Story [Locking the Devil Up in Hell] Seventh Day, Fourth Story [The Woman Who Locked Her Husband Out] Tenth Day, Tenth Story [The Patient Griselda] FRANCIS PETRARCH (1304-1374) Canzoniere (trans. Mark Musa) During the Life of My Lady Laura 1 ("O you who hear within these scattered verses") 3 ("It was the day the sun's ray had turned pale") 16 ("The old man takes his leave, white-haired and pale") 35 ("Alone and deep in thought I measure out") 52 ("Diana never pleased her lover more") 90 ("She'd let her gold hair flow free in the breeze") 126 ("Clear, cool, sweet-running waters") 195 ("From day to day my face and hair are changing") After the Death of My Lady Laura 267 ("O God! that lovely face, that gentle look") 277 ("If Love does not give me some new advice") 291 ("When I see coming down the sky Aurora") 311 ("That nightingale so tenderly lamenting") 353 ("O lovely little bird singing away") 365 ("I go my way lamenting those past times") PERSPECTIVES: LYRIC SEQUENCES AND SELF-DEFINITION MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI (1475-1564) This comes of dangling from the ceiling (trans. Peter Porter and George Bull) My Lord, in your most gracious face I wish to want, Lord No block of marble How chances it, my Lady VITTORIACOLONNA (1492-1547) Between harsh rocks and violent wind (trans. Laura Anna Stortoni and Mary Prentice Lillie) Whatever life I once had LOUISE LABE (c. 1520-1566) When I behold you (trans. Frank Warnke) Lute, companion of my wretched state Kiss me again Alas, what boots it that not long ago Do not reproach me, Ladies WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE (1564-1616) Sonnets 1 ("From fairest creatures we desire increase") 3 ("Look in thy glass, and tell the face thou viewest") 17 ("Who will believe my verse in time to come") 55 ("Not marble nor the gilded monuments") 73 ("That time of year thou mayest in me behold") 87 (Farewell: thou art too dear for my possessing) 116 ("Let me not to the marriage of true minds") 126 ("O thou, my lovely boy, who in thy power") 127 ("In the old age black was not counted fair") 130 ("My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun") NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI (1469-1527) The Prince (trans. Mark Musa) Dedicatory Letter Chapter 6. On New Principalities Acquired by Means of One's Own Arms and Ingenuity Chapter 18. How a Prince Should Keep His Word Chapter 25. How Much Fortune Can Do in Human Affairs and How to Contend with It Chapter 26. Exhortation to Take Hold of Italy and Liberate Her from the Barbarians RESONANCE Baldessar Castiglione: from The Book of the Courtier (trans. Charles S. Singleton) MICHEL DE MONTAIGNE (1533-1592) Essays (trans. Donald Frame) Of Idleness Of the Power of the Imagination Of Cannibals Of Repentance MIGUEL DE CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (1547-1616) Don Quixote (trans. John Rutherford) Part 1 Chapter 1. [The character of the knight] Chapter 2. [His first expedition] Chapter 3. [He attains knighthood] Chapter 4. [An adventure on leaving the inn] Chapter 5. [The knight's misfortunes continue] from Chapter 6. [The inquisition in the library] Chapter 7. [His second expedition] Chapter 8. [The adventure of the windmills] Chapter 9. [The battle with the gallant Basquel] Chapter 10. [A conversation with Sanchol] from Chapter 11. [His meeting with the goatherds] Chapter 12. [The goatherd's story] from Chapter 13. [The conclusion of the story] from Chapter 14. [The dead shepherd's verses] from Chapter 15. [The meeting with the Yanguas] from Chapter 18. [A second conversation with Sanchol] Chapter 20. [A tremendous exploit achieved] Chapter 22. [The liberation of the galley slaves] Chapter 25. [The knight's penitence] Chapter 52. [The last adventure] Part 2 Chapter 3. [The knight, the squire, and the bachelor] Chapter 4. [Sancho provides answers] Chapter 10. [Dulcinea enchanted] from Chapter 25. [Master Pedro the puppeteer] Chapter 26. [The puppet show] Chapter 59. [An extraordinary adventure at an inn] Chapter 72. [Knight and squire return to their village] Chapter 73. [A discussion about omens] Chapter 74. [The death of Don Quixote] WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE (1564-1616) The Tempest RESONANCE Aime Cesaire: from A Tempest (trans. Emile Snyder and Sanford Upson) PERSPECTIVES: THE CONQUEST OF MEXICO AND ITS AFTERMATH Bernal Diaz del Castillo (1492 - 1584) from The True History of the Conquest of New Spain (trans. Alfred Percival Maudslay) The Aztec-Spanish Dialogues of 1524 from The Aztec-Spanish Dialogues of 1524 (trans. Jorge Klor de Alva) Songs of the Aztec Nobility(15th - 16th century) Make your beginning, you who sing (trans. David Damrosch from Water-Pouring Song (trans. John Bierhorst) Moctezuma, you creature of heaven, you sing in Mexico (trans. John Bierhorst) Sor Juana Inez de la Cruz (c.1651 - 1695) from The Loa for the Auto Sacramental of The Divine Narcissus (trans. Patricia A. Peters and Renee Domeier ) JOHN MILTON (1608-1674) Paradise Lost Book 9 THE AGE OF THE ENLIGHTENMENT TIMELINE JEAN BAPTISTE POQUELIN [MOLIERE] (1622-1673) The School for Wives (trans. Ranjit Bolt) RESONANCE Maria de Zayas y Sotomajor: The Enchantments of Love (trans. H. Patsy Boyer) CHIKAMATSU MON'ZAEMON (1653-1725) The Love Suicides at Amijima (trans. Donald Keene) MATSUO BASHO (1644-1694) Selected Haiku (trans. Haruo Shirane) from Narrow Road to the Deep North (trans. Haruo Shirane) FRANCOIS-MARIE AROUET [Voltaire] (1694-1778) Candide (trans. Roger Pearson) ALEXANDER POPE (1688-1744) The Rape of the Lock JONATHAN SWIFT (1667-1745) The Lady's Dressing Room RESONANCE Lady Mary Wortley Montagu: The Reasons that Induced Dr. S. to write a Poem called The Lady's Dressing Room ELIZA HAYWOOD (c. 1693-1756) Fantomina: Or, Love in a Maze THE NINETEENTH CENTURY TIMELINE JOHANN WOLFGANG GOETHE (1749-1832) Faust (trans. David Luke) Part 1 Dedication Prelude on the Stage Prologue in Heaven Night from Outside the Town Wall Faust's Study (1) from Faust's Study (2) A Witch's Kitchen Evening A Promenade The Neighbor's House A Street A Garden A Summerhouse from A Forest Cavern Gretchen's Room Martha's Garden At the Well By a Shrine Inside the Town Wall Night: The Street Outside Gretchen's Door A Cathedral A Gloomy Day. Open Country Night. In Open Country A Prison Part II Act 1 A Beautiful Landscape A Dark Gallery Act 2 A Laboratory Act 5 Open Country A Palace Deep Night Midnight The Great Forecourt of the Palace Burial rites from Mountain Gorges PERSPECTIVES: ROMANTIC NATURE William Blake (1757-1827) The Ecchoing Green The Tyer William Wordsworth (1770-1850) Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey Composed upon Westminster Bridge John Keats (1795-1821) Ode to a Nightingale To Autumn Annette von Droste-Hulshoff (1797-1848) The Heath-Man (trans. Jane K. Brown) In the Grass Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin (1799-1837) The Bronze Horseman (trans. Charles Johnston) Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) from Walden GHALIB (1797-1869) I'm neither the loosening of song (trans. Adrienne Rich) Come now: I want you: my only peace When I look out, I see no hope for change (trans. Robert Bly and Sunil Dutta) If King Jamshid's diamond cup breaks, that's it One can sigh, but a lifetime is needed to finish it When the Great One gestures to me For tomorrow's sake, don't skimp with me on the wine today I am confused: should I cry over my heart, or slap my chest? She has a habit of torture, but doesn't mean to end the love For my weak heart this living in the sorrow house Religious people are always praising the Garden of Paradise Only a few faces show up as roses I agree that I'm in a cage, and I'm crying Each time I open my mouth, the Great One says My heart is becoming restless again RESONANCE CHARLES BAUDELAIRE (1821-1867) from The Flowers of Evil (trans. Richard Howard) To the Reader The Albatross Correspondences The Head of Hair Carrion Invitation to the Voyage Spleen (II) The Swan In Passing Twilight: Evening Twilight: Daybreak Ragpickers' Wine A Martyr GUSTAVE FLAUBERT (1821-1880) A Simple Heart(trans. Arthur McDowall) FYODOR DOSTOEVSKY (1822-1881) Notes from Underground (trans. Ralph E. Matlaw) RESONANCES Friedrich Nietzsche: from Daybreak (trans. R. J. Hollingdale) Ishikawa Takuboku: from The Romaji Diary (trans. Donald Keene) LEO TOLSTOY (1828-1910) The Death of Ivan Ilyich (trans. Louise Madue and Aylmer Maude) CHARLOTTE PERKINS GILMAN (1860 - 1935) The Yellow Wallpaper HENRIK IBSEN (1828-1906) A Doll's House (trans. William Archer) ANTON CHEKHOV (1860-1904) The Lady with the Dog (trans. Constance Garnett) RABINDRANATH TAGORE (1861-1941) The Conclusion (trans. Krishna Dutta and Andrew Robinson) THE TWENTIETH CENTURY TIMELINE JOSEPH CONRAD (1857-1924) Heart of Darkness RESONANCES Joseph Conrad: from Congo Diary Sir Henry Morton Stanley: from Address to the Manchester Chamber of Commerce LU XUN (1881-1936) A Madman's Diary (trans. Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang) JAMES JOYCE (1882-1941) Dubliners The Dead VIRGINIA WOOLF (1882-1941) Mrs. Dalloway in Bond Street The Lady in the Looking-Glass: A Reflection from A Room of One's Own T. S. ELIOT (1888-1965) The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock The Waste Land FRANZ KAFKA (1883-1924) The Metamorphosis (trans. Stanley Corngold) Parables The Trees (trans. J.A. Underwood) The Next Village (trans. Willa Muir & Edwin Muir) The Cares of a Family Man (trans. Willa Muir & Edwin Muir) Give it Up! (trans. Tania Stern & James Stern) On Parables (trans. Willa Muir & Edwin Muir) JORGE LUIS BORGES (1899-1986) The Garden of Forking Paths (trans. Andrew Hurley) The Library of Babel (trans. Andrew Hurley) Borges and I (trans. Andrew Hurley) The Web (trans. Alistair Reid) SAMUEL BECKETT (1906-1989) Endgame PRIMO LEVI (1919-1987) The Two Flags (trans. Raymond Rosenthal) from Survival in Auschwitz (trans. Stuart Woolf) CHINUA ACHEBE (b. 1930) Things Fall Apart from The African Writer and the English Language RESONANCES Ngugi wa Thiong'o: from The Language of African Literature Mbwil a M. Ngal: from Giambatista Viko: or, The Rape of African Discource (trans. David Damrosch) PERSPECTIVES: POSTCOLONIAL CONDITIONS JEREMY CRONIN (b. 1949) To learn how to speak DERECK WALCOTT (b. 1933) A Far Cry from Africa Volcano The Fortuante Traveller MAHMOUD DARWISH (b. 1941) A Poem Which Is Not Green, from My Country (trans. Ian Wedde and Fawwaz Tuqan) Diary of a Palestinian Wound (trans. Ian Wedde and Fawwaz Tuqan) Sirhan Drinks His Coffee in the Cafeteria (trans. Rana Kabbani) Birds Die in Galilee (trans. Rana Kabbani) SALMAN RUSHDIE (b. 1947) Chekov and Zulu HARUKI MURAKAMI (b. 1949) TV People (trans. Alfred Birnbaum) Bibliography Credits Index

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