The heritage of world civilizations

    • Craig, Albert M.

The heritage of world civilizations

Albert M. Craig ... [et al.]

Pearson Prentice Hall, c2006

7th ed., combined vol


Includes bibliographical references (p. sr-1 to sr-23) and index

System requirements for accompanying computer disc: Windows, Macintosh



For undergraduate level World Civilization or World History courses. This comprehensive yet accessible survey of world history has been extensively revised to provide an even more global and comparative perspective on the events and processes that have shaped our increasingly interdependent world. Written by leading scholars in their respective fields, Heritage of World Civilizations 7e, combines unusually strong and thorough coverage of the unique heritage of Asian, African, Islamic, Western, and American civilizations, while highlighting the role of the world's great religious and philosophical traditions.


1. Birth of Civilization. Early Humans and Their Culture The Paleolithic Age The Neolithic Age The Bronze Age and the Birth of Civilization Early Civilizations to About 1000 b.c.e. Mesopotamian Civilization Egyptian Civilization Ancient Near Eastern Empires The Hittites The Mitannians The Assyrians The Second Assyrian Empire The Neo-Babylonians Early Indian Civilization The Indus Civilization The Vedic Aryan Civilization 2. The Four Great Revolutions in Thought and Religion. Comparing the Four Great Revolutions Philosophy in China Confucianism Legalism Religion in India "Hindu" and "Indian" Historical Background The Upanishadic Worldview Mahavira and the Jain Tradition The Buddha's "Middle Path" The Religion of the Israelites From Hebrew Nomads to the Israelite Nation The Monotheistic Revolution Greek Philosophy Reason and the Scientific Spirit Political and Moral Philosophy Religions of the World: Judaism. PART II. EMPIRES AND CULTURES OF THE ANCIENT WORLD. 3. Greek and Hellenistic Civilization. Bronze Age on Crete and on the Mainland to ca. 1150 B.C.E. The Minoans The Mycenaeans Greek "Middle Age" to ca. 750 B.C.E. Age of Homer The Polis Development of the Polis The Hoplite Phalanx Expansion of the Greek World Greek Colonies The Tyrants (ca. 700-500 B.C.E.) Life in Archaic Greece Society Religion Poetry Major City-States Sparta Athens The Persian Wars Ionian Rebellion Classical Greece The Delian League The First Peloponnesian War The Athenian Empire Athenian Democracy Women of Athens Struggle for Greek Leadership 1. Birth of Civilization. Early Humans and Their Culture The Paleolithic Age The Neolithic Age The Bronze Age and the Birth of Civilization Early Civilizations to About 1000 b.c.e. Mesopotamian Civilization Egyptian Civilization Ancient Near Eastern Empires The Hittites The Mitannians The Assyrians The Second Assyrian Empire The Neo-Babylonians Early Indian Civilization The Indus Civilization The Vedic Aryan Civilization 2. The Four Great Revolutions in Thought and Religion. Comparing the Four Great Revolutions Philosophy in China Confucianism Legalism Religion in India "Hindu" and "Indian" Historical Background The Upanishadic Worldview Mahavira and the Jain Tradition The Buddha's "Middle Path" The Religion of the Israelites From Hebrew Nomads to the Israelite Nation The Monotheistic Revolution Greek Philosophy Reason and the Scientific Spirit Political and Moral Philosophy Religions of the World: Judaism. PART II. EMPIRES AND CULTURES OF THE ANCIENT WORLD. 3. Greek and Hellenistic Civilization. Bronze Age on Crete and on the Mainland to ca. 1150 B.C.E. The Minoans The Mycenaeans Greek "Middle Age" to ca. 750 B.C.E. Age of Homer The Polis Development of the Polis The Hoplite Phalanx Expansion of the Greek World Greek Colonies The Tyrants (ca. 700-500 B.C.E.) Life in Archaic Greece Society Religion Poetry Major City-States Sparta Athens The Persian Wars Ionian Rebellion Classical Greece The Delian League The First Peloponnesian War The Athenian Empire Athenian Democracy Women of Athens Struggle for Greek Leadership Fifth Century B.C.E Fourth Century B.C.E Emergence of the Hellenistic World Macedonian Conquest Alexander the Great and His Successors Death of Alexander Hellenistic Culture Literature Architecture and Sculpture Mathematics and Science 4. Iran, India, and Inner Asia to 200 c.e. Iran. Ancient History The Elamites The Iranians Ancient Iranian Religion Zoroaster and the Zoroastrian Tradition The First Iranian Empire (550-330 B.C.E.) The Achaemenids The Achaemenid State The Achaemenid Economy India. The First Indian Empire (321-185 B.C.E.) Political Background The Mauryans Consolidation of Indian Civilization (ca. 200 B.C.E-300 B.C.E.) The Economic Base High Culture Religion and Society Greek and Asian Dynasties. Seleucids Indo-Greeks Steppe Peoples Religions of the World: Hinduism. 5. Africa: Early History to 1000 c. e. Problems of Interpretation and Sources The Question of Civilization The Source Problem Physical Description of the Continent African Peoples Africa and Early Human Culture Diffusion of Languages and Peoples Racial Distinctions The Sahara and the Sudan to the Beginning of the Christian Era Early Saharan Cultures Neolithic Sudanic Cultures The Early Iron Age and the Nok Culture Nilotic African and the Ethiopian Highlands The Kingdom of Kush The Napatan Empire The Meroitic Empire Isolation of Christian Ethiopia The Western and Central Sudan Agriculture, Trade, and the Rise of Urban Centers Formation of Sudanic Kingdoms in the First Millennium Central, Southern, and East Africa The Khosian Peoples Bantu Expansion and Diffusion East Africa 6. Republican and Imperial Rome. Prehistoric Italy The Etruscans Royal Rome Government Family Clientage Patricians and Plebeians The Republic Constitution Conquest of Italy Rome and Carthage The Republic's Conquest of the Hellenistic World Civilization in the Early Roman Republic: Greek Influence Religion Education Roman Imperialism Aftermath of Conquest The Gracchi Marius and Sulla War Against the Italian Allies (90-88 B.C.E.) Fall of the Republic Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar First Triumvirate Dictatorship of Julius Caesar Second Triumvirate and the Emergence of Octavian The Augustan Principate Administration The Army and Defense Religion and Morality Civilization of the Ciceronian and the Augustan Ages The Late Republic Age of Augustus Peace and Prosperity: Imperial Rome (14-180 C.E.) Administration of the Empire Culture of the Early Empire Life in Imperial Rome: The Apartment House Rise of Christianity Jesus of Nazareth Paul of Tarsus Organization Persecution of Christians Emergence of Catholicism Rome as a Center of the Early Church The Crisis of the Third Century Barbarian Invasions Economic Difficulties The Social Order Civil Disorder The Late Empire The Fourth Century and Imperial Reorganization Triumph of Christianity Arts and Letters in the Late Empire Preservation of Classical Culture Christian Writers The Problem of the Decline and Fall of the Empire in the West 7. China's First Empire 221 b.c.e.-589 c.e. Qin Unification of China Former Han Dynasty (206 B.C.E.-8 C.E.) The Dynastic Cycle Early Years of the Former Han Dynasty Han Wudi The Xiongnu Government During the Former Han The Silk Road Decline and Usurpation Later Han (25-220 C.E.) and Its Aftermath First Century Decline During the Second Century Aftermath of Empire Han Thought and Religion Han Confucianism History Neo-Daoism Buddhism PART III. CONSOLIDATION AND INTERACTION OF WORLD CIVILIZATIONS. 8. Imperial China 589-1368. Reestablishment of Empire: Sui (589-618) and T'ang (618-907) Dynasties The Sui Dynasty Transition to Late Imperial China: The Song Dynasty (960-1279) Agriculture Revolution of the Song: From Serfs to Free Farmers Commercial Revolution of the Sung Government: From Aristocracy to Autocracy Song Culture China in the Mongol World Empire: The Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368) Rise of the Mongol Empire Mongol Rule in China Foreign Contracts and Chinese Culture Last Years of the Yuan 9. Japan: Early History to 1467. Japanese Origins and the Yayoi Revolution Tomb Culture and the Yamato State, and Korea Religion in Early Japan Nara and Heian Japan Court Government Land and Taxes Aristocratic Culture and Buddhism Chinese Tradition in Japan Birth of Japanese Literature Japan's Early Feudal Age The Kamakura Era The Question of Feudalism The Ashikaga Era Agriculture, Commerce, and Medieval Guilds Buddhism and Medieval Culture Japanese Pietism: Pure Land and Nichiren Buddhism Zen Buddhism No Plays Religions of the World: Buddhism. 10. Iran and India Before Islam. Iran. The Sasanid Empire (224-651 C.E.) Society and Economy India. Golden Age of the Guptas Gupta Rule Gupta Culture The Development of "Classical" Traditions in Indian Civilization (ca. 300-1000 C.E.) Society 11. The Formation of Islamic Civilization 622-945. Origins and Early Development The Setting Muhammad and the Qur'an Women in Early Islamic Society Early Islamic Conquests Course of Conquest Factors of Success The New Islamic Order The Caliphate The Ulama The Umma The High Caliphate The Abbasid State Society Decline "Classical" Islamic Culture Intellectual Traditions Language and Literature Art and Architecture 12. The Byzantine Empire and Western Europe to 1000. The End of the Western Roman Empire The Byzantine Empire The Reign of Justinian The Impact of Islam on the East and West The Western Debt to Islam The Developing Roman Church Monastic Culture The Doctrine of Papal Primacy Division of Christendom The Kingdom of the Franks Merovingians and Carolingians: From Clovis to Charlemange Reign of Charlemagne (768-814) Breakup of the Carolingian Kindgdom Feudal Society Origins Vassalage and the Fief Fragmentation and Divided Loyalty 13. The Islamic Heartlands and Beyond, 1000-1600. The Islamic Heartlands. Religion and Society Consolidation of Sunni Orthopraxy Sufi Piety and Organization Consolidation of Shi'ite Traditions Regional Developments The Islamic West: Spain and North Africa The Islamic West: Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean World The Islamic East: Before the Mongol Conquests The Ghaznavids The Spread of Islam Beyond the Heartlands India. The Spread of Islam to South Asia Muslim-Hindu Encounter Islamic States and Dynasties Southeast Asia Religious and Cultural Accommodation Hindu and Other Indian Traditions 14. Ancient Civilizations of the Americas. Problems in Reconstructing the History of Native American Civilization Mesoamerica The Formative Period and the Emergence of Mesoamerican Civilization The Olmec The Emergence of Writing and the Mesoamerican Calandar The Classic Period in Mesoamerica Teotihuacan The Maya The Post-Classic Period The Toltecs The Aztecs Andean South America The Preceramic and the Initial Period Chavin de Huantar and the Early Horizon The Early Intermediate Period Nazca Moche The Middle Horizon Through the Late Intermediate Period Tiwanaku and Huari The Chimu Empire The Inca Empire 15. Europe to the Early 1500s: Revival, Decline, and Renaissance. Revival of the Empire, Church, and Towns Otto I and the Revival of the Empire The Reviving Catholic Church The Crusades Towns and Townspeople Society The Order of Life Medieval Women Growth of National Monarchies England and France: Hastings (1066) to Bouvines (1214) France in the Thirteenth Century: Reign of Louis IX The Hohenstaufen Empire (1152-1272) Hundred Years' War The Black Death New Conflicts and Opportunities Ecclesiastical Breakdown and the Revival: the Late Medieval Church Boniface VIII and Philip the Fair The Great Schism (1378-1417) and the Conciliar Movement to 1449 The Italian City-State: Social Conflict and Despotism Humanism Renaissance Art Italy's Political Decline: The French Invasions (1494-1527) Niccolo Machiavelli Medieval Russia France Spain England PART IV. THE WORLD IN TRANSITION. 16. Europe 1500-1650: Expansion, Reformation, and Religious Wars. The Discovery of a New World The Reformation The Northern Renaissance Martin Luther and the German Reformation to 1525 Zwingli and the Swiss Reformation Anabaptists and Radical Protestants John Calvin and the Genevan Reformation Political Consolidation of the Lutheran Reformation The English Reformation to 1553 Catholic Reform and Counter-Reformation The Reformation's Achievements Family Life in Early Modern Europe The Wars of Religion Imperial Spain and the Reign of Philip II (1556-1598) England and Spain (1558-1603) The Thirty Years War (1618-1648) Superstition and Enlightenment: the Battle Within Witch Hunts and Panic Writers and Philosophers 17. Africa ca. 1000-1800. North Africa and Egypt The Spread of Islam South of the Sahara Sahelian Empires of the Western and Central Sudan Ghana Mali Songhai Kanem and Kanem-Bornu The Eastern Sudan The Forestlands-Coastal West and Central Africa West African Forest Kingdoms: The Example of Benin European Arrivals on the Coastlands Central Africa East Africa Swahili Culture and Commerce The Portuguese and the Omanis of Zanzibar Southern Africa Southeastern Africa: "Great Zimbabwe" The Portuguese in Southeastern Africa South Africa: The Cape Colony 18. Conquest and Exploitation: the Development of the Transatlantic Economy. Periods of European Overseas Expansion Mercantilist Theory of Economic Exploitation Establishment of the Spanish Empire in America Conquest of the Aztecs and the Incas The Roman Catholic Church in Spanish America Economics of Exploitation in the Spanish Empire Varieties of Economic Activity The Decline of Native American Population Commercial Regulation and the Flota System Colonial Brazil and Slavery French and British colonies in North America Slavery in the Americas Establishment of Slavery The Plantation Economy and Transatlantic Trade Slavery on the Plantations Africa and the Transatlantic Slave Trade The Background of Slavery Slavery and Slaving in Africa The African Side of the Transatlantic Trade The Extent of the Slave Trade Consequences of the Slave Trade for Africa 19. East Asia in the Late Traditional Era. Late Imperial China. Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) Dynasties Land And People China's Third Commercial Revolution Political System Ming-Qing Foreign Relations Ming-Qing Culture Japan. Warring States Era (1467-1600) War of All Against All Foot Soldier Revolution Foreign Relations and Trade Tokugawa Era (1600-1868) Political Engineering and Economic Growth During the Seventeenth Century Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries Tokugawa Culture Koreaand Vietnam. Korea Early History The Chosen Era: Late Traditional Korea Southeast Asia Vietnam Early Vietnam The Second Millennium: Politics and Society 20. State-Building and Society in Early Modern Europe. European Political Consolidation Two Models of European Political Development Toward Parliamentary Government in England The "Glorious Revolution" Rise of Absolute Monarchy in France: The World of Louis XIV Years of Personal Rule Russia Enters the European Political Arena Birth of the Romanov Dynasty Peter the Great The Habsburg Empire ad the Pragmatic Sanction The Rise of Prussia European Warfare: From Continental to World Conflict The Wars of Louis XIV The Eighteenth-Century Colonial Arena War of Jenkins's Ear The War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748) The Seven Years' War (1756-1763) Life in the Old Regime Maintenance of Tradition Hierarchy and Privilege Aristocracy The Land and Its Tillers Peasants and Serfs Family Structures and the Family Economy The Family Economy Women and the Family Economy The Revolution in Agriculture Population Expansion The Eighteenth-Century Industrial Revolution An Event in World History European Cities Patterns of Preindustrial Urbanization Urban Classes The Jewish Population: Age of the Ghetto 21. The Last Great Islamic Empires 1500-1800. Islamic Empires. The Ottoman Empire Origins and Development of the Ottoman State Before 1600 The "Classical" Ottoman Order After Suleyman: Challenges and Change The Decline of Ottoman Military and Political Power The Safavid Shi'ite Empire Origins Shah Abbas I Safavid Decline Culture and Learning The Empire of the Indian Timurids, or "Mughals" Origins Akbar's Reign The Last Great Mughals Sikhs and Marathas Political Decline Religious Developments Islamic Asia. Central Asia: Islamization and Isolation Uzbeks and Chaghatiays Consequences of the Shi'ite Rift Power Shifts in the Southern Seas Southern -Seas Trade Control of the Southern Seas The Indies: Acheh PART V. ENLIGHTENMENT AND REVOLUTION IN THE WEST. 22. The Age of European Enlightenment. The Scientific Revolution Nicolaus Copernicus Rejects and Earth-centered Universe Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler Galileo Galilei Francis Bacon: The Empirical Method Isaac Newton Discovers the Laws of Gravitation Women in the World of the Scientific Revolution John Locke Voltaire Rene Descartes The Encyclopedia The Enlightenment and Religion Deism Toleration Islam in Enlightenment Thought The Enlightenment and Society Montesquieu and "The Spirit of the Laws" Adam Smith on Economic Growth and Social Progress Rousseau Enlightened Critics of European Empire Women in the Thought and Practice of the Enlightenment Enlightened Absolutism Joseph II of Austria Catherine the Great of Russia The Partition of Poland 23. Revolutions in the Transatlantic World. Resistance to the Imperial Search for Revenue American Political Ideas Crisis and Independence Revolution in France Revolutions of 1789 Reconstruction of France A Second Revolution The Reign of Terror and Its Aftermath The Napoleonic Era The Congress of Vienna and the European Settlement Wars of Independence in Latin America Eighteenth- Century Developments First movements Toward Independence San Martin in Rio de la Plata Simon Bolivar's Liberation of Venezuela Independence in New Spain Brazilian Independence Toward the Abolition of Slavery in the Transatlantic Economy 24. Political Consolidation in Nineteenth-Century Europe and North America 1815-1880. The Emergence of Nationalism in Europe Creating Nations Meaning of Nationhood Regions of Nationalistic Pressure in Europe Early-Nineteenth-Century Political Liberalism Politics Economics Relationship of Nationalism and Liberalism Liberalism and Nationalism in Modern World History Efforts to Liberalize Early-Nineteenth-Century European Political Structures Russia: The Decembrist Revolt of 1825 and the Autocracy of Nicholas I Revolution in France (1830) The Great Reform bill in Britain (1832) 1848: Year of Revolutions in Europe Testing the New American Republic Toward Sectional Conflict The Abolitionist Movement The Canadian Experience Road to Self-Government Keeping a Distinctive Culture Mid-century Political Consolidation in Europe The Crimean War Italian Unification German Unification Bismarck Unrest of Nationalities in Eastern Europe Racial Theory and Anti-Semitism Anti-Semitism and the Birth of Zionism PART VI. INTO THE MODERN WORLD. 25. Northern Transatlantic Economy and Society 1815-1914. European Factory Workers and Urban Artisans Nineteenth-Century European Women Women in the Early Industrial Revolution Social Disabilities Confronted by All Women New Employment Patterns for Women Late-Nineteenth-Century Working-Class Women The Rise of Political Feminism Jewish Emancipation Early Steps to Equal Citizenship Broadened Opportunities European Labor, Socialism, and Politics to World War I The Working Class in the Late Nineteenth Century Marxist Critique of the Industrial Order Germany: Social Democrats and Revisionism Great Britain: The Labour Party and Fabianism Russia: Industrial Development and the Birth of Bolshevism European Socialism in World History North America and the New Industrial Economy European Immigration to the United States Unions: Organization of Labor The Progressives Social Reform The Progressive Presidency The Emergence of Modern European Thought Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection The Revolution in Physics Frederich Nietzsche and the Revolt Against Reason The Birth of Psychoanalysis Islam and Late-Nineteenth-Century European Thought 26. Latin America: From Independence to the 1940s. Independence Without Revolution Immediate Consequences of Latin American Independence Absence of Social Change Control of the Land Submissive Political Philosophies Economy of Dependence New Exploitation of Resources Increased Foreign Ownership and Influence Economic Crises and New Directions Search for Political Stability Three National Histories Argentina Mexico Brazil 27. India, the Islamic Heartlands, and Africa: The Challenge of Modernity (1800-1945). The Indian Experience. British Dominance and Colonial Rule Building the Empire: The First Half of the Nineteenth Century British-Indian Relations From British Crown Raj to Independence The Burden of Crown Rule Indian Resistance Hindu-Muslim Friction on the Road to Independence The Islamic Experience. Islamic Responses to Declining Power and Independence Western Political Economic Encroachment The Western Impact Islamic Responses to Foreign Encroachment Emulation of the West Integration of Western and Islamic Ideas Purification and Revival of Islam Nationalism The African Experience. New States and Power Centers Southern Africa East and Central Africa West Africa Islamic Reform Movements Increasing European Involvement Exploration Christian Missions The Colonial "Scramble for Africa" African Resistance to Colonialism: The Rise of Nationalism 28. Modern East Asia. Modern China (1839-1949). Close of Manchu Rule The Opium War Rebellions Against the Manchu Self-Strengthening and Decline (1874-1895) The Borderlands: The Northwest, Vietnam, and Korea From Dynasty to Warlordism (1895-1926) Cultural and Ideological Ferment: The May Fourth Movement Nationalist China Guomingdang Unification of China and the Nanjing Decade (1927-1937) War and Revolution (1937-1949) Modern Japan (1853-1945). Overthrow of the Tokugawa Bakufu (1853-1868) Building the Meiji State (18168-1890) Centralization of Power Political Parties The Constitution Growth of a Modern Economy First Phase: Model Industries Second Phase: 1880s-1890s The Politics of Imperial Japan (1890-1945) From Confrontation to the Founding of the Seiyukai (1890-1900) The Golden Years of Meiji Rise of the Parties to Power Militarism and War (1927-1945) Japanese Militarism and German Nazism PART VII. GLOBAL CONFLICT AND CHANGE. 29. Imperialism and World War I. Expansion of European Power and the "New Imperialism" The New Imperialism Motives for the New Imperialism: Economic Interpretation Cultural, Religious, and Social Interpretations Strategic and Political Interpretations: The Scramble for Africa The Irrational Element Emergence of the German Empire Formation of the Triple Alliance Bismarck's Leadership (1873-1890) Forging the Triple Entente (1890-1907) World War I The Road to War (1908-1914) Sarajevo and the Outbreak of War (June-August 1914) Strategies and Stalemate (1914-1917) The Russian Revolution End of World War I Military Resolution Settlement at Paris Evaluation of the Peace 30. Depression, European Dictators, and the American New Deal. After Versailles: Demand for Revision and Enforcement Toward the Great Depression in Europe Financial Tailspin Problems in Agricultural Commodities Depression and Government Policy The Soviet Experiment War Communism The New Economic Policy Stalin Versus Trotsky Decision for Rapid Industrialization The Purges The Fascist Experiment in Italy Rise of Mussolini The Fascists in Power Germen Democracy and Dictatorship The Weimar Republic Depression and Political Deadlock Hitler Comes to Power Hitler's Consolidation of Power The Police State Women in Nazi Germany The Great Depression and the New Deal in the United States Economic Collapse New Role for Government 31. World War II. Again The Road to War (1933-1939) Hitler's Goals Destruction of Versailles Italy Attacks Ethiopia Remilitarization of the Rhineland The Spanish Civil War Austria and Czechoslovakia Munich The Nazi-Soviet Pact World War II (1939-1945) German Conquest of Europe Battle of Britain German Attack on Russia Hitler's Europe Racism and the Holocaust The Road to Pearl Harbor America's Entry into the War The Tide Turns Defeat of Nazi Germany Fall of Japanese Empire The Cost of War The Domestic Fronts Germany: From Apparent Victory to Defeat France: Defeat, Collaboration and Resistance Great Britain: Organization for Victory The Soviet Union: "The Great Patriotic War" Preparations for Peace The Atlantic Charter Tehran Yalta Potsdam 32. The West Since World War II. The Cold War Era Initial Causes Areas of Early Cold War Conflict NATO and the Warsaw Pact Crises of 1956 The Cold War Intensified Detente and Afterward European Society in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century Toward Western European Unification Students and Popular Music The Movement of Peoples The New Muslim Population New Patterns in the Work and Expectations of Women American Domestic Scene Since World War II Truman and Eisenhower Administrations Civil Rights New Social Programs The Vietnam War and Domestic Turmoil The Watergate Scandal The Triumph of Political Conservation The Soviet Union to 1989 The Khrushchev Years Brezhnev Communism and Solidarity in Poland Gorbachev Attempts to Redirect the Soviet Union 1989: Year of Revolutions in Eastern Europe Solidarity Reemerges in Poland Hungary Moves Toward Independence The Breach of the Berlin Wall and German Reunification The Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia Violent Revolution in Romania The Collapse of the Soviet Union Renunciation of Communist Political Monopoly The August 1991 Coup The Yeltsin Years The Collapse of Yugoslavia and the Civil War Challenges to the Atlantic Alliance 33. East Asia: The Recent Decades. Japan The Occupation Parliamentary Politics Economic Growth Japan and the World China Soviet Period (1950-1960) The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (1965-1976) China After Mao Taiwan Korea A Japanese Colony North and South Civil War and U.S. Involvement Recent Developments Vietnam The Colonial Backdrop The Anticolonial War The Vietnam War War with Cambodia Recent Developments 34. Posstcolonialism and Beyond: Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Beyond the Postcolonial Era Latin America Since 1945 Revolutionary Challenges Pursuit of Stability Under the Threat of Revolution Continuity and Change in Recent Latin American History Africa The Transition to Independence The African Future Central, South and Southeast Asia-The Islamic Heartland Turkey Iran and Its Islamic Revolution Afghanistan and the Former Soviet Republics India Pakistan and Bangladesh Indonesia and Malaysia The Postcolonial Middle East New Nations in the Middle East The Arab-Israeli Conflict The Rise of Political Islamism Middle Eastern Oil Iraq and United States Intervention

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  • 大きさ
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