
The Republic

Plato ; translated by Desmond Lee ; with an introduction by Melissa Lane

(Penguin classics, . Penguin literature)

Penguin, 2007

2nd ed., reissued with new introduction

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 11



Includes bibliographical references



The classic translation of the cornerstone work of western philosophy Plato's Republic is widely acknowledged as one of the most influential works in the history of philosophy. Presented in the form of a dialogue between Socrates and three different interlocutors, it is an inquiry into the notion of a perfect community and the ideal individual within it. During the conversation other questions are raised: what is goodness; what is reality; what is knowledge; what is the purpose of education? With remarkable lucidity and deft use of allegory, Plato arrives at a depiction of a state bound by harmony and ruled by 'philosopher kings'. Translated by DESMOND LEE with an Introduction by MELISSA LANE

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